Fit to be a mother (1)

Annalise waited to the side for Rafael to finish speaking to the crowd of people who had finally approached him. They were done with exploring and ready to head back to the inn so she didn't mind Rafael speaking to everyone. 

Annalise was able to try another candy from the bag she was holding while Rafael was distracted. 

They thought of visiting a doctor or calling one to the inn, but Annalise didn't want to hear any chatter about what was wrong with her and then the doctor would be hounded for news. They were going to leave as soon as morning came so they could find a doctor elsewhere. 

After what felt like an hour of waiting around for Rafael, he finally returned to her side and walked with her back to the inn. It took longer than normal because of how many items they had to lift to the inn. 

They had both bought many things as if the knights were with them.