August 26, 2042*
After Yuuka had came to Kaneki's house unexpectedly came to the Higanbana residence to talk with Kaneki regarding their expedition together, she ended up sleeping there.
And now the day of the Expedition date has arrived, how will it turn out?
Yuuka: Hey Kaneki I'll be seeing you in Akuma Castle later!
Kaneki: Y-Yeah.
After an entire day of training for the W.S.S.F which is coming only in a few days now, all the students were going home.
And after what Yuuka had done with so many people around.
???: What the?! Higanbana-san is going to Akuma Castle with Mirai-san?!
???: Hey what are you two planning to do there?!
It caused a bit of a fuss.
???: Those two even went to school together!
???: Are those two going on a date?!
Ryueki: Oi Higanbana, answer us what is going on?!
Kaneki's thoughts*
(What a pain)
Kaneki of course was very annoyed.
Kaneki: Yuuka just told me she found a potential lead to another Demon Knight relic, so she wanted to show it to me.
Ryueki: what are you searching for another relic?
Kaneki: Well not really, but I am interested see more information regarding the location of another relic. Anyways get outta my way I don't wanna be late.
Ryueki's thoughts*
(Hell no, that Sub-Heroine is definitely up to something. I can't let her interact with this mob character who's already fitting the roll, I must not let him go or he'll probably go back to being a rival character!)
Thinking this, Ryueki blocked Kaneki's way and tried to stop him by talking.
Ryueki: Come on, you could tell us-
Kaneki: Screw this, Darkness Travel.
But Kaneki who doesn't want to be late had used Darkness travel to leave.
(Damnit! I forgot he can do that!)
Ryueki was frustrated that he couldn't stop Kaneki from leaving.
As for the others.
Natsuki: He was most definitely trying to not let Kaneki leave.
Natsuki, Sachi an Chikao were watching from a far.
Sachi: you got that right, but why?
Chikao: Who knows but at least Kaneki was able to leave.
Natsuki: that's right, anyways let's go.
And so they left as well.
Shino and Miku as of right now.
Shino & Miku: alright let's make some materials!
Itsuki: Thanks for the help Kamakura-san.
Kamakura: No problem! I'm glad to help a friends of my friends!
Shino and Miku were in Kamakura's lair with Itsuki and Keiko and Kamakura himself making materials for their merch.
Keiko: Good thing Yuuka sent us here very quickly.
Anyways with that out of the way let's focus on the main event shall we?
1 hour later*
Kaneki: I'm here!
After an hour had passed Kaneki finally arrived inside Akuma Castle.
Yuuka: Hey Kaneki you're late by 1 minute.
Kaneki: does that even count? Besides, because of what you did an hour earlier some students might think we are dating!
Yuuka: Oh yeah, haha sorry I just really got excited.
Yuuka's thoughts*
(Although this probably does count as a date)
Yuuka: Anyways shall we?
Kaneki: sure.
The two then started walking side by side in Akuma Castle.
Kaneki: Anyways what was it you want to show me so bad?
Yuuka: It's a Mural.
Kaneki: A Mural? Does it involve a relic?
Yuuka: Not really, but it looks really important.
Kaneki: Important how?
Yuuka: You'll just have to see it.
Kaneki: Okay?
Yuuka led Kaneki to the room where the Mural she and Shino saw.
Kaneki: Woah! You were right this really does look important.
Kaneki was shocked the immense size of the Mural that showed a Demon.
Kaneki: What is this Mural about?
Yuuka: I don't know, it's very new to me as well.
Kaneki: Is it a possible new Demon Knight?
Yuuka: Possibly, see that writing over there?
Kaneki looked at the direction Yuuka pointed at and saw the writing.
Kaneki: Oh it's Japanese.
Kaneki then began reading it.
Kaneki: "When he unites as one the" wait that's it?
He was visibly confused to why that was the only writing on the wall.
Yuuka: Yeah, Me and Shino were confused too when we saw that. Fun fact, I actually occasionally tried to do research about this but found nothing.
Kaneki: But that "When he unites as one" part is definitely a hint right?
Yuuka: probably, but I found nothing about it.
Kaneki: I see, is this why you wanted me here? To help you out on this? If so I'll gladly join in to figure this out.
After saying that silence came.
Kaneki: Hmm? Yuuka?
Confused to why she wasn't answering, Kaneki looked behind him and to Yuuka and saw her...
Yuuka: Not really.
Yuuka: The reason why I wanted you here, is because I have something important to tell you.