Future daughter-in-law (2)

"Lady Beatrice."

"Christian! I am getting to see all the boys today. Normally you are all scattered over the manor and I cannot find you. How many times must I tell you to drop the lady part?" Beatrice asked, leaving River's side to hug Christian.

It was like hugging a tree, but she had enough practice with hugging her husband and son to be hugging tall men.

"You seem to have grown taller. Please stop as there is only so much heel I could add to my shoes to keep up with all of you. You visited my home recently and did not stop to say hello to me," said Beatrice.

She would have packed him a basket of things from her garden to give to him.

Christian scratched the back of his head, feeling sorry he did not speak to her more the day they went to check on who River had killed. "My apologies. I will visit again even if I am alone."