Your wish comes True, Fox

"Look, it looks like Jayvald is right, Amber" a melodious voice with a hint of sarcasm echoed.

Both Eli and Rize snapped to attention as they heard the voice.

Then, they saw four people walking towards them, one of whom had bright white flames in their hands, illuminating the area.

Eli instinctively took a defensive stance.

Upon closer inspection, Eli realized that the group consisted of a brown-haired beauty with a hint of blue, a fluffy white fox-eared woman, a wolf-eared woman with arsenic hair, and.....a golden-haired handsome man holding white flames in his hands.

"Oh, if it isn't Vice-Rep? What are you doing here?" Eli asked with a teasing expression, though his eyes remained fixed on Eva Dolphus, the woman with arsenic hair, who appeared to be rather angry.