Member of the Shirogane family?

After lunch, Class 1-C and 1-B did their joint P.E class for half of the day in preparation for the W.S.S.F or World Super Sports Festival.

And now after their P.E class they are having their free time.

Sachi: ahhh~ it's so hoo~t

Seeing how Sachi is sweating so much Kaneki gotten a bit worried so.

Kaneki: you can remove the Banana costume now Sachi.

Sachi: eh? Really?!

Kaneki: yup, you seem to be burning.

Sachi: yay!

And so Sachi took of her Banana costume.

Sachi: Haa~ that felt so good!

Natsuki: hey Saki-san catch!

Sachi: huh!


Natsuki threw Sachi a water bottle.

Sachi: thanks Mizutani-san!

Sachi then drank the water.

Sachi: so Kaneki, what do you wanna do?

Kaneki: I dunno.

Sachi: I know why don't you Demoni-

Kaneki: No

Kaneki said no with a very serious face.

Sachi: o-oh okay, in that case can you show me some of your abilities?

Kaneki: no.

Sachi: c'mon! Please show me your abilities!

Kaneki: sigh~ fine.

???: hey what are you two doing?

Kaneki: hmm? What do you want? Pres?

Azusa: nothing I just need to tell you something.

Seeing that Azusa gotten close to Kaneki the other students felt a bit scared.

???: oh no, is she going to ask for a fight again?

???: this feels very bad.

???: Pres really hates him!

But some people tried to calm them down.

Querxes: everyone don't worry they are cool right now.

Shino: yeah, they already settled things yesterday remember?

Yuuka: yeah! So don't worry! It's not like they're going to fight anymore.

Itsuki: and Even if they do, Kaneki will win.

Hearing that both Kaneki and Azusa said.

Kaneki & Azusa: shut it.

Itsuki: !!!

Sachi, Chikao, Natsuki and Miku were also a bit worried.

Sachi, Chikao, Natsuki and Miku's thoughts*

(Please don't let anything bad happen!)

Azusa: alright then, so umm this might be a bit much to you but you and I are related.

Everything was silent and then.

Everyone: HUUUUUUUUH?!




Everyone was super confused. Be except.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(I kinda knew that already since he used her weapons.)

Miku's thoughts*

(Figures he did used her guns so that makes sense)

Sachi's thoughts*

(I may be dumb but I do remember she said something about only those of the Shirogane family can only be the ones to use her weapons, so this was probably the case.)

Chikao's thoughts*

(I mean it was kinda obvious after that battle yesterday)

Shino's thoughts*

(That's to be expected since yesterday)

Yuuka's thoughts*

(I already anticipated this after all the data I got from yesterday's battle did led me to the conclusion that those two are related)

Those 6 girls already figured it out.

Kaneki: eh? How so?

Azusa: are you dumb? You were able to use my weapons that would only work if Someone is from the Shirogane family or has Shirogane blood. And here take read this.

Azusa then handed hike a piece of paper.

Kaneki: what is this?

Azusa: DNA test results.

Kaneki then read it.

Kaneki: this is impossible how did you even get my DNA?

Azusa: I asked Emi-kun to follow you yesterday and wait for an opportunity to take your DNA sample more specifically your saliva.

Kaneki: ehh~ I still don't believe this.

Azusa: well in that case, hey you!

Azusa called Sachi.

Sachi: me?

Azusa: yes you, here try using this sword.

She handed Sachi a sword.

Kaneki: wait a mi-

Sachi: it's alright Kaneki.

Azusa: try using it. Aim at that big rock over there.

Sachi: okay

Sachi then swung the sword aiming for the rock but nothing happened.

Azusa: alright my turn.

Azusa swung the sword and it shot a line of light that sliced the big rock in half.

Azusa: see?

Everyone: amazing!

Azusa: now your turn Higanbana.

Kaneki: um okay?

Kaneki then took the sword then swung it.


Everyone: Huh?!

When Kaneki swung it, the sword sent out a light that exploded the Big rock.

Azusa: as expected.

Kaneki: seriously?

Azusa: yup, the weapons made by the Shirogane family has different strengths depending on the power and strength of the wielder.

Kaneki: ...

Azusa: anyways, here take this.

She then gave him a map.

Azusa: this is a map to the Shirogane household. We need to discuss things there and also I suggest bring your little Relic research/expedition team too.

Kaneki & Sachi: Huh?! How did you?

Azusa: well then, see ya guys later. I'll be telling the family head. We'll be expecting all of you later after school.

Azusa then flew off.

Kaneki & Sachi: Ehhhh?!

Sachi, Shino, Miku, Yuuka, Chikao, and Natsuki's thoughts*

(Wait why are we getting involved too?!)

Itsuki & Keiko's thoughts*

(Seriously?! We get to see the Pres's house let's goo!)

Apparently Itsuki and Keiko were fans of Azusa.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Tch! Dammit! He's getting more attention! And I can't leave Natsuki alone with him! Fine I'll go too!)

Kaneki: W-What the hell?!

Kaneki was just confused.

20 minutes later*

In an unknown location*

???: alright everyone be prepared we'll be having a special visitor later.

Will Kaneki and his crew actually go to the Shirogane household or will they avoid it?