FinaLogue:(B3+yond) $slip~#kNot Recog*Missions

Jay & Trent hazarded Zbendi only avoided certain specifications as a matter of common privacy - But 'Nika & LiaMirrored leerily on guard.

The doubts made Pluuch itch to ditch the costume for a relief from being scrunched inside human mannerisms, & shrank onto a stool for the meantime - looking forward to a bathroom break around lunch; [perhaps drizzle up a merCuriouShake.] But it would have to endure 45 minutes of Crabfable's droning instruction to the pupils about internal organs. Everything truly was a hunt for anatomic efficiency... Zbendgi sank deep into the corners of private thought, recalling the scoop on 'Hemiah reported genetic relation to a crawlleague 2 generations beforehand (which explained his fascination with displaced relics).

The semester had been peppered with unsteady hiccups, but finally catered prospecting activity for the revived ExpanDiv'eon… So long as none of these bipeds grow close to grasping Rubee's perspective during the excursion - no matter, the Warden's attitude is rather tight-lipped mandate. That alone should keep the Orchestrates clear of serious interference. Even should the more studious among the brooDecide to start fastening enchantments, many areas would cross into contentious Flux-fair laws, snagging delay. That should be all the winDOve-vision needed to impress soMEmbers to partiSIPersuasion.


"Well Archeo's sayy," - Liam's velvety voice ruptured G.PhluX'wing rumiNations - "Certain remnants of da vanished Colonies are scatteRound the Solomon islands today. But didda reality of civilizations slip over some branching flaPeeled space?"

Jerome squished the tags of his nose. "Don't tell me you believe that dumb prophecy about how a Dream#patcher of unison will unravel dials of pretense, before those Twenty thousand year-old Tribes stream back from Transmigration, to modify perplexing formats into reliable avenues of thrust?"

"Why ya mem'Rize it if it's so dumb?" challenged Liam.

Rome raked the side of his lumpy throat. "Well it's not word for word, but I included it as part of a history report once - in junior high," he denigrated. "Grow up. If magic ever existed, you'd have heard tributes of ancestors living easier lives & telePushing material around. But I've not been introduced to books certifying humanity has any command over such elements."

TraXcie tilted her glowing crown sideways at his. "How much evidence is necessary to comPile compellingly? There are all sorts of nifty variables pointing to more. Creatures low, high & stretchy don't diet or breathe the same. Historically, testaments such as the perfect spheres of Costa Rica, even the Betz anti-gravity sphere discovered in our very state after a forest fire of the 1970's, plus intricate Astrolabe calendars & horoscopes (including the Sphinx), and the possibility of King Arthur's council coinciding with the Vikings' berserk rise. Some archaic goblets & paintings used mineral shavings & angle slant to maintain temperature or change color; that's practically nano-tech. Saturation, deptHeat, & tilt were once considered elements: Tilt survives, but today our leaders refer to it as angular momentum. Were they so far off? Ever realize during territorial wars, Libraries were often sacked and burned along with major settlements? Who knows what concepts went up in smoke, or scuttled underground. Just look around; The world we take for granted today, has quite bizarre layers upon closer inspection. There are certain natural ingestibles that contort & enliven perception; are they silly subconscious symbols, or actual windows into elsewhere? Plus, don't forget to account for frame rate of visual graphics. Then there are shadow entity reports all the time from multiple people at once if that brings any clarity to the question. Since at least the 1880's novel Flatland was released, blinding shadows have been confronted as representative outlining of coinciding dimensions..."


A smirk beguiled Nika'Saliva, as her tongue arched privately in rapture. She only pretended to despise TraXcie - endlessly envying her penetrative insight & free spirit. She wanted to milk her soft places, but Trace was a geeky withdrawn prude. Would she ever entertain such sentiments, much less lesbian ones?

Romeo couldn't scrounge up enough substance to $Lant back against Tracey's propositions. He hadn't actually cared to sift supernatural reports 'cause he never thought he'd figure out something which a scientist couldn't pick apart. So he reduced, "That sounds mathematical, even psychological - but not magical."

"Valid point i guess," leveled TraXcie. "Yet when humans attempt to knit all the sciences together, we end up mixed up, or at least overwhelmed by trying to track each scruple of complexity, plus then every offspring of reaction between each crossing pulsations - such Approximates the definition of charm & fascination. Sequence is also the way emotions bounce & whirl through any circuit. If you learn to grasp enough underpinnings, & come to manipulate them with transfers of eloquence, that borders on Magic - and even if that energy is only a relative interpretation, overlap yields leverage in any Field of pattern."

Romeo flexed his chest. "Of course a popsicle stick like you will levitate every Mind over matter! Who wants to count crap when they can estimate anyway?"

She giggled. "Go ahead & lose precision if you're sloppy: you'll struggle to expand your environment outside your own silhouette that way."

Liam didn't want the concepts brushed off, or the history Forgotten, & flew between them with fingers spread. "What if it's sequence or fluctuation that blast away constraints? Would it be possible to viBEeyond holding forces; & maybe that's how the village could have sloped away like a Landslide?"


A grin twitched & seized through Anika like an earthquake. "Bingo = complex stripes," she mentioned, images of tiger pacing within. "I was actually just telling some in my history hour, the progression of how the losTribes got famous. The legend begiNear that village Liam noted for notoriety in the Far east back in the 1600′s: wong-Zee, or however it's pronounced. Anyhoo, it's said near the Bay of Bengal, a young adventurer by the title, Tiberias of Gauzdatel, came across a mermaid called Cyaj'parj - But not the kind you often see depicted anymore. She had the underside of a shrimp & the top of a platypus. Her genitalia was armored & she laid eggs, not even having breasts - this came with a deficiency of sensation. So mating was not about touch for her species; It was actually about song & dance."

Trent livened up a snap & groove simultaneously. "So her romantic life was a bit drowned out?!" He bludgeoned. Then cocked a finger beside his freckled cheek. "Actually, feels common to lack in that manner."

Anika: "Well it wasn't a top priority for the mermaid, so it didn't bring her grief. She was observant in matters of botany & anatoMostly - often using these to behave very generous toward other creatures. She spent time on well-wishing spells: insulating other beasts from wounds, mind-linking with & teleporting some at great distances, for both sight-seeing or protection. Her dwelling was within rivers near the coast, & one day this otter dude heard her pleasantly chirping while gathering herbs. He thought having a dozen legs was very useful, & her fur pattern was similar to his kind. When he approached & they got to chatting about her whimsical lifestyle as a result of ritual magic, he was beside himself & proposed they arrange a time to meet & further display their particular talents: For he had brewery assortments that were sure to tickle her.

Before she departed however, he caused the water to tug her tail flirtatiously & told her how he wanted to be the masculine centerpiece of her life. That's when Cyaj'parj informed him of her the nature of her nervous system, & that she had need only of companions on a level of respect. To which the Otter was deeply offended, & voiced that he couldn't believe she would accept a hit-n-run sex life, hatching eggs without putting down roots, when she could simply perForMoat a spell to create high-caliber extra glands. She further elaborated that it would be a demanding task for her to conjure the imitation of fluid sensation when she did not very well understand how the brain tissue was able to relay Skinput. The otter accused her of lying, and ended up cursing her to be unperceived by all things Swimming, so he should never have to cross paths with her again."

Jerome batted his hand: "What a load."


"Oh, should I stop?" Sassed Anika.

His face slid around like a puzzle. "Well... how did this alleged curse affect her?"

"I thought you might want to hear the rest," she smugly contended. "AquatiCreatures along with boaters became intangible to her, so she had to brave the shoreline somehow. But the roughness of dry land was sure to chafe & dehydrate her rapidly. She needed a set of eyes willing to help her - so she relayed messages between nearby birds to any passerbys," revealed Anika: "When Tiberias caught wind of this, he felt great pity, & baited the otter into a trap to make him reverse the curse.

Feeling indebted to him, Cyaj'parj gave the ability to the man to have foam-wisened children. T.o.G. went on to have twins, who possessed telepathy and psychometry – together capable of stimulating great illusions - so incredible that one day their entire village, shimmered out of sight."

"I would consider it an allegory," TraX took the reigns. "Because of the concluding part. Pride, karma, & Ascension revelations are common themes in mythos."

"If the talking animals wasn't a dead giveaway?" Romeo stifled his laughter, so he wouldn't interrupt the Slideshow being narrated in the background.

Trent squinted. "If it wasn't literal, what does it mean?"

"The odder acting unruly probably represented culture shock," offered Trixi. "The birds divine intervention, & Tiberius the humble commoner of pure intent. The hybrid mer-beast seems to symbolize wisdoms: like determination, gratitude, & generosity."


"Whichhh," Romeo pieced, "Explains why they haven't resurfaced? Because their existence was a Flash of fiction."

"Or the off-chance it was based on something of actual events," Traci cautioned. "They may have found a cozier habitation..."

Trent was amused but not impressed: "And yet, that was like 500 years ago: what kind of meditation were they usinGeneraTEch then? Monk-related forces."

"Anybody think day still around somewheres," remarked Liam, ignoring Trent. "They could be trapped or 'voiding summin?"


Anika shrugged. "Mabes the discovery is a total attention seeking - but what if there is some kind of Divine Royalty around?"

"Based on what Zab said," reminded Jerome, getting sucked in. "There could be a connection with the sylphs - who didn'Take kindly to being found."

"If evolution can leap through dimensions," concluded Traci. "...Tangibility does little justice in observing."

Liam liked that idea: "It's unlikely such talents would ever perish completely. I dink it'd be nice to hope dat ouRace have better portion preserved in spirit."


Grand Phlock stared off into space, reeling in the distant past:.. humanity roamed upon Earth's crust in harmony with nature and the forces of light - but rarely with each other for a span exceeding four decades. As enough of them found it simpler to Dominate than plant peace. Because of shoving hands, countless cities rose and fell - but this specimen comprised vortexes & bendrils. For the scent~sexual nomad, Home was where a heart could flourish in privacy, with the security of being able to slumber peacefully and defend a transient nesting camp. Speck'traveled could hardly imagine what it must be like to be confronted with clashing politics. Most civilizations Zbendi was in contact with were scavengers - & that prevented inherited Birdhousing privileges!

vLaw snapped back as chirping of the Coordinator, FwaxBriidl jangled around the core of its magnetism: "Have we other suggestions of action before the summer solstice?"

"Cauldronest has had a mentor that might compromise us: we need to intercept as multiples to cloud endeavors," Ol'gem advised. "Meet you for lunch in two whips of Scorpio's tail."

Trent was complaining. "There should have been some obviouSigns of interplanetary Cruisers, but they all hide inside their spaceship devices!"

Romeo stuck out his tongue. "They'd probably prefer for us to keep our distance if we're as crude as dogs to them. Might be afraid we'll irritate them."

"Something keeps them at bay," Anika answered, pointedly. "Maybe bipolar self-esteems. As far as our ancestors were concerned, they imagine a large network of communication channels between the worlds. I guess we refer to them as dimensions now." She glandSaid at Tracey. "Even if we did encounter something keen from anotheRealm, it could prove to be nothing more than a manipulation or a prank."

"Perhaps," Trix hatched, "They've long been co-habitating in the background since they haven't upended our System. Alternatively the case could be confliction: by priority or Law."


The moment class concluded, Zbendi scrabbled off between pupils to the privacy of the restrooms. The instant the stall latched, her clothing quavered as the human facade skittered away. A board-like appendage unfolded near the shoulder area, unclasping what formerly seemed to be a throat, while Zabeya's head dissolved into swarming wisPulsEntangleMantras. The black Stiletto heels did the same. An elastiCable of silver flopped out at one hip area, & peeled the white slack toward the floor - before stuffing it back toward its midriff to hang neatly in a triangular socket (the difference in stiffness being reason for its previous "limping" gait). Fingers fell away to foam, & the green blouse followed the billowing motion at the epicenter of an appointy'd Ring. It felt so ecstatic to unwinddd... The organism's form had an inner shell displaying features like a fan-blade; running the perimeter of each, glistened 3 tubular eyes, segmented in a way to create nine. The rectangles were attached outer-side of the pearly triangu-center. Its "mouth" was a thin area of lime paste stretching across the inner triangle; from each corner sprouted 3 corkscrewing tendrils. 6 mercury orbitals slowly rotated in a two-foot diameter, balancing everything together: each solidified geometric tank shrank at their tips, burying into rosy fogs.

All circulated as if in a juggling act, with magenta eyes increasing velocity pasted along the helicopTubering propellers, overall bobbing loosely like the bells of a jester's hat. VlawP's 9-incision Vision momentarily bunched up like a mistreated scroll, as it collapsed a bridge of the environment by hexArgoNaiLark Mirr@rrows, training down alongside elecTonGrip catalogue that essentially weakened locational distinction & yielded into waves side by side (constant to ambient sound) conjoiNucleus briefly as muscle flex, instead of repelling condensation bonds.

The carou$well spy dispensed out near the leafy entrance of a cavern. The tunneLead deep underground, where more than just slimy water was running, lined with various geometric ridges: & there were dozens of triangular arch-like doorways. The temperature rapidly rose and moisture seeped from the ceiling, which were no common earth stones. The air carried a cold twinge of vanilla & cabbage. The liquid seemed navy blue, but glimmered like honey in the light of Holphgem's gas-boards, which began slowing to a calm, rather than continue imitate the anxious jitters of the human heart...


The Fan*Tamborine wisped onward, until a slab of spicy demeanor squirted down on bundles cylinders from the wall to the right. Its lips peeled-squished like seahorse or damp duck, with cobalt checkers across a double-spine encasement after the pattern of a chipmunk, until spreading 3 tails of curving & flat & Web~Bed structure. White spore-patches crowded the joints of Sajnuca'piiq (it's best sense of direction). The creature approached slick as a mongoose, neck twiSTiff at Ol'gem like some penguin or beaver with a dual-cone patch DIALating shades of green... a saddle-worth of tube-like fabrics was clasped across these antennae. The weBouqueTri-tail & strummed some lilac petals and daffodiLike banjo: this *tingled Muurz' now tenDrilLime tangles. The sticky $nailaMenguin made noises like a seal: "I've a pressing feeling you didn't always look like this, Belump^Wed," it yearningly mentioned.

The carou$welled Lights faster; miniature rhomboiDrifting atoPositions the globe'Surface, before chirping out like creaky hinges: "My facets ever do feel scrambled these days, but at least I'm flexible for daytime shield ops. I'll be less glum when my time of feeling like a Yak wearing a bathing suit has diminished."


A flusHowling buzz reverBeanStated along the metalliChiseled rice patty-caked silver walls. Dropping into their midst, jerked a jelly-hoofed bipedal hammer-neck, sporting Xylophonic antlers with two limPurple countenanCaTwitching flexibly from either edge. Above a tusky face the antleRack consolidated more like bulbous hat, as if the VoltsabrouTarp wore a sombrero hat. Fiery cyclopiCubes were lodged into each of four loopy straws, functioning as Sight around a featherYelloWingrassy torso. Between steamingGrisled breastplate akin dragonfly, Xooq-fyMoBriid rattled: "Condition, my Brew'techs: which few rope yeast against the Ports of scavenging fitness? And when roost turf suppose... for the Nestate-flocking?"

VlawP replied: "It would seem we already have volunteers for Mediums: this will unload who is stoic, who dishonest, & who panders homage to vest'Hooks or @lloytune. Each can zip to and fro after that."

Sajnuca'piiq perked up like a meerkat, adding: "Only human females can reproduce withouThem Larky-comets entertaining the Prayeradox Helms. So in regard to the males, we should pinpoint whom contains most raft*Pacity, & then gather all their immediate Woo*Den#Hurt*lists. Many need press out their diz'Mist relations before being permitted to use the likes of a clenCHarp Ocarina."


The diaMound faces on FyMoB's neck, caterWobbled into convulsHorns, and the XyLocKeys tuning temporariLike sitar strings: "I'm mainly enlivened by anyone who can exstir-Size the Kurvatoix Maternity with endearing enthusiASHarmony - i want sculptors not freeloaders, but half of them are lazy, and the others are unrelenting stubborn. ParanoiDiplomats only create snarling pests, unbecoming of reverence."

VlawMrz flipped portions like pulpy flapjacks: "Knock off the prestigious law cap then, and congratulate more. Otherwise you may end up intercepted by their wiser parents, the Rowshleaf..." the rotund one warned. "Now the aStrOllivated spreengs dive*UrgiNymph through the Museum fount, should motorize such proVocal*based Sails: If we can brusHumaNeed into Lever of BurleaNotion, we could begin to return the scents of our nose-blind artisans & decorate theme parks."

"Oh holiday!" sprayed the WEBeave~swayleon, with silk between purp'qoise tails. "I'd be able to fathom Kin & produce unlimited agility tournaments."

Xooq's bushy undercarriage halFeathers, jostleDragged like tearing paper along the chalcedony floor, spoked with tiny distensions. "The quickest way to all that, is to suggest a pocket-Palace to relax bipeds... Then some will grow to join us in stripping some Guards of their marBelLands & gear... but yes, Pick, since we're are deficient, not until the children propeLifTeeming with prongs."