Chapter 9: "Everything is Shattered"

As Arima, Akira, and their team pressed forward toward the supermarket, their path was suddenly blocked by an immense ice wall. Perched atop the icy barrier sat a man, a wicked grin playing upon his lips. Disregarding their urgency, he taunted, "Welcome, heroes..."

Akira, frustration evident in his voice, shouted, "I don't care who you are or what your intentions are. Clear the way now! We don't have time to play games."

The man waved a dismissive hand, his grin widening. "Shhh... Children shouldn't speak in the presence of their elders. And weaklings like you shouldn't dare to order a god around."

Arima, his resolve unshaken, declared, "If you seek a fight, then so be it. We have no time to waste on your games."

The man's laughter echoed through the air. "Hahaha... Ahahaha... I like your spirit, Special Officer Saitoki Arima, or should I say, 'The Untouchable'? Hmmm, regardless, I am Vincent, the First Commander of the ''All-Seeing Eyes."

A ripple of shock coursed through Arima and his team as they absorbed the weight of this revelation. Akira, his impatience reaching its peak, spoke up, "So, you're a commander of the All-Seeing Eyes. That means you possess information we need. Once we capture you, it'll be easy to extract what we're after."

Vincent chuckled, clearly amused. "Only if you can catch me, kid. And in my opinion, none of you can. Ahahaha... By the way, let me introduce myself properly. I am Vincent, also known as the ''Ice Emperor.''

Arima's eyes narrowed, recognizing the danger that loomed before them. He motioned for everyone to step back, their instincts urging them to prepare for the imminent battle. "Stay vigilant, everyone. Vincent, is also known as The Ice Emperor, he is an extremely dangerous adversary. This fight will be intense, and the risk to your lives is real. Proceed with caution."

However, Akira's impetuosity got the better of him. Ignoring Arima's warning, he charged at Vincent, his fist propelled forward with unyielding force. With a resounding impact, Akira's punch shattered the icy barricade.

"Akira, don't be reckless! You'll get yourself killed!" Arima's voice carried genuine concern.

In a calm yet determined tone, Akira replied, "Arima-san, what good are our powers if we can't even rush to save our own family?" His gaze locked onto Vincent, who stood laughing at a distance.

Akira launched himself at Vincent, his movements swift and his fists flying. But the Ice Emperor effortlessly shielded himself with a thick layer of ice, warding off Akira's blows. Unfazed, Yuna seized the opportunity to strike from behind, her daggers poised for an attack. However, Vincent swiftly kicked her aside, sending her sprawling.

"Yuna! Are you alright? You bastard!" Akira's anger surged, fueling his relentless assault. He continued to rain punches upon Vincent, but Arima intervened, forcibly pulling Akira away just as a massive block of ice crashed down from above. Saito swiftly conjured a shield, shielding Arima from the icy onslaught.

Vincent smirked, his confidence unyielding. "Hmm, not bad for a group of rookies, but you still can't defeat me."

Seizing the opening, Arima closed the distance between himself and Vincent, launching a thunderous punch. The force behind the blow caused the ice to break and Arima lands a clean hit on Vincent's face knocking him on the ground.

Just then Arima screams at Akira..."Oi kid stop laying on the ground you have a family to protect right just run leave this bastard to me just go and save ur family..." As Arima speaks Akira stands up and starts running when Vincent shouts "Icy Death Tunnel" capturing Akira inside a tunnel..... Arima gets a distance from vincent as he speaks

"You bastard what did u do to him...if he died u won't be going back to the prison with this face of yours...." when Vincent laughs and speaks "Don't worry officer ur kid isn't dead yet my attack has captured him in a prison of tunnels he can't escape it..."

When we hear akira's voice from inside "Don't worry captain i won't let you down, this tunnels are nothing in front of me" As Akira starts smashing the walls of ice making his way out... "Ughh this kid, can't he just sit still in there everyone wants to take away my comfort....well even if he smashes all walls he won't make it"

As Vincent speaks Arima closes in and kicks on Vincent chest while Vincent blocks it with his elbows covered in thick ice but he flies off and falls on the ground "Are u a Monster officer what kind of brute strength is that"

Vincent speaks looking at Arima when Yuna and Saito attacks Vincent but Vincent uses another of his ability and speaks "Icy bed" as Yuna gets stick to an ice cage her hands and legs freezed in ice making her restraint but Saito blocks the attack with his shield and lands a kick on Vincent just then Vincent grabs his leg and speaks " you can't create a shield if i grab u, can you kid" and throws saito over a building... then Akira breaks out and runs but Vincent didn't stop him as arima was pulling punches continuously to stop him....

After a few minutes Akira gets a call as soon as he is near the supermarket gates and picks it up his mom on the line "Akira..... from now on take care of yourself and stop taking all the responsibility and blame on ur shoulders u can't save everything and everyone alone that's why u need ur friends from now on get stronger but don't leave ur kindness behind and save everyone u deemed of saving no matter what and always remember your mom, your sister and even ur dad loves you forever...."

As Akira's mom speaks Akira replies "Mom what are u saying i am right here mom i am coming" As Akira reaches outside the supermarket the explosion happens and everything gets shattered and blast off in the explosion as Akira gets caught up in the pressure of the blast he gets thrown off and gets unconscious.....

The End....