Bonding with Grandparents (3)

As Yuuka was being dragged by Kaneki's Grandma Shiori to prepare for her date with him. Kaneki was going to the lower levels of the hotel with his grandfather because he wanted to show him something.

And he is currently blindfolded.

Kaneki: so gramps what is it do you want to show me? And why did you made me wear a blindfold?

Haruto: your dad told me you've gotten your drivers and rider license a year ago.

Kaneki: yeah I did and passed but what does that have to do with this?

Haruto: great! We're hear! You can take off your blind fold now.

Kaneki: umm okay?

Kaneki then removed the blindfold.

Kaneki: what the?! Isn't that?!

Haruto: yup! It's the Soaring dragon.

The "Soaring dragon" is a motorbike with some unique features and is really really expensive.

Haruto: this is my gift to you since you still don't have any personal vehicle's.

Kaneki just looked at his grandpa and said.

Kaneki: G-Gramps this is very expensive are you sure I can have this?

Haruto: or course! It's yours after all!

Kaneki: yeah, but aren't these things like worth 3 million yen?

Haruto: yup! Since it's not only a motorbike it can also turn into a car and best of all it can fly?

Kaneki: yeah, I know but are you sure? If you give this to me I would probably tear it apart and upgrade it.

Haruto: I mean, I'm not really going to complain, at least I would be helping you with your search for power.

Kaneki: umm okay then...

Haruto: do you like it?

Kaneki: yeah, thanks.

Haruto: anyways before you can take it out I have to ask you something

Kaneki: hmm? What is it?

Haruto: do you love Yuuka-chan?

Kaneki: yes.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Huh? Why did I say that?)

Haruto: are you sure.

Kaneki: yes.

(Well whatever this might be useful.)

Haruto: good in that case. Let's go get you changed.

Kaneki: huh?

Haruto: here take these.

Haruto went to a box and took out some clothes.

Kaneki: Huh?! What's this all about?!

Haruto: me and your grandma bought some clothes yesterday for you and Yuuka-chan because you two will be going on a date!

Kaneki was very surprised.

Kaneki: w-wait-

Haruto then gave the clothes to Kaneki.

Haruto: go to Kino station and you can take the Soaring dragon if you want to.

Kaneki: Ehhh?!

With that Kaneki and Yuuka was both forced to go on a date but will they actually do it?