Kaneki's Nightmare

After the expedition team ate dinner they went back on the road to Hokkaido. All of them besides Kaneki who is driving are sleeping.

As he Continued to drive he began talking to himself quietly.

Kaneki: sigh~ I'm so bored, what can I do?

???: why don't you pull over and sleep with us?

Hearing someone talk out of nowhere Kaneki looked at the rear view mirror and saw Yuuka awake.

Kaneki: oh sorry, did I wake you up?

Yuuka: don't worry, I couldn't sleep in the first place. Shino's boobs maybe big but they're too soft.

Kaneki: you know you shouldn't be talking about that with everyone in here.

Yuuka: don't worry, I'm not saying it very loudly.

Kaneki: yeah, but still. Sigh~ well at least I have someone to talk to while a drive.

Yuuka: hehe~ pleasure to help. You know I'm very surprised that Batta-chan over there actually trained herself to get stronger for your sake.

Kaneki: yeah, it's very concerning, I mean she does reminds me of myself, which is not a good thing.

Yuuka: well, it's great that she's looking out for you.

Kaneki: yeah, I guess. But you know I'm quite angry.

Yuuka: at Batta? I mean she was afraid of you and your father not accepting her back for leaving.

Kaneki: no not that, I mean at Querxes Sensei, he knew where Batta is and he took care of her but he didn't even tell me.

Yuuka: I can't blame you, but Querxes Sensei did tried to erase our memories.

Kaneki: uh wait what?! How did you know about his memory erasing ability?

Kaneki: when he first arrived at Mato high you two faught and you for some reason started demonizing and you ran away and he pretty much wiped everyone's memories besides mine (lie) even though I was somewhat effected.

Kaneki looked very scared upon hearing her say that, When Yuuka looked at the Rear view mirror she noticed Kaneki's terrified eyes.

Yuuka: hey, it's alright, I don't really care about how you look in your demonized form.

Kaneki: ...

Yuuka: although the one you took in the camping trip and the one you took in your fight with Querxes Sensei were so different can yo-

Kaneki: can we not talk about that? Please? I don't like it.

Hearing the tone of Kaneki's whispering voice Yuuka stopped talking about his Demon form.

Yuuka: I'm sorry, I didn't think about how you felt about it.

Kaneki: it's alright. Sigh~ can I tell you a secret?

Yuuka: sure?

Kaneki: good, the reason why I... Don't like my Demon form is because of Nightmares.

Yuuka: nightmares?

Kaneki: yeah, I have these Nightmares every so often and it was a scary sight for me.

Yuuka: I thought you said you didn't want to talk about your Demon form?

Kaneki: I'm just telling you why I don't like it.

Yuuka: I see, carry on.

Kaneki: these Nightmares started a few years ago I think it was during the time of the War of Hell, in these Nightmares I was one of the Demons fighting and I had 2 close friends.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Wait The War of Hell, him being one the Demons fighting, and two close friends? What kind of Nightmare is this?)

Yuuka: and what happened?

Kaneki: ... They died right in front of me.

Yuuka was surprised hearing that.

Kaneki: it felt so real, I was filled with hate and sadness and then I turned to my Demon form and then... I killed all my enemies mercilessly.

Yuuka: was it that scary?

Kaneki: yes, after I killed all of my enemies I saw a mountain of corpses underneath my feet and my hands stained with blood, and the worst part... My two close friends were part of that mountain of corpses.

Yuuka looked at Kaneki with a concerned face.

Kaneki: and the last thing I see is my Demon form Killing my 2 close friends.

Yuuka: so... That's why you hate it?

Kaneki: yes... I am afraid of my Demon form because if I go out of control I might end up hurting the people I love, so I kept resisting my Demonic powers from awakening and my Demon form too.

Yuuka: I see.

(Wait a minute this Nightmare sounds familiar! But where did I heard something similar to this?!. Ahh! Whatever right now I should focus on Kaneki!)

Kaneki: well, thanks for listening Mir- Yuuka-san.

Yuuka smiled.

Yuuka: hehe~ you're welcome.

Kaneki: by the way you should sleep already, tomorrow we'll be getting the flowers we need.

Yuuka: okay that sounds great.

Kaneki: and I'll need your help tomorrow as well.

Yuuka: hmm? Why?

Kaneki: I need you to find us a hotel in Hokkaido for tomorrow for an overnight stay.

Yuuka: how come?

Kaneki: well once we find my however many great Grandpa's place. We need to take a long rest mostly me, so we'll need a hotel. Can you do that?

Yuuka: I'll try my best.

Kaneki: thanks. Go to sleep now while you still can.

Yuuka: I will, but when are you going to take your nap?

Kaneki: at 5:55

Yuuka: okay got it. Goodnight.

Kaneki: goodnight.

Yuuka then places her head on Shino's breast and went back to sleep.

Kaneki's Thoughts*

(Honestly it's great I was able to talk a bit of my past trauma without actually out right saying it I'm just gonna hope she doesn't think I'm the Hero because the way I told my nightmares are way to similar to the Hero)

Kaneki: well, I better focus on the road we're still far away.

Kaneki then continued driving getting closer to Hokkaido.