Fast and Calculative

"He already stole three kills" Zera said with a defeated look as she thought about Eli's underhand techniques, 'He just hides in the woods and shoots 'that thing' from everywhere, even if I stopped one, another one will pop up and kill the monster....urgh...just how many branches he has.."

"Urgh, This Sun is also pissing me off" Zera annoyed due to the layer of protection being removed slowly as her body slowly started to hurt.

"Heh..." Mia just laughed off.

Zera's eye twitched, "What?".

"Nothing" Mia waved her hand.


"That's the 8-Star HobGoblin" Zera said as she looked at the 7-foot green-coloured human creature with a long axe in his hand who stood a few meters away from them.

"I guess, he is pretty angry since we already killed his soldiers earlier.....You can do it, right?" Zera asked as she glanced at Mia.

"Yes...." Mia said with enthusiasm and chanted,



Hobgoblin's eyes were covered in dark black smoke as he waved his axe back and forth but,

/"Shadow sphere"/

A small black sphere appeared on her palm and then she shot toward the hobgoblin but before it could reach,


"No, You won't" Zera shouted as she throws her katana but,



With a dangerous smile, Zera shouted, "Mia NOW!" as Mia chanted,

/"Dark Veil"/

Soon the entire space was covered in darkness.

"Now let's see what can you do" Zera mumbled as she waited for Eli while Mia only focused on the hobgoblin.

But what they didn't expect was,

"Zera" Mia called.


"Hobgoblin was not moving..." Mia pointed, Zera frowned as she looked at the hobgoblin.

Zera and Mia walked towards the hobgoblin with high caution and due to the darkness element both of them can see in darkness without a problem.

They stood before it and looked at the hole in its chest where its heart was missing.

"sigh, cancel the spell" Zera said with a defeated look.

"Ok" Mia didn't care much.

After that Zera looked for her katana but,

"...He stole my weapon, didn't he?" Zera really annoyed now.

"...." Zera then finally realized.

"I guess, I lost my cool" Zera said sadly due to being exposed to the sun slowly, she begin to lose control.


Sun was almost set and everything started to return to their house.

Zera and Mia were standing in front of Rose and Adria with some bruises while Eli was in the embrace of Lilith.

"Do you know why you are not able to kill 6-9 Star monster?" Adria asked indifferently as she stared at them.





After a moment of silence, Mia said in a sad tone,

"He is faster than us and...more calculative".

Adria nodded and looked at Zera, her daughter and questioned,

"Why did he take your weapon?"

Zera bit her lips as she lowered her head and said, "Because I can only use the weapon in 'this hunt'".

"Then why did you throw your weapon?" Adria asked in a disappointed tone.

"..I am sorry Mother, I lost my composure due to being exposed to the sun"

Adria just nodded her head and hugged her as she said, "You done well" and then turned to look at Eli.

Eli was overwhelmed with questions by Lilith.

['Do you hurt anywhere, darling?'] Lilith.

'No, I am fine. It went easy' Eli even though he took some time take rest.

['Are you sure? I can take you to the temple to heal you or...'] Lilith.

Eli just smiled and hugged her again then said in her ears, "There is one thing that was hurting from the morning, are the only one who can help me. Do you.....?" in a hushed voice.

Lilith didn't understand at first but soon her face turned red as she slightly nodded.

Hearing his shameful words Adria had little red on her cheek while Rose turned her head. Not handling this anymore Adria coughed,


This time Eli quickly responded,


"You are going to Nex Academia or staying here?" Adria asked.

"Well...I am staying for the time being" Eli thought a little and said, "I am camping here guys?"

Adria squinted her eyes and then said, "We will be staying at the hotel but..." as she looked at red-faced Lilith and her hand, then continued, "If you are camping then might as well we join".

"Is that so" Eli didn't expect that and Lilith suddenly looked at Adria with killing intent,

['You bitch, get out of here now'] Lilith.

['Why?'] Adria.

['I fucking kill you if you act like that'] Lilith.

['....'] Adria.

Adria thought, 'What the fuck happened to her? She isn't like that before...What he has done to her?' as she looked at Eli.

Noticing that weird look, Eli almost guessed what happened but he didn't care what others think so he said flatly, "If you guys don't mind our flirting then do so".




The other three were treated as air, even Rose didn't voice her opinion because she was being helped so she could not say anything even if she didn't like it.

5 Tents were built away from the Forest in a circular shape with a small fire at the center.

Lilith sat on the right side of Eli while Adria sat on the left side and then Zera, Mia, and Rose.

"So you know cooking also?" Adria was surprised.

"Well....I did say I lived a barbaric life, didn't I?" Eli said as he cooked the hunted monster meats.


Turned right and look at Lilith's frown face as she pinched him again.

"Haha...I will tell you later, okay" as Eli rubbed her head but she shakes her head and said,

['That Bit-I mean I wanted to know now'] Lilith.

"Sigh, wait until I finished cooking" Eli said with a strange smile.

After finishing serving the food.

"Hmm, It doesn't bad" Adria said with a smile.

['You Bitch, what you mean 'doesn't bad'? It is fucking delicious and if you don't like it, go suck someone, Bitch'] Lilith.

'cough, cough' Adria coughed, veins popping on her forehead as stared at Lilith but Lilith happily ate her darling's food.

Mia and Zera didn't speak much because of what happened.

Eli glanced at Rose as he waited for something.

Noticing this, "If you looking for something, then it won't happen" Rose said indifferently as the food disappeared.