Escort (3)

"How are the men seated before us? Normally they are the ones late. Are you running away from some trouble you've caused?" Rachel asked.

Annalise followed Rachel, Beatrice, and Delilah to the dining room. She inspected those already seated at the table and beside Rafael was his father River Callahan. She heard plenty of stories about the former knight. Before Rafael, everyone feared his father.

Her father would love nothing more than to be face-to-face with River. She was told they had unfinished business. While her father still took part in the fight at the border, River could give up his time as a knight and sit around at dinner.

'How unfair," Annalise frowned, but it could not be helped that there were many knights to replace River while her father was not easy to replace. He was a leader and leaders had to stay in the fight for as long as possible.

"Did you train today, Rafael?" Delilah asked as she took the empty seat beside him as her own. Though Rafael turned her down it did not mean she had to give up just yet. There were no other women, that she knew of, who was close to him like she was to have dinner in his home frequently.

"I did," Rafael answered. There was nothing else to do but train at the moment.

"Did it go as planned?" Delilah inquired, not knowing what else to talk about with Rafael.

Annalise wanted to crawl under the table and hide instead of watching Delilah try to court Rafael. It was like Delilah was talking to a wall. By now, Annalise would have moved on to another man. What was so special about Rafael to keep wasting your time when he clearly had no interest?

"It always does," Annalise heard him reply as she walked by the table to join the other maids in the kitchen. "Lady Beatrice and the other guests are seated," she informed Mavis.

"Good. You and Aria will join in serving. You will continue to serve Beatrice. I want all plates meeting the tables at the same time ladies. Be late and I shall have your head for not doing as you have been taught," Mavis loudly spoke for the maids working to hear.

'When were we taught about serving?' Annalise tried to think back. She would have appreciated the lesson. Annalise learned from watching Cara or Cara would walk up to her and tell her what to do.

Since she started to work here as a maid, there were no Callahans or guests to serve dinner to so she was never trained in this area. Cara was not working tonight so she needed to get help from someone else.

"Aria," Annalise whispered and waved to her friend. She quickly made her way to Aria while keeping an eye on Mavis who would be angry to see them talking. "How do you know when to place down the plates with everyone else?"

"You," Aria paused, realizing the golden opportunity before her. "Mavis will give a countdown," she answered. This was her moment to stand out above Annalise and all the other maids working tonight. She needed to impress Mavis, Edwin, and Rafael so that she could be looked at as one of the maids to either personally serve Rafael or his guests. She needed the money that came with those positions.

"Thank you," Annalise smiled. From this moment on, she would keep her eyes on Mavis.

Aria smiled, but it quickly fell when she looked away from Annalise. The guilt from lying to Annalise was already there. This was her friend. Someone who would help her with whatever she needed. She shouldn't purposely make Annalise fail. "Annalise-"

"Those who are serving, pick up a plate and make your way out. Move, move, move," Mavis clapped her hands. She took a peep and saw that Edwin already had his group of maids pouring wine and water.

"Later," Annalise whispered to Aria as she moved to get a plate of food for Beatrice. 'Listen to Mavis's countdown,' she repeated in her mind.

Annalise forced a smile when she was in the dining room once more. She kept a slow pace as she walked behind the maid in front of her. All she could think about was not dropping the plate in her hands because then she would never be assigned to serve the king.

Annalise followed the other maids and stood behind Beatrice. She looked at Mavis and was confused when the head maid started to go back into the kitchen.

"Dinner is served," Edwin announced to the guest.

Together, the other maids began to place their food in front of the person they were serving.

'No no no,' Annalise panicked. She was not looking in Edwin's direction and the other maids serving caught her odd guard.

Annalise was three seconds behind the other maids in placing down Beatrice's food. "Please enjoy," she said to make up for the mistake.

It wasn't noticeable to anyone sitting at the table since they were so engulfed in a conversation and Mavis was nowhere in sight to scold her. Instead of worrying about it, Annalise made a mental note to remember to listen to Edwin in the future. Then she would be on time with everyone else.

Annalise took two steps back to give Beatrice some space.

"Rafael, I was hoping you would be open to being Delilah's escort for the party tomorrow. I cannot think of anyone but you to be by her side," Rachel said, staring at the young man who would become her son-in-law. She and Beatrice were quite close, so it would be perfect for their children to be together. "You can introduce her to one of your friends."

"I wasn't aware it was a party where someone would need an escort," Rafael looked at his mother. He made it quite clear that he was only allowing a party for the knights to enjoy themselves.

Beatrice picked up a glass of water to drink so she would not have to speak. She did not have anything to do with Delilah wanting to be by Rafael's side tomorrow night, but with Delilah's constant visits and now her parents being here, it would seem like she had something to do with it.

'Of course,' Rafael frowned. Still, he could not get upset with his mother. He turned down many of Delilah's advances, and yet, she still continued to do this and now her parents were involved.

"Just this once," Rafael agreed. There were plenty of men around here for him to throw Delilah out to, so she could find one of her liking to marry and leave him alone. Plus, having her by his side for a moment would help to shield him from any other young ladies and their mothers who were invited. He made the mistake of not overseeing who his mother was inviting.

Delilah wanted to smile and thank her mother, but she did not want Rafael to see how excited she was. Like she was desperate. "Thank you," she said.

River Callahan looked at his son, who was already irritated, and then at his wife, who was surprised Rafael had agreed to accompany Delilah. 'Tomorrow night will be interesting.'