Not now.....




Eli kissed her lips and sucked greedily.


After separating, Eli looked at her maid dress while running his fingers through her silky hair and scanned around to check.

"They were in their room" Scylla said with blush as if she knew what he was thinking.

"...Is that so" Eli smiled with amusment.

He then removed his shirt quickly and pulled her hand to touch his skin as he said seductively,

"Touch me, My Dear"

"H-Huh?" Scylla was stunned for a second however after looking at his lustful eyes....'gulp' she gulped hard because after 'that day'...they didn't have much more intimate only a few kisses and hugs.

She was too shy to ask any more intimate....hoping Eli would make a move on her again however, He never did.

She thought he wasn't interested and sometimes he voided her....she was sad and terrified, you know.

Seeing him asking her to do,