Official (1)

"I hate you," Annalis muttered, panting as she glared at Rafael who pinned her down.

"That's not very nice, Annalise. You put up a good fight for a long time. Many of the knights would be jealous of you. Would you like to go again?" Rafael asked, slowly moving the sword out of her hand.

Annalise would like to go again, but her body was tired and she blamed it on a day of playing around with her friends. If this was another day when she was well rested, he would be the one pinned down. Then again, she knew to never expect all her fights to happen when she was full of energy. This meant she had to train more to be prepared.

Annalise closed her eyes, trying to get over the pain she experienced. All she wanted to do was lay on the ground for a moment and have Rafael bring her water.

"Did I hurt you?" Rafael asked, concerned now that she was breathing heavily and scrunching up her face.