bRay%Dre@d Bad$kiin Lists

Once the arachnids had employed bundled seams to jerk the Platter acrest the rhino's bulging spine, the Canine languidly snagged some tassel inside one paw & pumped a trail of five narrow steps to arrive beside the Harp-sumMoaner. "We offer you a dual token of Stamina & infirmity: The GONG of Pave=Kaskii'oSteer."

Trent gushed a snicker. "You have any idea what Keyster is slang for around here?"

The Globster flushed that split-tail down either scad of legs, before a velvet-creased voice followed, "Better be a meaningful term~swaYing, for I am wearied."

Trent smacked his flank. "Means rear end; Sounds like that device is real Ba--!"

Ruby yanked his arm around. "Don't get nutty..." she enforced without parting her teeth.

The Ray whirled it's crys'Tail like a propeller, gargling: "A brush with it, like i, will rake any posterior akin to craacTush!"


Arms raised as everyone but RuBackpedaled at least one step. Shaking my head, quickly amended ~ "That's quite self-evident: no room for idioms in your family tree."

"TriiiFlew, Hol'gem," reproached Turtle-tuft. "WHY be sniffed in by one fledgling's hapless expression? There is currently striata*GEM in dire pinch." Droopy arms harnessed its attention back to us. "Let us demonstrate HOW the equipment relegates service." ((-#^#-)) "Step 1: Affix the tassels round your mid-section. Next function depends on WHETHER you want to fortify or dismantle. Need to seTolerate your own internal DIS~ARRAY?" Flaming'beak tapped downward. "Squeeze the tongue-pads together & pump ONCE inward. On the other Trigger, if you wish to scatter an adversary's focus among a turmoil of convulsive entrails, PEEL the 4 facets outward from touching tips." Grand'maw squatted inwards at the knee & swept a trunk past in one motion that dislocated the fronds, in a bend like insect legs: decimating the symbol's engraven glow. "Be certain it disrupts only the path of your foes. The fumes could SWOON a small mob of nuisance from 3 acres off, like a poison-swathing beast, for a toe-full of days."

Saul ogled down at the ~*Tool*Belt~ which remained dangling on display from the Hyena's fist, tremO*ring like a sentient vat of cheeses. "I have a really tough metabolismmm," he imparted. "But that'sSome heavy-duty conducive digggessstion stored righThere."

Leaf-chowder shimmied widely at both hips ~ perhaps proud? "ENTIRELY; and be aware to cross-Tug one set of tassels to activate INCOGNITO - best not to spook your rivals instantly on appearance, that they may HARDLY consider what is defecting them. Your member called Trench would benefit MOST from exercising it. For he does not acCELL in coordinating the density of regular limbs - he does better to encompass phantasmic SMEARS as wee. Receive the apparatus, Orangu*Tape fuzz."


Trent's hand extended halfway, then haltered. "The LENDER won't strike..." pipped the Moths. "Without worthy contender!" they heckled.

"It's more like I don't really want to be touching dried out tongues," Shore grimaced, but closed the transaction by bracing all ten fingers along the stringy green straps - then his brow inflamed crinkles as he absorbed the platter. The previous furrows in his face blossomed to exhilaration. "Well I'll be! - it's light as a frisbee."

Suddenly the Horseypine took a closer look & balked; "Wait where did we obtain the Patha'Wheep from? That better not be coated in sickle-Camel wax."


MissShroom calmly swiveled Head in that direction - but landed an abrasive crunch, as it reaffixed the Skullcap in socket. "Stave-cloth; you know I didn't STRETCH its fabric. We don't always implore the immediate MERCHANT, but lubricant typically comes from invertebrate components."

The Mustang snapped its tail across the water's edge. "You pay less attention every star*$lide," it grumbled. "We need fresh Trading statutes up for consideration. We should be wary to detain poachers who may be reducing endangered sources."

"Must you act as renegade pinch'D Booster? You know speck^Traveiled aren't allowed to choke out zoo exhibits without 2/3rDomain approval," rebutted a Dry reply. "Bottle your objections for now. Very likely the extra doses of Argo*na$um have x-PANDERED our temperaments."

I noticeDuring this bickering, Ram-wig had slipped out of the voice sync. While the two continueDispute, Fin muttered: "I wonder if Falco can reverse-engineer any parts of that humdinger..."

"That sounds reeel ethical," I dispatched.

Ruby domed her knuckles for the joints to crack. "The Multi'vinYard doesn't tend to be tranquil, CudGel%Ranger. Emulate whatever you can - besides, you're primed to be one of the best at Inward~SeePromice."

"Rock skippy," applauded Buck. "Like shiftin' Ox'scent flips hand'ly."


"Come on," Amy a'bedded my concerns. "We should try to limit chemical storm - at least around dignified and cuddly things."

"Won't last long approaching the lawless affectionately," Anika determined. "Just because somebody behaves generically or considerately, doesn't mean they're compassionate. I know you go to school in the city & all sweetie, but our Zoology teacher was a flippin' Fairy right under our noses for two whole semesters."

Through rims, Fin studied attempTrent to fasten on the digestGong platter. "Yep. We have to keep pace with the League we just moved up into.." (halfway a knock at how Trent proved himself to be fashioned of goofish knots)


"Nice fannypack, bro!" Siggy rained from upstairs as the Gong slid off-center along his hip. Amelia pranced over & adjusted the parts till they were level & comfortable around his torso. He chiseled variations of thank-you to a powder, while blushing so heavy that within 2 minutes a vampire would have tried to jam the spigot to avoid staggering into a buffet coma.

"And here I believed Rain was cleansing," Horsey'pine retorted in regard to Sig's snark. "Instead history greets itself with a MIRROR. What single affection the rOtter faltered to Foster, lashes to self with hiss of darts, as if one ghoulish burden should weigh enough to shred abodes of cadets who spread favors for free. Diplo'Marred frustray%thin tatters all that stays in circulation for armor: sulk'inspecting inanimate hazes that a'flirt flavor back WASHED out craters, til mindless rapacity detects no difference tween tender accord or backhanded comp-"

"Cut it out!" Sig spewed. "If I wanDid sort riddles - i'd be closer."

I glanced up at his tight jaw, hoping to ancestors this "faltered Affection" or "Ghoulish burden" wasn't chained to the locket's disappearance.

The swine snuffled a vow. "Message wouldn't require long-windeDownload in tighter proximity..."

"Foster Diploma: flavor your states!" Moth's pandered. "Delicate warmth: tribute the nest."


"Whatever issues arise," Rovo reached for Siggy's shoulder, taking the matter to heart - "We got your back."

Siggy bounced his neck Traps off. "Too late to reverse - you don' need to pick at 'em..."

Rovo's banana-esque nose dipped. "Well things should get back to simple, at least temporarily..." Pheo issued. "None of us will be slated to cater for 'Bogeymen' as a long-term career choice."

"The minefield is large; the job may trim short opDjinns," Siggy repulsed. "I buried wad was mine the firsTime around, like a skittish pirate. It didn't minimize threats. Why cling to habit longer?"

That skidded everyone up with introspection. We had each already become closer in deep respects (outside Caphony). But truly, half the pack's Drive was unyielding toward the familiar. In a moment of shared solidarity, I imagined we were an atmosphere that should never let ourselves be separated after these partaking of manifold Recognitions. And yet the one I stood most chance to lose, had chipper, warm eyes I'd known beforEver crawling over my first independent obstacles. Or had he simply been sheltering in place all along? Now they were chipping into my lungs like contrails. Could I have been just a poster on his wall, entrenched during absent pockets of connection? A splash of circumstance?


"Notice our troops express tendency without needing caption," Pheo reported. "Unlike your slap-happy moths."

"Be CHARITABLY reminded, we take not after your so-deemed civil mannerisms," fired Bonehenge. "besides... Diplomacy strikes with an eerie RESOLVE of depreciation."

"That supposed to be news to anyone?" Becca gassed. "You Bellows fancy something more, or can we hear your Recipe ingrediEvoluTents already?"

"Wait," halted Anika. "I didn't really get a clear focus about me! Let it be less vague this time."

Ruby combed around her ear & sighed. "Enough repetition please - anything is posSurge'ball to achieve... But until you burst free of Scentsure-Ship terms, you won't even have Range to fathom the value of other Flows."

"sWwayy, don't OVER-simplify," ushered the Gurg'oil. "One may favor BRACE for predispositions."


"Yeah mage," Nika waged. "You oughtta know even palm grooves can shift avenues of least resistance."

"Their evaluations may be incomplete of founDeveloping," Ruby redirected. "Any growth conditions hedge more than their electriciTally."

The moths slowed buzz & spread out around the line of DragHorns, alternating between red, white, & blue... were they trying to subliminally represent our country's Flag? About that moment, a rush of unmistakaBLEating birds surged air westward over foliage: gray cormorants, like perplexed goats. Further out, some shrilLoon argued with their passage. "No wings can outrun the memories you eclipse, Owl~hinged: but talons TRY clip your tongue. Coils are laden with DYNAMISM; they bend without edges to magnify proceeds; make sure to Lend refuge as you retrieve property & re~scroll history. Embodying such WIDE Liberty, yet raises responSIBuilty: beware PEcKING too numerous seed*Crits that belong to escorted beaks. Some fruits bear thorns, so CHART every meat - plant by the rules when you wanTrees with cocoons."

"Umm, property is promising, & history is huge:" Nika absorbed. "Play by the ruuules = maybe don't dismiss Critics? Think i got it excepThorn the cocoonStuff."

"Coax~moonity..." ZabRAYa showered. "Orbits balance accuraSimplest in threes. Past, present, and FlewSurely context punkJewel hatch from your nestinGround - long as you conceal frosty vein until another colDesignation contracts. For if you mount too much Bird'den on featheRudders, you blot out the sun & seat yourself as prioriTarget."

Pheo shouted at her: "Just don't be whimsical as Icarus!"

"Whooz that?" Buck was lost.

Rovo thrust, "A Jailbird who didn't understand heat."

"Gawd," Amy blew. "that's Tragically gorgeous."

Ruby crossed her arms & kinked back toward the sky. "Nika sounds like the lucky 1 in abouTwo-hunDread who get all but draped by Auras, so able to get by with practically no memorization techniques= Crossroad compull'Tent."

"PREP holds longer than quick pressure flips," The Hound's fluffy tail shivered. "Anchor yemself to core-materials whereBloat you reside. Pack now, I take as psychologically PRIMED for Transmission."


"Yeah," stoked Fin. "So it'd be great to get a Preview of our errands."

"No PROBLEM. You will traverse a climate tuned Pozi~QvOWZ = No star illuminates these copious alcoves; fields of Cyril & reefs such as Mavium intensify the dim'FLECTIONEON from a ciStern BadgeR. Oxygetting there is quite fairly unimpeded for humidians." - {a round of rumbling upon that line seemed to exemplify some inside merriment.} "There are possuMoles nestled among the con'{CAVES} ~ whose skin consists of ChatcOnyx. You will be supplied an instrument that grants Anti-humidity fields, which makes them shed BELL shapes through pores."

I ruminated: "Will you simplify our labor?"

"We'd do it ourSILPH, fledgling, if the echoLane WERE-ent'Tide the domain-shed of Xif'jaWotii: sHuff'VolChore of shatter frames, whose wyrms Ride every other spout, unfairly plundering. You need to gather at least FIVE of those gossiPossum belts, but when the BaSilKissups hear the moleSHRIEKing they will instanTURN to pilfer you. Nevertheless, joint goal should be KEEL some serpents: need BAIT to enrage the Oversculpteer into making a personal appearance; so we can't $ling you back home as SOON as you bamboozle the dwarves: Xif wears an exquisite Robe called the RhymSyphrase PraiSEar."

Capone jolted - "Jeez, see why I don't enter to play? Double task's no fair for a first go: that's bad as a crummy RealiTV gag."


"Let SILPH finish KEYS," they rebuked. "There are ways to dispatch the wyrms: Cruising along high-wavis phenomena, they get distracted by Tangled fluctuations they STRIVE to keep smooth -~- there is an Urchin Tree which alters their internal pressure down to lethargy. Hopping surf to tide may also come of VALUE."

Trent suggested, "What i'm wearing over my belly now, could jostle their day down to a bummer."

"Limber try, spry Unrave'Leer," rocked the Rhino. "But such won't stir nor snare them; they are more fluidly animated, not molecularly stationed. Shadow-patch shields will do you defense."

Buck belly-laughed: "Jumpin' jellybeans, Trint, this ain't like Theatre! - just cauz ya got a gift don' mean it gawn come handy on the very next uh'signment."


"Not to worry friendzzz," Falco brimmed. "I'll ponder the stringggy diodes of this May'trix problem, so's to profit more tactics to pluckin' sloTails in the cominggg days."

"Fret not over the Shuff'Volture," elucidated the Phibers. "As LONG it should observe displays of SAPPY romance, it can't restrain but to laugh itself out all stitches, during which the ROBE will shred."

The Hound bent over cackling into hyena sounds. "Zooo-AYYO-veeHee! I'll be inhaling that Process with my CLOWN*~fishiest snacks..."

Dallas: "Perfect. Enjoy y'alls dilemma now. It's time we broke Camp."

"Be riveted pilgrims," Gurjivow expanded. "You have uncloaked PRO-VISIONS from Glam.Spotted wares. Anybodhi now have a fresh SPIKE of courage to undertake pursuit?"

Hooksclott peered around, & encouraged: "The more the merrier..."


I relent'Eased: "Seems i don't have anything more demanding to attend than community services."

"Pry'mist attend!" swooped moths. "More! Merrier," spiders were cartwheeling. The unearthly demonstration begged the question what the crawlers were attacHooking on without weBillowing.

Sig cleared his throat above from distance. "Eat be a cryin shame if mi hermano fell off the face of the Earth, and I wasn't dare do protest why."

"So the urchin CAN be urged..." remarked the Stallion.

After that no one else spoke up. The lines were set.

"Let's get this conniving BUNCH upon their way then," wished Grand'belly scars. "To their original Black-market..."

"Finally," sighed Rovo.


Malibu dumped - "Hey Glam*SPOTS, mind if we grab motor-Thrust by scooting along a fanboat?"

"Thanks for querying," they intoned sardonically. - "Long as you all tarry aBOAT the same spot... we'll be able to expand the ClumP-uncture wide enough to accommodate mass."

"Tow the canoe behind the shop too!" sequestered Saul. "I don't prefer to make another sssweltering morning just to fetch back the Sssand Slipper."

"Boards at a fee!" Gutt lively rattled a grin that dropped without ever sticking. "Alright guys, there's a fold-drop segment around the corner." Everyone on the Balcony streamed away in a beeline, vanishing around the Bastion to the boat.


With that, several Dryads began to disperse. The Rhino & boar charged right at each other for a head-butt, crunching back into a half-buried stone. The Ray simply slithered away like a lazy wasp ~* "cr@wdad" rippling a tiny wake below in the water...

The Hound bound a four-legged lunge, straddling atop the wrinkly Stallion, sQwhere it snapped the deceased sunfish out the night'Mares barbed-wire of mane; the carcass was dusteDown along its loins, mumbling something which sounded like: "Bleax'thermaporrzlick review 'Vownym'Phastro~Clumpeer..." before slinging it fins over gills down into the brackish bayou surrounding us. The dappled carcass plunged... -- As the surface refilled & quieted, the Largest 10 trees or so Ringing around us, each loosed half a root out of the mud & snapped a Salute of one accord.

Those of us not already loafing in the direction of the Shack's edge, hiked up our pace by then. Instants later, dorsal spikes could be viewed sluicing off with haste above the surface (with grateful trepidation I assumed).

Meanwhile the Berry*}{~*cam's body had been flattening out, antlers wilting to elephanTwine remnants, smoothing out magenta mass as it transmutated toward its previous hairy, insectoid form, reinflating its breast, gluing feathers back over rough protrusions, head descending like an actual turtle back inside a cauldronic-visage. The pale [{[DISK]}] near its shoulders, rose again, constantly vibrating. As if on cue, the moths dive-bombed along the quivering disk, & lacey fabrics replanted across barren patches of flesh.

During this transfiguration, the Fanboat's engine pummeled into the air. Gryphinx stepped forward, appraising wings with a straining as the Fanboat coasted into view, & our slew soggily trampled out to hoist meeting over the ledges & girding: "Gaze not away from Sire NeckQuilt's WHORLING braids if you desire naught become STRAND from your colleagues. It shall POOL all squad behind our flight, and disPATCH you at convenience."


The mustang pivoted haunches around, (as did we who were becoming buoyant), progressively revolving its tail below the Dogman rider, until speeds whipped into a cara'$mell sprawl.

Pheo hollered harshly = "Just gotta love staring at lumpish Rump!"

Trent pumped a fist: "Welcome to berZERK storm Mode!"

That was the last familiar sound I caught as the beasts, boat, & bayou B*Lu)~rred into a corkscrewingRay blaze with momentary roars sprayed like elephants stampeding a China shop...