~Trembling like a rabbit...~

'Drip, Drip'

Adriana's sweet nectar trickled down from the depth of her vagina as she sensually hovered above Eli's taut, pulsating shaft.

Their eyes locked in a fiery exchange of desire...


Adriana emitted a throaty groan, relishing the gradual penetration of Eli's hardened hot shaft into the embrace of her moist, yearning slits.

As Adriana contorted with pleasure and a hint of pain etched across her delicate features,

"I can--"

Before Eli could finish his offer of assistance, Adriana gently shook her head, maintaining control as she guided him deeper into the intimate sanctuary of her narrow slits.

'How could she have borne Zera?' Eli's mind briefly pondered this mystery, but he swiftly dismissed the musings, concentrating on the moment with Adriana.

