An unexpected Reunion

After finishing all their preparations, the Relic research/expedition team is now heading to Hokkaido with Kaneki's Soaring Dragon, Higanbana Kaze: Van form.

It's already been 2 hours since they left and they are currently doing nothing on the road. thats until.

Ku-kun: wata~ waku gata wa~

Mo-chan: Mo~ momomo~

Ku-kun and Mo-chan were singing and dancing.

Natsuki: wow I never knew these two can dance.

Sachi: hehe~ I am the one who taught them after all.

Itsuki: really?

Shino: how were you even able to teach them?

Sachi: I just did.

Kaneki: it's true, Sachi here taught these 5 how to dance but to be honest I wasn't really surprised. Oh yeah, guys can I tell you guys some features of your suits?

Miku: sure, you only did told us their functions.

Kaneki: okay, so your suits have cooling systems in them.

Ryueki: huh? What? Why would their suits need cooling systems?

Kaneki: huh? Are you dumb? It's simple, overheating if the suits overheat they'll stop working, so I installed cooling systems in them so they won't stop and as a bonus you can actually feel the cold as well in case you get a bit too hot in the suits.

Yuuka: wow, that's very cool of you to do for us.

Keiko: what's the other features?

Kaneki: revolve.

Everyone: huh? Revolve?

Kaneki: is a feature where you can swap helmets and little parts from someone else's suit who uses revolve at the same time. It's something like combinations.

Azusa: where do you even get these ideas?

Kaneki: from T.v shows more specifically one of the Knight rider series.

Ryueki: isn't that a kids show? You're too old for that.

Yuuka: ehh? What's wrong with that? If he's enjoying it then what's the problem?

Shino: yeah, I don't really see a problem with with anyone our age watching kid shows its honestly really fun.

Miku: yeah, seriously Ryu-Onii-chan you're acting pretty weird recently.

Ryueki: !!!

Ryueki made a annoyed face but didn't showed it to everyone.

Sachi: oh yeah, Kaneki who's taking care of your little sister right now?

Chikao: yeah, I'm kinda worried.

Itsuki: Little sister?

Kaneki: are you dumb? I'm pretty sure I mentioned a while back I had a little sister. Anyways Auntie is watching over her.

Azusa: it's true, yesterday he came to the mansion to ask mom to watch over his little sister and his house.

Shino: thats good.

Kaneki: anyways, Azusa why didn't you bring Kumomo with us? Isn't she your familiar?

Azusa: she gets road sick so she didn't want to come.

Kaneki: ahh I see. So... Do you guys know anything fun to do?

Yuuka: what about Cinc-

Kaneki: No! I am not gonna play that stup-


Before Kaneki could finish talking, something flew onto his wind shield.


Natsuki: What us that?!


Shino: it's so big!

Itsuki: what the hell is that thing?!

The thing the flew onto the wind shield was a grasshopper the size of a chihuahua and upon seeing it everyone began panicking but Kaneki.

Kaneki: what the?! No way!

Kaneki then hit the breaks and pulled over to the side of the road.

Chikao & Sachi: Kaneki what are you doing?!

Kaneki: you guys stay.

Kaneki then got out.

Kaneki: seriously? There's no way right?

Ryueki: just clean it off already!

Kaneki: just a moment!

Kaneki got closer to it and then.


The big grasshopper began twitching then if got off the windshield and it began regenerating.

Everyone: what the?!

Natsuki: what is it?!

Yuuka: what's going on?!

Ryueki: get rid of that thing now!

Kaneki looked into the big grasshopper's eyes and when the grasshopper was completely healed something unexpected happened.

???: Kaneki! It's been so long!

Everyone: ehh?!

Kaneki: no way! Batta

Everyone: Batta?!

Kaneki: where have you been for these past 12 years?! Dad was worried sick!

Batta: hehe~ well you're not mad right?

Kaneki: I'm not mad.

Batta: phew~ I thought-

Kaneki made a scary smile and said.

Kaneki: but you need to explain yourself! Get in!

Batta: yessir, Sorry sir.

Kaneki then went back inside the van with Batta and started driving again.

Sachi: umm, Kaneki can you please explain to us on how you know this thing?

Batta: hey! I'm not a thing, But it's great to see you again Sachi, you were so small when I last saw you, and now look! You're really big! Including that chest of yours.

Kaneki: Batta!

Batta: sorry.

Shino: can you two please explain on what just happened?!

Chikao: yeah, this is very confusing.

Natsuki: how come your very friendly with this Grasshopper?

Kaneki: sorry, this is Batta, my Parents Familiar more specifically my Dad and Biological Mom's familiar Batta. She was something like their pet when they got married.

Batta: that's true.

Sachi: really? She's a girl?

Kaneki: yup and she went missing 12 years ago when mom died. Dad thought she ran away and he tried finding her all around Shimotsuki although he couldn't find her and thought she died.

Batta: but I'm still kicking!

Kaneki: yeah, I'm telling dad that I found by accident.

Batta: I'm so dead.

Ryueki: but how is it even talking? I thought familiars only way of communication is by saying their names?

Batta: that's a bit true, but familiars can speak any language if they choose or been taught how to speak that language.

Yuuka: really?

Batta: yup, and I taught myself too.

Ku-kun: Waaa~~~

Mo-chan: Moo~~~

Heike: Heii~~~

Yanma: Yaaa~~~

Miracle: Mira~~~

All 5 of the insect familiars were looking at Batta with sparkling eyes.

Natsuki: wow, it looks like those 5 really like Batta-san.

Chikao: yeah, it's honestly really cute too.

Batta: hmm? Who do these guys belong to?

Kaneki: well.

Kaneki explained everything about the insect familiars to Batta.

Batta: really?! So Ku-kun the Kuwagata is your familiar, Miracle the butterfly is Sachi's familiar, Yanma the Hornet is Shita-chan's, Heike the ladybug is Miyu-chan who is Kaneki's best friends familiar and Mo-chan the moth is the familiar of a girl you consider a sister?

Kaneki: yes.

Batta: I see, for a moment I thought you actually had a little sister

Kaneki: I actually do have a little sister.

Batta: huh?!

Sachi: since his father got remarried.

Batta: man I really shouldn't have left home, but can I meet your step-sister?

Kaneki: don't worry, I'm gonna drag you home after our expedition.

Batta looked at Kaneki confused.

Batta: Expedition? To wear?

Kaneki: to Akuma Castle.

Batta: huh?! Why are you kids going there?!

Yuuka: we're helping Kaneki get the Crown of Urizen. Kaneki has been finding Demon Knight relics with the girls he mentioned earlier and he's actually doing it for Miyu-chan who actually started all of this since Kaneki and her were kids.

Batta: I see, can I join in?

Kaneki: sure, just don't cause trouble.

Batta: I won't~

Kaneki: alright, let's go!

Kaneki then started driving faster.

Kaneki: we'll stop by to eat our food later. At 8:00 okay everyone?

Sachi: sure.

Shino, Yuuka & Miku: okay~

Itsuki & Keiko: sounds great.

Azusa & Emi: sure.

Ryueki: fine.

Kaneki: good, now let's go go go

Kaneki then accelerated again.

With Kaneki reuniting with Batta what will happen now? And why is it that Batta returned so suddenly?