Demonic bout (2)

After Azusa Shirogane went to class 1-C to tell Kaneki about his fine for stealing school supplies being 50k-70k ¥. Kaneki said he couldn't pay immediately.

But Azusa said he has to pay immediately but she also told him she'll take Sword-san as payment, Obviously Kaneki refused.

And so there was one last option A Demonic bout. And Kaneki accepted it.

So now the school stopped activities for the whole day because of it. Because it was announced to the entire school.

Querxes: What the hell! Kaneki why were you stealing school supplies?!

Kaneki: to be honest I don't even know.

???: well since you don't have enough money you have no choice but to enter the Demonic bout huh?

Kaneki: of course! But I don't want to as well.

Itsuki: why not?

Kaneki: because she might use it to take Sword-san!

Ryueki: that's the least of your worries.

Kaneki: 💢💢💢 Least of my worries?!Sword-san is special to me! If I lose her I'll go crazy!

Querxes: well, if you don't want to lose her then you have to win.

Kaneki: sigh~ why did I steal those things? They didn't even sound useful to me.

Querxes: well be prepared and start thinking of the rules you'll add.

Kaneki: alright. This is gonna be stressful.


???: hey I heard that student from Class 1-C Higanbana-kun has been challenged by the Public morals committee president herself!

???: yeah! That's why all school activities today has been cancelled.

The word of the Demonic bout spread like wildfire within the school.

???: Pres. Are you serious about this?

Azusa: of course Emi-kun.

Emi: well, Do your best! Show him the power of the Shirogane family!

Azusa: thanks, with my family's plethora of weapons and equipment there's no way I can be beaten.

Azusa Shirogane is very confident because of her family line. The Shirogane family.

Emi: what weapon are you going to use?

Azusa: a replica of the Spider sword.

Emi: amazing!

Azusa: well, the battle is going to start soon so I'll be preparing my weapon and rules.

Emi: alright! Do your best! Azusa-chan!

Azusa: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ hey call me Pres.

Emi: oh yeah, sorry.

Azusa: alright, I'm off.

And so the 2 opponents began preparing. And 2 hours has passed.

5 minutes before the Demonic bout*

Kaneki: hey Sword-san, sorry that I got you into this mess.

Sword-san: [it's alright Kaneki-chan! Besides, you can just beat her!]

Kaneki: yeah, except I can't exactly... You know use my abilities.

Sword-san: [it's alright, if you don't want to use them then don't do it. But most importantly go crazy and have some fun]

Kaneki: I honestly don't get why you keep telling me to go crazy and have some fun.

Sachi: talking to Sword-san again?

Kaneki: yup, I am apologizing to her for getting her mixed up in this.

Chikao: do our best Kaneki, kick that girls butt.

Ryueki: you're seriously rooting for him?

Chikao: hey it's normal for friends to root each other. And besides he is definitely going to win this.

???: agreed.

???: yeah, Higanbana-kun was very strong like a week ago when he saved us.

Keita: yeah, and he was very sick too.

Yuta: don't forget he even killed a lot of those monsters.

Shino: that's very true.

Sachi: well Kaneki just don't kill Mrs. Pres alright?

Kaneki: I won't. Well it's already time I gotta go now.

Yuuka: do your best!

Kaneki: Darkness travel.

And so Kaneki immediately went to the place where the battle will begin.

Azusa: you've made it.

Kaneki: yup, I'm going to win this.

Azusa: please! Don't know anything about me! I'm from a very powerful Demon family! And you don't even know that right?!

Kaneki: yeah, I really didn't know sorry I wasn't myself 3 months ago.

Azusa: tsk! No point apologizing now. Alright here's my rules put your rules on the left side of that paper and the conditions that must be met if you win.

Kaneki: fine.

The paper containing the Azusa's rules and condition that must be met when she wins went to Kaneki's hands.

It was all written with her blood.

Kaneki: alright let me read this first.

Before adding his rules and conditions Kaneki first read everything. But when he reached the part of the conditions it bothered him.

But he decided to just put his rules and conditions first.

Kaneki: here done.

After writing everything he threw the paper to Azusa.

Azusa had a smirk on her face.

Azusa: alright, tel eht cinomeD tuob ECNEMMOC!

After saying those words in reverse the paper burned and the Demonic bout area has been made and their battle field is...

Sachi: huh?!

???: where are we?!

Itsuki & Keiko: look!

Shino: wait so-

Miku & Chikao: their battle is.

Yuuka: the school?!

???: no way, their going to battle in the school?!

Back at Kaneki and Azusa*

Kaneki: ready when you are.


Kaneki made a stance with Sword-san that didn't had any openings.

Azusa: I see, so you're not as inexperienced as I thought in that case.


Azusa did the same.

And so the battle has begun.

And the rules are being shown to those who are watching.

Azusa Shirogane's rules:

1- killing is forbidden.

2- using abilities is allowed.

3- poison are forbidden.

4- enhancing drugs are forbidden.

5- familiars are allowed no matter how many.

Azusa Shirogane's conditions:

When I win you must give up your Katana.

Sachi: yikes that condition when she wins will hurt him so bad.

Natsuki: but what's his conditions?

Kaneki Higanbana's rules:

1- only use Abilities when you're being overwhelmed.

Kaneki Higanbana's conditions:

When I win you must give me free pudding for the entire school year.

Everyone: Huh?!

Sachi, Chikao, Natsuki, Shino, Yuuka, and Miku's thoughts*


Itsuki & Keiko: never change Kaneki, Never change.