Eros'Cope ~-> of Indu$eekFari

Gutt, Trent, the Prowleys, Amy & AssFault furnace shuffled closer to the curvy Railing.

The Cockatrice tinkered, - "Is it correct to say you specimens SIMPLY desire to blend in? It must be said ouRanks are DISTINCTLY disappointed the Phoenix & Burly Beam have turned themselves away: you lack imagination to muse outside of gravity pockets. AmonGaServation%cranks there's a proverb: ~ <Long as you ignore efficiency drift, you deprive power-Grids. > So far you have learned there are unseen MODES of CoordinaTransit, and that first impressions are often misconstrued; so you might reconsider that any VOY*AGE can support self-reliance. The tasks will seem outlandish at first coupleTRIPS, so it's natural to balk - and yet... your species AD#Vocate ejecting among the starzz do they not?"

"Pff, that's just enthusiasm of expensive research industries, " Nika flipped, dryly. "Ton of peeps just wanna hide in a closet or a crowded room." although she spoke firm, her soaked blue threads seemed in attempt to digest her countOwnance.

"Pioneering arrives conjoined with skeptiConfusion," Gutterson clarified. "eveWhen propagated for CorporaTErritorial Defense. Without funding nobody has the gear, nor typically the gumption to peer-valuate methods of craft."


"Our coalition is not Incorporated, be ASSURED - else Legal Authorities try to patrol their own stipulations into EVERY criteria. So we molTalismans or relocate canon to broker feasible expeditions." SlipPry-eyes briefly paused to pat the rhino <>isn't that right, Tiuryubbb? <> "Thus aRise; procurEyes have come CONTACT with the necessary meditations to reevaluate your own Chief-tainted agencies - And possiBLUNT contest Fi'LEading-edges down to flatter-seeds, by cobbling council & carving sculpture."

Something clicked beneaTHeir conceProposiThreads with kniTraction: I sortAdmired the concept of peddling for one's own political Wheels of Liberation, however rogue. I mean, you can't just allow society to label you as some defective renegade if you are genuinely disgusted with reacTrading appeasingly to main-Stream services -- especially if have responsibly learned enough knacks to safely establish a new Well-source...

"SPEAKING of utensils, there remains the issue of the griDRILL We deSired..."


"Can I ask," Pheo entreated, "Whether you designed those flexi-blades inside?"

"Seek!" fluttered fruity-tongues. "She seeeEK!eRr..." buzzed the moths.

PurPile haze seeped out from the skull-orifices of the Spyd'Ram, lacing around in a lulling orbit of its collar like a theatrical wreath of smoke. "Expertise is never a SINGLE mind's bidding: Would you rather glean from mere words, or quest alongside your colleagues to SATURATE within fashion-engaging incubators of Architexture?"

"You fan me for ambition," Pheo obliged. "But I should retract my curiosity if it's that* Far~Fetched."

The prickly Centaur whinnied. "Yettt frenzy has never extinguished a Phoenix, nor easily boiled a Beamer."


"What's a Beamer?" Rovo questioned.

"Astroidal AdviseBear - without such the reliability of welfare DEADications, Innovation would scarcely reTURN salute."

Ruby stepped forward and divided Prowley attention: "Better off not listening to their double-speak; they recognize your bounding Charges: likely to inoculate something extra by linking your undying motor to a Holding Plug. You two blaze like Lighthouses in atmospheres of daze; that makes you priceless outlets." She functioned back to the Druids, raising the sturdy Polearm off her leg = "How would you like this delivered, Crevice Clots?"

"Cradled between the CLUTCH of Strawberry strands & STRUNG inside the glass of her runty amber-Kin," instructed the Dryads. -- Amy & Fin collided alarmed looks between each other -- "MORESO we invite those of you whom be afraid to attend the Errands, descend for a complimentary session of self-CLARITY - a measure of Revelation scoping. Be SHORE to bring the afore ceded items - (except feel free to keep the hive-bridge map you defended with INTEGRITY)."


"But I don't get to keep my hair-pin in all this??" Amelia pouted from a face half-draPeached in sheaths.

"How odd," pulsed the Boar. "The wealthiest isn't wasteful?"

"Nevertheless," pricked the jellyGo-round. "She didn't contend to retain it, & there's PLENTY goods to find elsewhere."

"Ha!" accused Dallas. "You might fool everybody else, but don't think for a second I'm stepping near that many deranged Grasps. I'll be satisfied to remain up here."

"Assume you're safe on high?" Hyena heckled. "Like what left of a banshee you thrash about & wail from a distance at blockades you cannot define, because you failed to sample when the chance of misstep seemed a slope too tall. Or like viper with bitter venom pouch, squeezing with smothering handles for digits retreated."

Trent's rosy face splintered into laughter. "Gawt 'eem! Acidic heat so stiff it choking' the reality outta Mister Dashing!"

"Misleading Mutt!" Caphony stiffened, snapping head between snickers. "The reality is if I get that close to a Shapeshifter, I'ma try to carve some tendons."

"FECKLESS," spat the Horde. "Carry on your personal picnic & treadmills," %#squeaky voices unleashed: "But let the invested Hurry on! We all need to COMPLETE our days/DAZE..."


Amy & Fin bustled toward me to extract the Egg & pin, while Falco & Ruby reclaimed the honeycomb for safekeeping. When the Master Mage swept near ~ I gently tapped *at the magnifiScent shoulder rolling beneath her veil of hair. But instead of hooking privately to her, I affixed out the Regiment below & sounded with artifice: "I no longer wish to act as scavenger on behalf of SILPH."

"Is this sincereLAYair true?" The Rhino shifted aside, to have a straighter look at me with a pruned eyelid.

"Wimp," Siggy shoved through me with mistrust. I'd have to explain later best I could, how I couldn't possibly miss this chance to fuel more alleged Scopes of insight. But registered he was still unhinged about the Locket, & it would need time or a gift to blow over.

I swallowed. "All thks true uh, peer pressure to hurDiaLEaCHallenge - but i feeLike we're abruptly being asked to climb the equivalent of a skyscraper," I encased, feeling the analysis of too many eyes clinging upon me.


The CenTurf's neck bristled_!(~ "He emanates osmosis retention..." It disregarded all complexities of my concerns, while managing to percolate me to the core.

"All along he's intended to FEED the lot of similar aptitude," fawned Grand:Moth. "And enabling him stem... Rowshleaf Forces! compounding his blueprint with fuma-BENDfile coding. Of course, external attachments umbrage overload with an EROsive delirium."

"How polarizing in directioNature," projected as the translucent Lobst-Ray quiver-lump latched onto the Rhino's foreleg. "The PyraMound ought be dubbed *Foam*boo-DenTile."

 They couldn't wipe away my mistrust, except by encouraging me.

"The great in-FRAC-shun will be equally grievous as magnifying," mused the Hound. "For stabilizing Bridges." (Ah there was a negatiVEin even among non-human branches.)


The squish-faCEntaur launched a raucous kick: "Stainless needles of sullen wyrms, saddle Night; -- yet it's to wonder whether his floss~Glam ports could Drape an entire fresh complexion + then fuuume it with glands."

Amy assessed, "His eyes certainly have that pensive, creative hum..." I certainly liked what was sliding around her tongue.

"You don' wanna see how jittery he gets when pressures ram down," Siggy threw me under the bus. "You notice he didn't do anything but dodge during the first skirmish. Base'illy the same strategy when D-Alpha came at him too." I felt my spine bristle with flames; but also with quarter tank of guilt over bungling his item. Says the guy who geared up with the most self-preserving egg patch.

"I was protecting the bag when the Owlbear swooped," I argued. "And recall i was outarmed in trying to teach the Kingpin about collecting contra--"


Pheo hip-checked me, surprisingly stabilizing. "Don't explode now you wondrous, dramatic Wrestler." She seemed to be getting good at seeing through the smokescreens of when i was biting back my body language -- whether true or not, she was keeping me from losing my edge on a trivial dispute.

I cherished the ripple of her $'kinship lingering in my pelvis. With a slant of smile, I rolled me eyes unassumingly - before I sighed, knowing I must overshadow my focus toward dryad company: "All due respect SILPH, none of that meant much in my ears. What are you telling me?"

"Drain your BONES child," exclaimed PeeCockatrice. "You're roughly 2/3rds composite A*part from hemo'Scrapien; and THUNDER-splattered between that portion."

"Pretty sure it's HOmoSAYpien," Fin shouted. Then he sized me up and down: "And I thought I was a funky scarecrow."

Anika uttered. "How can Pyram be like Thunder? Almost everyone behaves more forceful than him."

Gutt postulated, "The Mouth of Thunder stirs several symbolic stages before it showers. Alone it won't knock knees."


Becca leveled: "Care to tell Pyram of witch traits he's seasoned?"

"Hmmm It appears he swings, by Articulate BlisSlope! TRIPulses: flooD'Silos to granWoolation... of course you're all grain, but this DURABILITY as nylon," the Bellowments exposed, growing quiet. "What you couldn't Lance or Lasso if you steadily examine the conJUNCTIONS of geomet*tracks."

"Cellar obligation! a GlyphnumBoom $kAiDeer..." Ruby huffed.

"You know," I realized. "I've always had a fondness for shapes, and exactitude between distinctions."


"And now I see," Dally spewed. "Why I was never fond of Cauldronest."

Meaning he was jealous for the large part. Displaying an artificial wince, I adjusted my earlobe prolong@udly:* "If you'd reform the shapes your tongue slants, we might get along."

{"Shred not each other's facets; smell each other's FUEL."} waved the Mantaray _ with a %*KrisT@ll'Wink*!_! of its ruBeryl tailsPike.

"Chains on chains," noted the Hyena. "Become MULE pudding."

"SpoonSLAKE SteadFell Crouch..." burbled the burly Tank. Everyone's brow wrinkled as much as the Rhino's armor, trying to elucidate what lingo was being spoken. Buck & Nika found the gall to ask after what they meant. The Boar snuffled out, "Primarrr-ily mea-hea-eens: *MerGe with us*."

I came back to my senses & permitted, "Maybe I'll take the Trip after the others are interviewed about their makeuPeril."


"Then let the CURIOUS descend & preview bounteous Fair," behested Bonehead. "Tidings about your own $pools (otherwise understood as periphSoul fragments.)"

"So far the main thing we've previewed is someone's corroded nose-job," Amelia giggled, while futzing with her hairpin. ~ {Definitely a sore stab*}

The Jelly-skirt entity poked charGroovy-green coils over the jagged snout's protrusions. "A feature cleaved from an immaculately proportioned WolPhotinger..."

Amy curdled, unameliorating. "Your wardrobe advisor doesn't seem to know which fabrics match or clash."

"To each their OWN allurement," the Slaughterer testified.

Buck froze, implications dawning on him. "Cold contam'Nations..!"


Ruby passed the Scepter to Hooksclott, who departed toward the ladder. I kinda helped him steady the Staff as he took to the first rungs. He glanced up at the pool of people hovering above him, to say, "You gotta wonder how much the PHibers are trying to suck the human out of us..."

"Distinguish teaching from genociDominion," gonged Pheo. "The blunTensions could have swarmed adamant, but meander patroLenient."

As I was about to step down after, she grabbed my shoulder. "Hey, I didn't think you'd back down that easy, Prince Bath Rome. Is that really the right move for a Nympho-straniac like you?"

I just winked. "I could say the same of you, priceless motor-head."

Her misgivings rolled off into a grin. "In that case, maybe you're more of a locksmith to my chest."

She found her toothy grin refracted. "Cauldro'nest said it more fitting me-stealth," I asserted. "ThiSimply our firsTool...survey-'Lance."

(Sidelong, my vision extrapolated Amelia's outlook seemed charged also by this flurry of banter). But Trent bounced nearer, which disrupted remarks I was gearing for Shimmjord, as he attempTub follow the chain-gang down with GaSpewer.

Instead, a Beck@hemoth arm corralled his descent like a Gate lever. "Nature has serious qualms with unregulated fires, since it leaves very little to recycle." She peeled it from him & tossed it to Falco. As I watched from below, she spiraled down at me pleading with congenial eyes: "Hey for this hour Myster aroMAtHelm, fold your clatteRakes, claPolite. (We're not quite ready to strain along the current of their Caravan.)"


I almost slipped ofFoot the laddeRungs, as I choked out: "You trying to crank me feel hear'Flowink the long run?"

Rovo gripped his own bicep. "Too bad he doesn't have strong pull with living organisMaths."

Saul'SAck reliJourNailed beneath me. "EnougHuff chromoSlope can filLoad or flush a courtroom of debaiToners."