Good friends

After Kamakura and Takoyaki left, Kaneki went to the Kodama mansion to clean it up, because of the Demonic bout he had more free time so he immediately went there.

And he started cleaning for 2 hours.

And after 2 hours he was able to clean 20% of the Kodama mansion.

And so he decided to go home.

Kaneki: finally done~ what time I it? 3:01? That's surprising. Well I should go home then, I wonder if those 3 are there? Well I'll just go and see.

Meanwhile at Shino's House*

Shino: today was honestly stressful.

Miku: yeah, who would've thought the president of the public morals committee would challenge Onii-chan.

Shino: well it's kinda our fault too to be honest.

Miku: yeah~ and worse part Onii-chan paid so much money even though he won.

Shino: yeah, hey Yuuka?

Yuuka: snore~

Yuuka was sleeping.

Shino: Yuuka!

Yuuka: aah! What? What is it?

Shino: why do you look so tired?

Yuuka: well i haven't had a good night sleep last night and I was so tired earlier this morning.

Miku: really? What's wrong then Yuuka-Oneechan?

Yuuka: well... I am the one who made the cookie shield.

Shino & Miku: Huh?! It was you?!

Yuuka: yup, though things didn't really go as I planned.

Miku: umm. Please explain?

Yuuka: well I planned to make tiny cookies that were shaped like shields but I forgot to cut them and just shaped the entire cookie dough to a big shield.

Shino: wow, that must've been long to bake.

Yuuka: it was! And I had to get up early just to deliver it to Kaneki's desk but When I got to the classroom Natsuki was there.

Miku: seriously?

Yuuka: yeah! And I had to run!

Shino: she didn't know it was you?

Yuuka: well luckily the voice in my head told me Natsuki wouldn't notice since I didn't have any makeup, colored contacts, and my hair wasn't brushed.

Shino: wait, did you say voice?

Yuuka: yeah why?

Shino: did it by any chance had a voice of a girl and call Kaneki with "chan"?

Yuuka: how did you know?

Shino: I think I've heard the same voice in the camping trip.

Miku: what? There's no way.

Shino: I'm serious. It seems like this "voice" knows about what happened between us and Kaneki.

Miku: !!!

They then looked at each other and they asked the same question.

All 3: then, who is this voice?

They began to question who does the voice belong to?

???: wop wo wop wo wop.

Shino: hey look it's Kaneki.

Kaneki returned and is walking up to his home.

Yuuka: he still hasn't eaten the shield?

Miku: I think he wants to share it.

Yuuka: yeah that sounds like him. Sigh~

Miku: well I'm heading back see you two later.

Shino & Yuuka: bye.

And so Miku left.

Shino: let's talk about this voice shall we?

Yuuka: yeah.

And so they started to chat about the voice privately.

At the Higanbana residence*

Kaneki: I'm home~

Sachi: Hey Kaneki!

Sachi came in for a hug.

Natsuki: Hey Kaneki-kun.

Kaneki: you two are here nice!

Sachi: so how was your cleaning going?

Kaneki: 20% complete I'll be cleaning again tomorrow after school.

Natsuki: well hopefully we can hang out tomorrow.

Kaneki: don't worry. I'll be quick.

Sachi: yeah~ anyways I'm honestly surprised Kaneki you immediately became friends with the Kraken that the hero tamed.

Natsuki: I was honestly afraid that you were about to get eaten.

Kaneki: haha~ you two are too worrisome.

Sachi looked at Kaneki with a mad face.

Sachi: you do stuff that worries me all the time!

Kaneki: haha, sorry. Anyways you guys want a piece of my cookie shield?

Natsuki: are you sure? It looked like you were looking forward to eating it alone.

Kaneki: I like sharing snacks okay? Here.


Kaneki: you two can have some.

Kaneki snapped two pieces of the cookie shield off and offered them to Sachi and Natsuki.

Sachi: thanks!

Natsuki: umm. Thanks.

Kaneki: you're welcome! By the way what's Chi-chan up to?

Natsuki: she said she's going shopping so she won't be able to come here.

Kaneki: aww~ oh well.


Kaneki snapped another piece off.

Kaneki: Sachi can you give this piece to Chi-chan later?

Sachi: okay~

Natsuki's thoughts*

(His colors are so bright today more than usual)

Natsuki: you seem to be in a good mood Kaneki-kun.

Kaneki: of course! I got a very delicious Cookie shield and I got to fight! I honestly can't complain well besides for my secret being revealed. But other than that I'm pretty happy.

Sachi: chomp! Rweally?

Kaneki: yup, it's honestly very fun.

Natsuki: well wanna play some video games?

Sachi: sorry I can't.

Kaneki: huh? Why not?

Sachi: I have a stream scheduled today.

Kaneki: oh okay, what stream is it today?

Sachi: a fan meme review.

Kaneki: a what?

Sachi: well you need to watch if you wanna know.

Kaneki: alright I will then.

Natsuki: I'll watch to later when I get home.

Sachi: really? Thanks Natnat-chan.

Kaneki & Natsuki: Natnat-chan?

Sachi: my nickname for Natsuki.

Natsuki: thanks!

Sachi: well we're good friends after all.

Natsuki: yay!

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Haha~ they sure are getting along)


Natsuki: hmm? What are you looking at?

Kaneki: haha nothing, I'm just happy you two are getting along so well.

Sachi: of course!

Natsuki: I'm honestly really happy too, I never had so many friends in my life.

Sachi: well I hope we get along forever~

Natsuki: same here!

Kaneki: well then, let's play a board game before you leave Sachi.

Sachi: alright let's do this!

Natsuki: let's have some fun!

Kaneki: Yeah-

Miku: I'm home- Sachi-Oneechan?!

Miku got home.

Kaneki: ...

(Oh crap!)

Miku has returned and her return made Kaneki panic?