8:40 a.m*
After Kaneki had gotten himself checked after some strange things happened with his body, he went back to his school group.
Kaneki: Yo guys, I'm back.
Sachi: So? Anything?
Kaneki: Nope, I'm pretty normal. Geez you guys worry too much.
Poke! Poke! Poke!
Sachi: and who's fault is that?
Kaneki: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. By the way, what's with the other participants? I've noticed them running, flying and swimming around very wildy. I even saw some near the mecha's.
Yuuka & Natsuki: wait did you forget?
Kaneki: huh?
Kaneki made a confused face as he didn't know what Yuuka and Natsuki were talking about.
Kaneki: Oh okay.
Natsuki: aren't you going to prepare?
Kaneki: I'm already prepared.
Itsuki: you are?
Kaneki: yup, I inspected all the stuff I'm going to use in the Battle Royal. I also polished Sword-san. Look.
Kaneki unsheathed Sword-san and showed her off.
Sword-san: [Kaneki-chan you didn't need to do that you know?]
Kaneki: well I wanted to show you off so I had too.
Sword-san: [Sigh~ well let's do our best in the Battle Royal]
Kaneki: Likewise!
Miku: you're talking to Sword-san again?
Kaneki: yup!
Shino: By the way Kaneki, are you going to use the relics?
Kaneki: if I decide to.
Natsuki: Hmm~ I'm actually quite afraid of being in the same Battle Royal as Kaneki,
Kaneki: don't worry, if I see you I'll just beat you in an instant so you wouldn't get hurt.
Natsuki: Hehe~ that still sounds scary.
Shino: to be honest I'll probably lose the Battle Royal.
Miku: Same here, even with the armor it doesn't look good for me.
Chikao: Well of course! You, Shino and Yuuka made a lot of enemies in the race.
Kaneki: Yeah, to be honest I can't believe you three actually went psycho with my armors.
Shino, Yuuka & Miku: Hehe~
Keiko: We might end up in the Battle Royal too, I'm screwed.
Itsuki: At least we're screwed together!
Kaneki: Heh? By the way guys, if you want to I could modify the armors to give you more of a fighting chance, I mean you guys already do but I could modify them more.
Natsuki: No no, it's alright Kaneki.
Sachi: no Modifications needed.
Kaneki: Oh okay,
Natsuki: Oh yeah! I almost forgot.
Natsuki then started going through her bag.
Natsuki: found them!
She them pulled out a plastic bag.
Natsuki: Let's have a snack! I bought some pudding yesterday for us all to eat.
Kaneki: Pudding?! Drool~
Kaneki began drooling as he heard Pudding.
Sachi & Shino: Hehe~ Kaneki really love's pudding.
Itsuki: How many pudding did you buy?
Natsuki: 9. It's for our club after all.
All 8: Thank you Natsuki.
After receiving her thanks from her friends, Natsuki began handing out the Pudding to them.
After giving the pudding to her friends, Natsuki gave Kaneki a special one.
Kaneki: here's Chocolate Pudding Kaneki.
Kaneki: Drool~
Chikao: He seriously can't wait to eat! Haha~ you can start eating now Kaneki.
Kaneki: Itadakimasu~
All 8: Itadakimasu~
They all then started eating.
Kaneki: Mmmmh~ Soo go~ood!
Kaneki was very happy eating the pudding.
Natsuki: are you enjoying the pudding?
Kaneki: yup! It's delicious!
Natsuki: I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Yuuka: By the way, Kaneki.
Kaneki: hmm?
Yuuka: are you going to let the Insect Familiars join you in the Battle Royal?
Kaneki: Oh yes, They seem to want to fight.
Kaneki then glanced at the insect familiars that were behind him.
Batta: Let's show them what we got!
Yanma: Who's the strongest familiars?!
All 6: We are!
Kaneki: see?
Chikao: that's nice, but what about the Beast Knights?
Kaneki: what's about them?
Itsuki: Aren't they like your familiars as well at this point?
Kaneki: Hmm~ yeah I guess so, I'll probably ask them later when I'm in Battle.
Sachi: they'll probably join in anyways. I just hope Dagon will actually come to help me though.
Shino: oh that's right, you trained with her right?
Sachi: correct.
Kaneki: Hmm~ i wonder what would happen if I fuse with all the insect familiars and Beast Knights.
Natsuki: what makes you think about that?
Kaneki: Well I just remembered some Sentai Mecha final form, I don't remember the name of that series but I remember that it was insect themed. And it's final form had all the insects combine into one huge Mecha.
Miku: So you're wondering what would happen if you combine with all of our friends?
Kaneki: Pretty much. I kind of imagine the form we'll take will probably be very bulky.
Natsuki: I think you guys will probably have a slim form.
Shino: I think the form you guys will probably take is a slim body with all the legs and tentacles of the Insect Familiars and Beast Knights on your back.
Kaneki: That might be the worse one yet.
Shino: Hehe~.
Chikao: but there is one form I do want to see.
Kaneki: really? Which one?
Chikao: Kaneki and Ku-kun combo.
Kaneki: Kaneki and Ku-kun combo?
Shino: Oh yeah! You had fused with all the insect familiars before, but never fused with Ku-kun.
Kaneki: Oh wait you're right! I even fused with Batta before him! He's probably so pissed at me.
Kaneki made a worried face as he thought of that possibility.
Miku: It's alright Kane-chan, you can still make it up for Ku-kun.
Kaneki: Really? How?
Miku: the Battle Royal duh, when you start calling the Insect Familiars and the Beast Knights you should use Ku-kun for last.
Sachi: it would be his debut!
Kaneki: I actually like that idea. I'll do it!
"Attention the Next Event, The 3 Rounded Battle Royal will begin win 9 Minutes"
Tsukuyumi: Oh looks like it's going to start soon.
Tsukuyumi then suddenly came.
Kaneki: Oh Tsukuyumi.
Tsukuyumi: Remember our promise okay? Don't hold back even if it's just a little.
Kaneki: Don't worry I remember.
Tsukuyumi: Okay great! Good luck Sensei, you're going to need it for later.
Tsukuyumi then flew away.
Yuuka: what was that about?
Kaneki: why do I have a weird feeling?
The Battle Royal is going to begin very soon.
(Author: and I'll do by very best in the Battle Royal unlike the race)
Ryueki: I'll show you who's better in the Battle Royal Higanbana!