Mother (2)

"I'm tired. That's enough for now, Siena. You can go do whatever you want and I will finish up the rest of the work later. Logan will be in the house Rafael and the knights used when they were here. You can spend the night there if you want. There is more than one bed," Annalise said before Siena could become embarrassed.

"I will go visit him to see how he is settling in. Excuse me," Siena said, standing up from the table. "I will be back in time for dinner and to walk home with you."

"Hmm," Annalise replied, holding it over to lay on the table.

Thanks to Rafael thinking ahead, they had a small spare room they planned to let Beatrice and River use whenever they came to visit until they would have their own home here so Siena could stay with her and Lydia.