House filled with love (3)

"Annalise, it's time for dinner. Annalise," Lydia said, gently tapping her hand on Annalise's arm to wake her. "Rafael says we need to go to the table. You're awake," she said, catching Annalise's smile before she tried to hide it.

"I am," Annalise answered, opening her eyes. "Then I need to get up so I don't keep you waiting."

"Did you sleep?" Lydia asked. Annalise had been lying on the floor while she helped Rafael with dinner.

"No. I only closed my eyes for a little but I wasn't able to fall asleep," Annalise said as she sat up. "Dinner smells good."

"I helped, but it was only putting plates on the table," Lydia said, standing up with Annalise so they could walk together. 

"Sounds like Rafael had a nice little helper. I need to wash my hands so you can go to the table before me. I'll come soon to take a look at how you placed the plates," Annalise said, stopping by the entrance of the dining room to let Lydia run inside and join Rafael.