Autumn climbed back onto her rooftop perch and felt the wind carry the sweat off her stomach and out into the world. It was so relaxing to be up there, so comfortable, that she barely noticed the strain on her eyes as she stared at the screen, the only source of light for her out there.
Sometimes, writing is just a way to pass the time. It’s just an invitation for inspiration to strike. I never realized that would be good advice. To be honest, I never really even thought about it until today, when Steve asked me what I was writing.
I suppose the question could just as easily have been why I was writing. It’s a legitimate question. Why do I write? Why does any writer write? Some, if you ask them, will say that they do it for the paycheck. Or for the challenge. Or because they’re good at it. I say fuck those people. Fuck them all. I don’t write for so lofty or so materialistic or so narcissistic a goal. I write for a more neurotic reason. I have to.