{merCHrome}% MantiCompressed $cal'Prism*ode WhistLEad$

Rupert casually beckoned his elbow behind at the other wading canoe, for swarthy grunts to start unloading cargo. When he swiveled back, he tolDallas - "Check the kindeetion of approachink loot to satisFakeshin."

Like a thin-lipped reptile, his narrow nostrils shivered with the relief of a straight assurance. "Let's hope something finally goes smooth today..."

As the pre-ordered bundles started to get hauled ashore, Gutt implored, "I read about you Swashbucklers carrying some type of shadow Umbroilla?"

"If you pack three Grand in return," LuCheese-boils roped like quicksand, still slinking toward him: "Since it assists density along Inter$tellar Travel & breath conversions without sundry ritual."

Beccapproved: "That's actually gonna work out to a spec*Trackularly beneficial field study..."

Malibu's false teeth couldn't bottle a resplendent smile when hearing Ruby's affirmative. He hadn't walked into this blindly, despite having his spectacles destroyed. "No proBlame, long as you take credit card?" he reparteed, like basket chains after a disc golf score.

"Abbb$oilutely," Planchorva & HoratiOld answered.

"Bad idea to link transactions that way," FalCOmBristled. "Easy pickingggs for info scalpeers."

Gutterson groaned. "Swarming zombies, I only keep 200 cash on me. If I don't dip digital, we'll likely have to stoop into their perverted games."

"No loss," Chandy taunted him. "What's a little truth or Dare for a Far-sailed spine, shortstack?"

Malibu gazed at how her tripod legs had crouched deeper outward, & he backpedaled nearer our core. "I won't be the only one compelled to retaliate, that's what," Gutter spat amidst his retreat.

Horatio twiddled his stache. ~ "Melikes how this be settin' up. Keep on entreaThing: hat zis rate, we'll host two rounds of inge$ting."

"Not likely," Amy stirred, sponging sand centerWise toward Rovo. "I'll sell materials off my body before we get that far."


Khafim jiggled a belly laugh. "Like giving the clothes off your back? That'd be mighty quicker than Strip Poker..."

"Those aren't worth much," she gazeDown. "Except these shoes -- to your shithead."

"If you're after penetration," I stiffened. "My idea of a raised bidder, is Bladdee Impaler style."

Khafim blinked, perhaps unable to decipher, and couldn't manage to find his tongue. But Sticky Ribbon snatched the reigns & formulated observAmyions ten times quicker. "This Limo-coddled is admirable..." Amy scuttled more behind Rovo. "Alternative paths gush inside her sleeves, like the cramPenGodzelle, Tempo-baffler, from one of our anthologies: Squeeze & Summits of HabPitation."

Planchorva stroked along his 2-inCHin tuft... "Thit canyodeling Lunatic neeva did meet a prison that could contain heem."


TrenTried piecing together the Tone-baffling equation. "The Hell's a Godzelle?"

Falco answered, "Sonic LeviathWyrmmms that dwell inside magMAntles - tough to even temporarily blockade those Light~braiding extension cords; lore which Godzilla ssstemmed from."

GuilloTina assured, "Herds only hostile when diverted or harassed."

So Ribbon was comparing Amy's agility to the dualiTwirling dynamics of Light-tunnel amplification? What was our troop NOT capable of...

Khafim snorted. "Ribbon, I can't agree with your assessment of that thin housepet."

"She's just yet to glimpse the noodeLatches of SpongeArrow level," he said quietly. "I doubt you slowed to hear the zest within the chambers of her organs."

"Don't toss her any keys," gnashed Chandry. "We have to isolate those Atmosquakes!"

Planchorva solemnly swore, "scaRedda head oughtta sea'PouRate Class nearly as wheel. LeThose opshins reign tidday's High'st grail..."


I fumed to tatter their garments for trying to strap us beneaTheir Clout & Planchy's encoded speech! - but i'd have to remain a patient player if I didn't want to falter raiding the proverbial Gaits & stairs along their existing Stadium traffic.

"Sturgeons," Dal redirected. "Don't mind my fellows' hesiStance. If we prove less than purse-Wailsive, other hearty funds belong to you." - Aimes patted the Skyfox bag saddled to one shoulder; meanwhile her lips quivered. She knew his jackass was content to sell any of us down Violation's river.

Planchorva smugLeaned against GuilloTina. "Easy to run out of funds if you try to lick up every specialty at Disneyland." The shimmeRate in Tina's eyes slowed into a nod, winnowing melancholy blues as she flailed her arm around his Thick neck; It appeared forced, overdramatic, but he repeatedly stroked her forearm regardless. While he was occupied, palm of her free hand writhed hastily beside her hip. I glimpsed a watermeLonie dice swing between each finger, a dexterous swim before she pouched it away as if merely scooting off a bug. Was she geaRing to betray his confidence?


Siggy had been combing his sideBurning temples, chewing how to deliver his own proposal: "Coatrack wouldn' happen have any type uh Lockets on hand? If dat stuff's kinda cheap, I could go foReplacement."

"We don't deal any purely sentimental products," sliced HoratiAlamo. "That's what thrift shops are for. What we do supply in that department are multipurpose, bathed in peculiar properties."

"In short," Tina delivered, "Cheapies are prone to unstable functions; so don't choose lightly."

Alamo flunGlared fish hooks into his contemporary, as if customers shouldn't be permitted fair assessment of products.

"I'll find a way to hanDeal it," Siggy mended.

"An entire tub of the endearing awaits," confirmed Sticky ribbs.

Siggy nodded without conviction. "Sounds worth a look..."


"Simbawdy stawt twirlin' a list," commanded Planchorva. "Or gone start loozeen traick."

From a leg pocket, Khafim uprooted a folding Oragami fan, & began jotting things between the inquired selections from both my most intriguing BUDS in the whole turquoise Earth. Rat-tail Ribbon interjected also that I was desiring to peek at some Maps.

Falco hopped at the task also, squishing his mini backpack against Becca so she'd unload a notepad, then shuffLEaning & demonscrat*Ching some marks that probably couldn't be legitimatEnglish. (But it did appear tingly!)* Chandra sensed it near swift as myself, & told him to shut down whatever symbol-surging stunt he was drawing up. Saul glanced up, but kept the pad slanted for Ruby to absorBecca whatever contents he'd managed in those succincThree seconds. "Don't get paranoiddd, Coats; I just didn' want my mathhh to distraccct from business matters. Surrrely I can't accomplish much traction upon common paper, without foldinggg or color-coding."

Chandry growled. "What you've really done is revealeDeep reliance... but sack it anyhow or i'll fold your poking hand."

Squinting behind his mulish snout, Khafim snatched it away, & slowly found a pocket to confiscate the pad. Anika rushed to clear the air, aiming at Khafim, "Don't forget to net the $plash'knit from your soggy Sea~log."

"You know I didn't reekognize the name when yeh coined it the first toime," PlanchorvAcknowledged. "We reefer to it by the moat'Spl@ish or Aquampass."

"That's strange," Anika mumbled. "Maybe I misheard my client - she did have a strange wAx~ccent. Oh well, as long as it's the one that looks like layered Sundials."

"Beware," GuilloTina warned. "The Moats have a way of absorbing memories..."

"I won't be the one using it," Nika dismissed, as loot began to be spread beside CaPhony's toes.


Noticing the firsTub was transparent, Buck unloaDud. "I wanna deck me halls in a screwball owfit!"

CaPhony swung an arm against Buck's ribcage as he tried to move towards it. "Bring any dough for that?"

"Ain't retarded as maybe I sowwN," replieDudley. "You awready bought em, and they're peekin' at me," he motioned, staring over a procession of greasy numbskulls. Various jugs & wooden chests were coming close behind.

"If you don't damage any of my stuff," vowed Dallas, hastening over to inspect the merch. "Then I'll send you an invitation to the Festivities so you can dress up at an appropriate time."

Buckaroo embraced: "Sparkly silverware, I'll dig that mail!"

Nearly all our Flock pinched around tighter, curious what we might spy. Some things that came ashore I had expected to see: liquor and costumes and drugs. Just maybe not such a variety: among coin-shaped rows of ecstasy, a huge jug of bath salts, and 3 double-layered cases of syrupy unknowns.

Then there were the gleaming peculiariTease: A large tub of tye-dye fabrics, a Fiery sewing machine that appeared more like a dollhouse, some Plexi-chrome prop that looked to be a cross between a swan & armadillo, plus a whistle emblazoned with a sports car elonGating wheels @t furious tilt. I really didn't wanna know what those uptown bitches had in mind for the Party. Or maybe AfTerm*shock raucousness...


During the handful of minutes it was taking DallaSift & confirm whether merchandise looked intact & complete, Anika went discussing further personal aspirations - for she'd been seduced ever since Owlbear opened its beak, about harnesSling massive triggers. "As for personal instrument I want something that does permanenTransformation," she declared. "But only external rearrangement."

The Buccaneers informed her they had plenty of beasTalismans; but she wasn't very interested in sharPaws or drastic transits = she wanted to remain fairly appealing to a common person, yet neither be interpreted as predatory. Planchorva suggested a Synthboard of stir*Rupollen could grant such wishes, but an excruciatingly drawn out investment of time would only enforce it permanent. It was likely to assume LuChandra had transmogrified through such a type of procedure - if she had ever been human behind the ring eyes & LeaProtruding knobs.

Nik@greed, wringing her unpainted fingers together, & Khafim desk-penned that contraption fold retrieval also.

(Around this time, Fin had scooted back & was jabbering something to Amy). She embraced him with an armful of intent churning, & danced vigorous fingers around his narrow tricep. "How much did you bring?" I could overhear. "More than most," he spun his adam's apple to face the Turncoats. "No specific appliance in mind here either -- but I aim Fore-sight."

"Wisdim comes with Acteevity rathear slanTokeens," The Aussie adjusted smoky Amazonia & strawberry quart$ dripping along his tiger cap. "Offin that cost be isolatin' compacted records. That's to say we carry no tech fer that kind of liveliness - but if you'll accipt a diary of Troucan~Eelsis, determination shell serve you beater than reflex..."

"Don't make me read between the lines," Fin scolded. "Give me the gist of its ability."

"Tina?" RuperTurned. "ElayBiration entuzz yer forte..."

She nestled fingers around his ear and chirped: "Neck*tar pages between Pirvana's PinCHamBredot Prism store mood embleMarks: pure, unfettered from personal relations, envisioned as energy intensity. If you can manage to plaster ninety-nine pages with aligning Clarity, you'll gift yourself the ability to Tri~Locate your awareness. Keep the book from being gazed within by others, or you'll have to rekindle each page they peek to restore harmony. That includes Spirits, so you'll need to shade it with vapor~Wards as well as padlock."


Hooksclot hooked arms together. "Tall order, but widespread benefits. What'll it cost me?"

Horatio lowered. "H8-unDReaDinero + and about as many headaches."

Fin thumbed his hooked nose. "Well I'm used to headaches every time I look in a mirror;- so I'll take that as a sign of Providence."

As that settled, Chandry swayed nearer Capone, overlooking. "How does the horde we prepared, appease you?"

"I don't see anything spoiled at first glance..." Dallas trailed, whisking fingertips over bumps and grooves. "But i have to demand immediaTEst run with the MimicVestoilure." - Such was the name etched into the back of the lustrous mongoose of far too many feet.

Why did that name hit so famili`Ear?...

"Be our guest," guilloTina replied, and so our Thug jerked it up by its rubbery-sectored armadilLOckinGrooves, searching for any obvious buttons, switches or screens that might surge to turn it on. Alamo further instructed - "Cock its wingtips back until they touch." Once he did so, there mounted a series of chimes that harnessed massive attention. Abruptly the slender snout of the droid flung back, tip steeling with soupy orange as ridges whipped tiny drops of blood from Caphony's knuckles, & thrashed in a scramble to lick the iron juices off his squirming fist. The head angled Owlmost 180 degrees in attempting so.

(Malibu stifled a wretch, as if repressed scenarios had triggered.)

"PawHaihhGEE!.." caBone-head'$ windpipe broke like a girl spooked by crawLegs trying to join her for a snack. "What's going on!" he squealed, managing to shove it away to the ground.


"That thing just gave you a tongue lashing!" Trent heckled.

As the bot fumbled for balance in the sand, you could see a hatch in the back of it open and scoop a slot of moist earth from the bank.

"It desires to sample a material portion of everything that interacts with it," Chandry replied, drooling. "And always tastes animated flesh."

"It's not hostile," Ribbon reap'lied. "MantiCurl's now in tune with your coREsonance; your chakras will align & concentrate better at tasks until someone else engages it. You get a sense of clarity and control. Even when it's a simple matter of decorating, you won't misplace any tools or falter the design. Riddles shall unfurl themselves in select shapes."

FalCOREmarked: "That's a nifTreat marriage between spooLight squeeze and mineral."

CaPhony wiped both hands across his brown slogs. "You could have warned me!"

"Then you would have dodged quickah," Planchorva insisted. "Only to find eat chase ya crazed as bloody 'Roo - ensuing a much woilder ruckus."


"So this thing really," Dal squeezed his knuckles to push past terror. "Absorbs pellets & duplicates mass?"

"It's an ingeniouSculpTower of synthetiClay," Khafim supplied, eyeing the golem. "A single lump, containing no rod-like bones. Like a doppelganger it can replicate cellular structure, imitate voices & language."

Capone confessed, "I underestimated the athleticism of such a gizmo."


"Be glad: Now it will do nothing unless you command," alleviated Sticky Ribbon. "And it only has enough memory to take orders from the last 2 people who have turned it on, to avoid conflicting overload."

DallaStretched his breast, and gratefully spat like a stop sigNuClear. "That's the part i DID count on."

We watched it crawl through a stranded streamlet of mud, & vibrate a frayed shoelace in its beak. Either the odor was odious, or intrigue was not profound, so it crawled out of the puddle, limbs whirring like a rattlesnake in attempt to dry itself; shortly after discovering a discarded bottle cap to ingest. Then it sluiced up into the air, with precision like a hummingbird & perched on Dally's shoulder like a reflective baby MantiCarve; - where it gave a peck near the collar of his mangled shirt. "Cut it out you little bugger," he ordered, apprehensively.

It arched the kink out of its neck, & asked in a dry FluxView'Latchain': ~ ""DelineAte shAyeePe ^(+#)^ Or highlight born-Doors?""

"No," Capone retracted. "I meant stop probing me; and don't touch my clothes at all!"

""Grann-Ted ^(+#)^ Buuut it's wiiise to reserve historic Lofts.."" it responded = & jumped up on his head.


Amy goaded him - "Looks like your latest pet is a clingy smartass."

"At least I have a helmet for now," DallaSighed. "Shred anyone that tries to impale me," he ordered. It slowly sprouted a sharper appendage at the opposite end, wagging proudly like a puppy.

"Cute tricks," Rovo mentioned. The pirates couldn't cease smirking, apart from Tina who's steady peepers did not squirm out of pulse, yet drowned blue to match my bandanna. Until Rovo inquired whether they were gifting any other stock of abnormally talented pets.

"Outsoide the classic," Rupert responded, "We aidvertoise a mini hydrAustMotive Maygnet~ _)_~ Dun't X@ctly have personality, steel causes org'nisms within a certain radius to fall in line with your goals unless they be heav'ly wardeed."

Ribbon reproved, "However the StArrowfish is a bit of a parasite, rough to uproot from your skin, and sure to annoy your friends if you adhere too often."

"Hmph," Fin hunteD,gowncast. "That's taking a chainsaw to freewill don'tchu think?"


"How do you suppose the wealthy fan the flames of their status?" Alamo was admiring his swirly mustachEnds in the reflection of his halberd. "They pinpoint mass cravings & appeal to pressure, swiftest incub@ited with persistent dizzying thrill. It's just that urges quickly harnessed, tend to quickly fade - so rather the Producer of systemic stimulant, reaps a train of longevity more than the customer."

Rovo jiggled his head. "Folks still have a choice whether they think a business pitch is worthwhile."

"The point ease," Planchorva picked back, "Almost each produck is designed to quench barrin thirsts teemporarily. But eef eeverybawdy coordinaTread enough satisFactory O-a'cees, financial sea-stems & boasting would lose pull on hawt$trings - hawmoney would become practickley free!"

"Rove," Phoenix stepped in. "Efficiency is somewhat a matter of hypnotism. Definitely give us a peek at the StArrow hydraulic thing."

Her brother shrugged. "As long as one of us is excited."


Khafim was scrawling the last notes, then tapped the paper fan - "So far, six speculative requests to grab from The Cave's belly..."

LuChand-3-peepin' rocked around restively. "Is there going to be anything else?"

Tart as Rhubarb, our queen stretched snarkily; the runes on her neck glistened like snot )<_~ "A shitstorm if your menu sucks..."

Khafim shoveled the list off to Ribbon, who glanced over at Horatio. "I'll need your assistance, Alamo." Ribbon reported, unzipping a side pouch & walking past Planchorva, who boasted, "A task fur foiv men is bout to git round-Tripped in five meanutes!"

= Form the Asian'Satchel manifested a toy soldier, with a strinGray tarp fastened to the shoulders. Horatio began to circle his halberd... loops wherein scarlet penUmBreegun to flicker about like roadAnts, Assorta~scurrying Bake'tween swampier mousetrappish mechanisms, bidding for lunge.

Ribbon coated his nose behind the wispy parachute, emptied with a maelstrom burst, & tossed the icon of rescue aid about two stories into the air. On the descent path, the fabric unfurled like a mushroom, & the toy dawdled back and forth from about 6 inches of string like a pendulum. Alamo unleashed fluctuating torso, severing the cape of negligent resistance. Spearheads of sun & swarm HisS`urrounding steel, flick***eroded out of sight with the two pirates, masticating air with several gusheRed spurts, leafing behind the pristine molded cadet steePlunged, disowned ... knee deep into sand with unwaveHeard pittance.

In the distance above the eel-embroidered ship, their departed forms reappeared like two dandelion seeds, _>~) drifting down over the deck. "Appears we'll be swimming through a dormant layover," The Turncoat Captain clapped as if never tiring of the madJumping act. "So we might as wheel start making things offeecial. I need all of yuz to soign a Waivah."