Chapter 23: Mixed signals

On the way to the club, she wondered what it was she really saw in him. He never really accomplished anything. He’d throw his heart and soul into doing something, and really work at it for a little while, but then suddenly he’d just give up and wander away. Was he going to do that with her? Was he going to do it with writing? Would her job be over in two weeks, when he decided he didn’t want to bother with all this? He lacked focus. The only thing he’d finished was college, and that had been with what, five minors?

Still, he had inspired her. That was worth something. That really meant a lot, actually. If nothing else, his lackadaisical attitude made her want to get off her ass and get to work. He reminded her that, while he could afford not to do anything, she couldn’t. So at least there was that. At least he inspired her.