August 20, 2042*
Miku: Mmm
Miku: Mmmm!
Miku: Shut up! Let me sleep for 5 more minutes- Huh?!
Shino & Yuuka: Miku!
After the events of the previous day, Miku found herself in a hospital room with Shino and Yuuka.
Shino: We were so worried!
Yuuka: Are you okay?! Are you hurt anywhere?!
Miku: I! I can't breathe!
Miku was being choked by Shino and Yuuka's hug.
Seeing that, both Shino and Yuuka let go of Miku.
Miku: Haa~! Seriously! I understand you two were worried about me, but at least be more gentle!
Shino & Yuuka: sorry.
Miku: anyways I'm not hurt too badly, although I was electrocuted a few times but other from that I'm okay.
Yuuka: do you still have a fever?
Miku: not anymore.
Shino & Yuuka: that's great.
Miku: ...
Miku looked around her room and noticed something.
Miku: Wait a minute! Where's Onii-chan?!
Kaneki was no where to be seen.
Shino and Yuuka looked at each other with a worried look on their faces.
Yuuka: Miku...
Shino: Kaneki left a few hours ago when he woke up.
Miku: What?!
Yuuka: we don't know, one of the nurses told us after 5 hours after the both of you arrived, Kaneki had got out of his bed and jumped out of the window in his room and just flew away.
Hearing this Miku got even more worried.
Miku: Onii-chan...
Shino: it's alright Miku, by the way you can get discharged in an hour from now.
Miku: what time is it?
Shino & Yuuka: 10:31 A.m.
Miku: I see, but aren't you two supposed to be in school right now?
Yuuka: school activities are cancelled today.
Shino: because....
Miku: Because of Onii-chan, right?
Shino & Yuuka: how did you-
Miku: they made me watch everything.
Yuuka: wait do you mean-
Miku: yes.
Shino and Yuuka looked at each other once again before facing Miku and saying.
Shino: we're sorry for not helping him.
Yuuka: we hope you can forgive us.
Miku: don't blame yourselves, besides... Onii-chan was completely swallowed by his rage there was nothing you guys can do.
Shino & Yuuka: ...
Miku: can you two stay here until I get discharged?
Shino & Yuuka: sure.
And so Miku, Shino and Yuuka waited for an hour.
1 hour later*
Shino: alright, let's go.
Miku & Yuuka: Yeah...
And so the three walked until they reached the Higanbana residence.
Miku: you two can come in if you want.
Shino & Yuuka: thank you for having us.
As Miku was about to open the door to her house.
The door slammed open and then.
Sachi & Natsuki: MIKU! ARE YOU OKAY?!
Sachi and Natsuki bursted out of the door and immediately hugged Miku upon seeing her.
Miku: hey you two, don't worry I'm okay.
Sachi: Are you sure?! Not broken bones or anything?!
Miku: nope non.
Natsuki: thank goodness.
Sachi: come in! We made food for you and- wait where's Kaneki?
Miku: so he's not here...
Shino: ...
Yuuka: ...
Natsuki: c'mon, we can just wrap Kaneki's food for when he gets here...
Everyone went inside the Higanbana residence.
Chikao: here's your food Miku.
Chikao was also inside the Higanbana residence, she was the one who cooked Miku's breakfast.
Miku: Itadakimasu!
Miku began eating her food after it was served to her.
Sachi: eat up.
Chikao: so... What about Kaneki?
Yuuka: he's missing.
Sachi, Chikao & Natsuki: Seriously?!
Miku: ... Everyone I have to tell you what happened yesterday.
When Miku said that she'll tell them about everything that happened, the girls got a bit worried.
Natsuki: are you sure Miku? You're not forcing yourself right?
Shino: yeah, if it's too much for you, you can tell us another time.
Yuuka: you don't need to force yourself.
Miku: ... Sorry... I just really miss Onii-chan right now, he nearly died last night and now he's off to who knows where.
All 5: Miku...
Miku: I just hope Onii-chan comes home soon...
Everyone's thoughts*
(Where would he even go? He already killed the entire Clad of black wings)
As they wondered why Kaneki had left.
Kaneki was still finishing his goal.
Kaneki: this is for My Mom.
Lilith: ARGHH!
Kaneki: this is for hurting Miku.
Kousuke: ARGHHH!
Kaneki wasn't truly finished killing the Clad of black wings, as the last two members Kousuke and Lilith were still alive.
And unlike the other members, Kaneki decided to torture Lilith and Kousuke.
Kaneki: Heal.
When both Lilith and Kousuke are near death, Kaneki heals them so they wouldn't die.
Lilith: Please stop! Please! I beg of you!
Kaneki: just like the people you killed? Pathetic. Now, Burn!
Lilith combusted into flames.
Kousuke: we just wanted our desires to be fulfilled! What's wrong with th-
Kousuke: ARGHH!
Kaneki pierced Kousuke's chest with the Dread.
Kaneki: I don't care about your reasons, the fact remains you all killed too many innocent's. Don't worry, you ain't dying but you all are going to die a for infinite amount of times until your soul gets ripped apart and your existence is no more!
Kaneki had been torturing Lilith and Kousuke for many hours after he caught them.
Kaneki: Heal.
Lilith & Kousuke: Haa~! Please! Stop!
Kaneki: if you didn't wanted to get hurt this badly...
Kaneki had clenched his fist and said in a angry tone.
Kaneki: the you shouldn't have killed my Mother! Senpai! Students! Teacher! And many others! And most importantly!
Kaneki paused for a moment and then he yelled
Kaneki: My Heroes!
Lilith & Kousuke: Haa~! Haa~!
Seeing that the two are in their limit, Kaneki did something unthinkable.
He unsheathed the dual death swords, Dread and Sorrow and began chanting.
Kaneki: Through the Dread and Sorrow of Shin, may your screams bring peace to those you have killed as you descend into madness until your soul turns to nothing. INFINITE DEATH LOOP!
Lilith: Please... Stop.
Kousuke: don't...
They tried to plead with Kaneki, but it was futile.
Kaneki: Do me a favor AND DIE!
Kaneki slashed both Lilith and Kousuke and when he did their bodies burned into flames and disappeared.
Kaneki: your bodies may be gone but.
Lilith: No! no! Get awa-
Lilith: NO! PLEASE! STO-!
Kousuke: No I can't take thi-
Your souls will face eternal death until they are no more.
He has successfully destroyed the Clad of black wings for good, but at what cost?