After a tedious session with Mr. Whiston, Renard found himself summoned by a servant to the sprawling fields where his father, the Marquis of Drunbury, awaited for an archery practice session. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the verdant landscape as father and son prepared to engage in this timeless pursuit.

The marquis, a distinguished figure with brown hair, grey eyes, and a perpetually kind smile, stood as a paragon of noble authority. As Renard approached, the air carried the scent of freshly cut grass and the distant murmur of servants going about their daily tasks.

The marquis, with a keen eye, observed his son and inquired about the day's lessons. "Hope you had a nice time learning about your duties, Renard," he remarked.

Renard, adjusting his stance as he prepared to draw the bowstring, replied with a hint of candor, "If I must be honest, it is quite boring but educative, it is."