Prepare to train with relics

After Natsuki, Chikao, Sachi, Shino, Yuuka and Miku had successfully gave Kaneki his gift. One of his Sensei's, Kiryu had arrived.

But for what purpose.

Kiryu: This is the first time you got here on time huh?

Kaneki: Well I know very well that you hate me being late.

Kiryu: you got that right!

Natsuki: Umm Kaneki?

Kaneki: Hmm? What is it?

Natsuki: who is she?!

Sachi: Yeah! Who is that scary woman!

Shino: Yeah she looks like a Demon!

Kaneki wiped off his tears and said.

Kaneki: Correction, She's a Dragonoid.

Yuuka, Miku & Chikao: DRAGONOID?!

The girls were shocked to hear that the one in front of them was a Dragonoid.

Dragonoids are one of the most powerful races due to them being Dragons who have the power to turn into Humanoid forms.

Kaneki: She's the one who taught me how to become Dragons.

Kiryu: that's right! Huff!

Kiryu then jumped from where she was and.


Landed near Kaneki and the girls.

All 6: !!!

The girls were so afraid that they hid behind Kaneki.

Kiryu: C'mon don't be scared, I'm quite nice.

Kaneki: It's alright everyone calm down, she won't bite.

Miku: are you sure she won't hurt us Onii-chan?

Kaneki: Don't worry, she may look scary but she's pretty gentle.

The girl looked at each other before leaving Kaneki's back.

Shino: She won't hurt us right?

Kaneki: She won't.

Kiryu: why are they so afraid of me?

Kaneki: I don't know.

The reason why the girls were very afraid of Kiryu was due to how she dressed, and how she looked.

Kiryu was wearing clothes that make her look like a sketchy person with Tattoos around her arms.

Kiryu: Anyways, I had received your message yesterday Kaneki. You wanted to train with the Demon Knight relics you and your friends had found?

Kaneki: Yup, and I need someone to train with and since you're the strongest of all my Sensei's-


Querxes: Achoo!

Back to pocket dimension*

Kaneki: I figured you'd be the best option.


Natsuki: Why is she laughing?!

Chikao: Scary!

The girls were a bit terrified at her with her sudden laughter.

Kaneki: Sensei, you're scaring my friends.

Kiryu: Haa~ sorry I just can't help but imagine how Querxes would feel after hearing that Hahaha!

Shino Wait you know Sensei?

Kiryu: Yup! A close friend of mine. Anyways! Should we get started?

Kaneki: Wait.

Kaneki then looked back at the girls and began looking through his pockets.

Natsuki: What are you doing Kaneki?

Kaneki: Just a moment.

After a little bit Kaneki took his hands out of his pockets.

Kaneki: There we go.

Kaneki opened his hands and showed 6 small things.

Yuuka: W-What are these?

Shino: they're so small.

Kaneki: They're whistles.

All 6: Whistles?

Kaneki: In case I go crazy and berserk, use these Whistles to put me to sleep.

Natsuki: really? These things will put you to sleep?

Kaneki: yup!

Miku: Well for how long?

Kaneki: around 10 minutes.

Chikao: That's more of a nap than sleep.

Kaneki: I know, anyways take them.

Sachi took the first one.

Sachi: there's no way this you make you take a nap.

Kaneki: Don't blow it.

Sachi: I won't.

After Sachi, the others took their own whistles too.

Kaneki: alright with that done, now follow me.

Kaneki then guided the girls to the spot where they are the most safe to watch from.

Kaneki: alright, if anything happens just whistle.

All 6: Okay.

Kaneki then was about to go start when he was tugged by Natsuki.

Kaneki: Hmm? What's wrong?

Natsuki: Don't push yourself too hard okay?

Seeing that she was worried about him, Kaneki replied saying.

Kaneki: Don't worry I won't.

After saying this.


Kaneki: Might as well use this, I've been interested in this relic for a while now.

He summoned and wore one of the Demon Knight relics.

Kaneki: Anyways, wish that I don't go crazy!


All 6: good luck!

He then ran straight to Kiryu-Sensei with the relics.

Kiryu: Oh my, That's a nice choice you got there.

Kaneki: Twin-Dragon Gauntlets

With everything now in place, Kaneki's Relic training shall now begin.


???: Oooh~ this is so interesting, good thing I'm really far away, Kaneki-cham won't sense or see me from here.