You will die if anything happens!!

In the vast expanse of a world shrouded entirely in darkness, a lone beacon of light shimmered amidst the void.

It was a spectacle so mesmerizing that Pearl couldn't help but inquire, "What is that?" Her eyes, fixated on the pitch-black sky, were drawn to the sparkling anomaly that pierced through the gloom.

"Let me check it," Eli declared with curiosity, his foot firmly planted on the ground and,


"Wai---Tsk" Pearl clicked her tongue in frustration as she watched Eli already soaring towards the heavens, his silhouette fading into the dark expanse above.

As Eli propelled himself towards the seemingly limitless sky, there amidst the darkness, he encountered a mesmerizing sight: swirling white sparks, reminiscent of a... portal.

A smile adorned his face, a mixture of excitement and relief, though he reached out towards it, the distance seemed to be still too far.
