Dresses, drama, and tears (4)

"I do not know how many women you have danced with, but you should be looking at the woman you are dancing with," Siena said, using her hand to turn Rafael's attention to her. "Are you in love with your maid?"

"That is none of your concern," Rafael replied. 

"I didn't mean to overstep, but since you are here with me and not her, I had to try asking. Am I just a replacement since you could not be seen at this ball with your maid? I have noticed the way you look at her even now when you are in the same room, your eyes go to her like danger would find its way to her should you look away," said Siena.

It hurt to see that the man she was told to focus on so much in her youth was already in love with someone else while she was moulded into the perfect wife for him. She was prepared for as long as she could remember to be the perfect wife for Rafael.