Filled (3)

Warning! Mature content. 

Annalise was thankful for the counter beneath her to help hold her up because her knees once again were starting to feel weak. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad that Rafael didn't use his fingers for long and started to penetrate her, pulling her back to guide her in taking his length. 

Annalise wished there was something for her to grip as she felt him fill her. It was a long time coming for the two of them after being separated and then disturbed when they had time alone. Thinking about their first time making love was nothing in comparison to this moment right here where she felt him pushing his length inside of her.

Then there was the mirror which gave her a full view of just how she looked right now. She realised now why Rafael brought her here. She caught a glimpse of him staring at her reflection right before she lowered her head, biting her lip to suppress her voice.