Chapter 13: "The Titans"

After the meeting of the Superhuman task force and all the important officials took place which ended with the decision of taking strict steps to end the tyranny of the evil organisation "The All-Seeing Eyes", The Chief of the Superhuman task force, Itsuki Haru makes an important call to his office and just says these: "Call the Titans, playtime is over".

As he puts down his phone the scene changes to that of an hawaiian island.

--Maui, Hawaii

A man talking on his phone goes to the beach were three people are laying down on sand having a sunbath. "Izeya-san, it seems like there is some trouble back in Japan, the chief just called and is asking for u, itto-san and rei-sama to come back by tonight".

A man in his twenties he looks quite frail in appearance, slim body a fading face , yup you can totally say that he isn't the hot guy which others are envious of but this is the face of a guy which will bring about a great change in the future events of the story.

"Huh, comeback didn't the Chief sent us on this vacation and now he wants us to comeback? here I was planning to slack off for a few more weeks" Izeya replied

"Knock it off Izeya who do u think we are, without us there might be alot of panic already in Japan and if Chief is calling us there must be something huge happening, doesn't that make you excited and wanna rush over and beat the crap out of the people" a man same as Izeya late in his twenties replied he was built quite well but what was more astonishing about him was his leg composition we can say that this guy has never left a single leg day ever since he is born. "shut-up Itto, Izeya isn't wrong we were given this vacation by Chief himself and now he is calling us back on such a short notice, that just isn't fair" "Well he gave us the vacation so he took it back, now let's go back to our hotel and pack things so we can catch the flight, Rei-san" Itto says teasingly.

"Ahh this pisses me off, i am going on ahead you guys seeyou in the hotel 'Gravity Rush'."

Izeya uses his skill as he can manipulate gravity with his skill 'gravity rush' he can manipulate the gravity around him as he pleases and with this skill he makes the gravity as low as he can so he can travel superfast.

"Ah and here he goes that numbskull he never listens well then,sword technique 'mounting thrust'." As Itto is a swordsman he can imbue any of his bodyparts and make them as a sword despite that he carries a katana cause he is a big fan of Miyamoto Musashi, the best swordsman to ever exist.

"well then they both are gone so I should slack off for abit more i will head on there later, and as for my packing I can do it from here 'distance control'." Rei has the power of telekinesis and she can manipulate and control objects and any thing with her mind alone and she is so strong she can manipulate things within the radius of 5km if she know where and what she wanna control.

[These three might be dumb or have the worst personality you people will ever known to exist they are the "Titans" of the Japan's Superhuman task force, and now as the story progresses and both the heroes and the villains have made their plans on attacking on each other what will happen next? who will win and who will not, that's something to look forward too cause I am too.]

As these chapter comes to it's end we finally see the "Titans" to reach Japan in a private jet as they all are looking out of their windows with a smirk on their faces.