Fired (4)

"Where I am from," Annalise said, grabbing Aria's hand before Aria could try running away. It wasn't fair for Aria to slap her and then run away. "Hitting someone means you want to challenge them to a fight. You cannot run away when it just started. Face what you started."

Annalise interlaced her fingers with Aria's and then pushed forward her hand so Aria's would go back.

Annalise used her left hand to get a good hold on Aria's hand, and then with her right hand, she pushed back Aria's with great force, not stopping until there was a noise to indicate she was successful. 

Aria was still in so much shock over slapping Annalise that she didn't react right away to fight against Annalise holding her hand. She was snapped out of her shock when there was a sudden pain in her right hand, and upon looking at it, her fingers were not the same as a second ago.