
After the relic expedition team had suited up all of them jumped into the hole and they all passed through the gate. Although there was one thing they thought of.


Yuuka: Wow, that was a very good landing. hey are you guys- guys?

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Wait where is everyone? Where are they?)

Yuuka saw that no one was there.

Yuuka: were we separa-


Yuuka: !!!

Yuuka looked up to see Kaneki falling on top of her so she immediately moved away.


Kaneki: sorry about that.

Yuuka: don worry, I have my helmet on so nothing went in. That aside where is everyone?

Kaneki looked around and realized what's happening.

Kaneki: oh this doesn't look good.

Yuuka immediately got worried when Kaneki said that.

Yuuka: what?! Is it bad?!

Kaneki: yes and no. We pretty much got separated from everyone we're completely alone.

Yuuka: this isn't good! What do we do?!

Kaneki began patting Yuuka's back to clam her down.

Kaneki: it's alright, calm down everything is alright, breath.

Yuuka: Haa~ yeah you're right. Haa~ thanks.

Kaneki: no problem.

Yuuka: so what now?

Kaneki: we move forward till we find Akuma Castle.

Yuuka: I see, but what about the others?

Kaneki: I'll try to contact them, everyone's suit besides Itadori's is connected to mine.

Yuuka: really!

Kaneki: yeah. Alright here we go.

Kaneki put this arm up and began pressing some holographic buttons.

Kaneki: alright, I got their suits signal. I'm gonna call them now.

Yuuka: hurry!

Kaneki then called everyone and they all picked up and they are now appear via holograms.

Shino: is everyone alright? I'm with Miku and Mizutani-san.

Miku: are you guys alright?

Natsuki: is anyone hurt?

Kaneki: I'm fine, same with Yuuka-san.

Yuuka: I'm here.

Sachi: I'm good and with Chi-chan.

Chikao: hey~

Azusa: me and Emi-kun are alright although we seem to be stuck.

Itsuki: same here, me and Keiko have no idea what to do!

Ryueki: so what are we going to do now leader?

Ryueki said with an angry tone.

Kaneki: alright, everyone stay still.


Everyone: what was that?!

Ryueki: what's with all of you? Why did you all started yelling?

Kaneki: sorry, I just needed to map everyones location.

Yuuka: what? How?

Kaneki: all the suits including besides Itadori's have very strong sensors that send out a very strong sound wave and when it bounce back to the sensors it'll make a map, I simply activated them all so a map can be made.

Emi: wait, what about Itadori-san? You did say it didn't had sensors.

Yuuka: oh yeah, you also mentioned you don't have any connection to his suit but his hologram is here.

Ryueki: it might be because mine i-

Kaneki: I just hacked it that's all.

Ryueki: you what?! Since when?!

Kaneki: when you showed off your suits, I figured it gonna be contacted if we somehow got separated so I hacked into it which was honestly pretty easy.

Ryueki: wha-

Kaneki: anyways, everyone listen carefully.

Everyone nodded and Ryueki was silenced.

Kaneki: good, well I got the data from the sound waves and here take a look.

Kaneki then showed them the map.

Kaneki: each of us are in one of 6 chambers which all lead to this spot in the middle.

Yuuka: it looks like each chamber is very huge.

Shino: so what do we do?

Kaneki: well, originally we're supposed to stay out if we're separated but right now we should follow these maps and meet at the middle.

Natsuki: I see, be careful everyone.

Shino: I understand.

Miku: Roger.

Sachi & Chikao: got it!

Azusa & Emi: we'll see you guys later.

Itsuki & Keiko: stay safe everyone.

Ryueki: ... Tch.

Kaneki: alright, I finished copying the map I'll send all you guys a copy of the map.

Kaneki then sent the data to everyone's suit.

Kaneki: and sent. Alright I'll be turned off the call soon but one more thing.

Chikao: what is it?

Kaneki: if necessary use the suits power everyone got that?

Everyone: got it!

Ryueki: whatever.

Kaneki: Good, call end.

The call then ended.

Kaneki: alright, let's go Yuuka-san.

Yuuka: got it!

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Thank you god! Now I'm alone with Kaneki I'll be able to talk to him more!)

Kaneki: retract.


Yuuka: Woah! What happened?

Kaneki: the air is breathable so I retracted our helmets to breathe better.

Yuuka: ooh, cool oh yeah! I wanna ask you some questions.

Kaneki: hmm? Why?

Yuuka: c'mon! You created very awesome suits! Not only that they're also very High-tech I wanna know what made you think about these suits and I want to know more!

She then walked closer to Kaneki and she put her face close to Kaneki.

Yuuka: I've also seen parts of you I've never saw before and I wanna know each one of them.

Yuuka said with a smile. And when Kaneki saw that smile he couldn't help but smile as well.

Kaneki: okay then, but let's keep on Walking, I'll tell you as we walk.

Yuuka: yay! I'll get some new data on Kaneki.


Kaneki put his hand on his chest.

Kaneki: what the?

Yuuka: hey, aren't we supposed to be walking?

Kaneki: yeah... Wait up.

They then started walking

Kaneki's Thoughts*

(That feeling again, it was the same with Shino, what was that?)

Suddenly getting some weird feelings in his heart what does it mean?


Ryueki: dammit! Why am I alone?! I'm supposed to be alone with the main heroine Natsuki!

Due to him not being alone with Natsuki after being separated, Ryueki the pathetic self proclaimed protagonist got frustrated.

Ryueki: ever since that Higanbana got introduced to the story everything gotten completely wrong for me.

Ryueki then started to question Kaneki's existance.

Ryueki: First he has the blood of a Demons Knight. Second he had secret powers that no one knew about, Just what the hell are you Higanbana?

Ryueki then made a vow.

Ryueki: Well whatever because I will make sure you get removed from my story no matter what.

He wants to remove Kaneki from his so called "story"


???: sir, we got the kids signal. He's down there with the vessel.

???: good I knew those suits would be useful for us. Now ready to turn the toops into beast.

???: yessir!

???: we found you now child this time we'll capture you for sure. And once we do the dark lord shall rise again.

Just what or who are these people trying to find and what do they mean by "dark lord"?