Stay with you (4)

The ride was quick like Annalise told Lydia with no one falling asleep before they reached home. 

Rafael exited the carriage first this time to help Lydia and Annalise out. Then he sent off the driver so they could get some rest and be back on time tomorrow.

Lydia looked around the massive home which was far larger than the orphanage. She couldn't believe that only two people lived in a home like this. Did they share it with others and the others were yet to come outside? "Are there more people?" She asked.

"No, it is only the three of us for now," Annalise answered.

It was too late for the maids who came every few days to clean to still be here and there wasn't anyone to cook because Annalise and Rafael had not called for the cook. There weren't any guards since the knights were not with them.

They get to do as they want at night without worrying about someone walking in on them.