Sky In A Bottle

It was the dawn of a new day. Shopkeepers were opening their stores, merchants set up shop near landmarks, the guards in the morning shift were starting to appear and the citizens of Kaimino rise from their slumber. At least, most of them were. It was only 4 hours later that a certain citizen had finally awaken.

"mmmhhh... hhhh... uhhh… how long has it been?"

He rubbed his eyes and then opened them, the light of the sun finally hitting his natural lenses. As said before, he should've been awake 4 hours ago. Because of this, his entire schedule is forced to be rushed as there were people, rather children waiting for him.

"Shit. I should've been up ages ago."

He gets up and opens the door. He looks up to the sky to see the position of the sun

"I did tell them to come here when the sun is at it's highest. Judging from how far the sun is… Crap! I have to be quick!"

The sun was only a few meters away from being where he told them it should be. It meant he had only but a few minutes to get ready to open up his dojo. The man proceeded to make a run for the baths, generously dousing himself in water as quickly as possible to freshen himself up.

He then went to the basket near his doorstep to see what food he had. Only a small portion of rice, daikon, carrots and mushrooms. He did all he could to make a meal. From chopping up the vegetables to boiling the rice, it was all done so quickly it's a surprise he didn't cut himself. That is if you don't know him of course.

After quickly eating his makeshift meal and then gulping a cup of water to avoid himself from choking, he clears his throat and begins making the preparations. From conditioning the practice grounds to sweeping the mats in the indoor section, he left no spot unchecked. And then…

"Yamamoto sensei! You said you'd teach us when the sun was at it's highest! You there Yamamoto sensei?!"

The innocent voice's shouts echoed through the building. He knew it was time to open up. He goes towards the doorstep and slides open the door.

"I did say that didn't I? Come children, it is time to learn the art of combat!"

The children cheered in excitement. It was one of the few things that made him happy. He's always considered every day since after the war as a blessing, but today felt even more special. He couldn't tell why though.

"Now, before we begin let us remember our rules when it comes to practice. Now, answer me. What were our 3 rules? Jinbei, you start"

Jinbei was always ready, always eager to be the best possible student he could be.

"Rule number 1: Always treat your opponent with honor and respect"

"Good. Now, Ae-ri what was rule number 2?"

Ae-ri was new to the dojo yet she still does her best to adapt to her new teammates, at the behest of her parents that is

"Rule number 2… Was it 'Always fight with the intention to win?'"

"That is correct. Now, Arthit. What was our last rule?"

Arthit was always the clumsy kind. He'd often mess up yet he like Ae-ri does his best to overcome those problems

"Uhh… Sensei… I think I forgot…"

The kids surrounding him began to laugh.

"Kids, remember. By laughing you are breaking rule number 1. By breaking rules that makes you a bad person. And all bad people have to face me. Do all of you want to face me today?"

In an instant the children shriveled up in fear and collectively shouted.

"No Yamamoto sensei please."

"Hahaha… Now, today we'll be doing regular sparring. Hand-to-hand of course."

The children let out a groan. It had been months since they had started hand-to-hand combat. It was beginning to get boring

"Well, if you all are so eager to touch a sword then, once this exercise is complete, we will move to basic sword fighting."

The children erupted in excitement. It's the only reason why he chose to work with them instead of the young adults. They're simple. Any issues could easily be resolved with some simple convincing.

"Alright then, begin. May the best warrior win!"

The kids began sparring in the manner that they do. Ryukishi notices all the minute mistakes they make, yet does need heed to it. He knows they are children. Through these mistakes they will improve. That's the beauty of nurturing talent to him.

"Yo, Ryukishi-sensei."

A familiar voice calls out to him.

"Hiroshi? Is that you?"

"Yes, it is sensei. It is a pleasure to meet you after what? 2,3 years?"

"It has been that long huh? Come, you should see how your understudies are doing"

They both go towards the dojo section of the building that's reserved exclusively for the children to spar and learn their combat.

"They have improved quite a lot haven't they"

"Yea. Last time you were here, all they could do was strike a single punch and a single sidestep. Now they are learning to incorporate more to it. Kicks, feints, combos, all of it is being brought into their style to find what suits them best"

"I'm sorry but, 'combos' ?"

"Oh yea, I just shortened the word 'combinations' so that it's easier to say"

"Hah… I always knew you preferred shortcuts"

"Hey, why do simple things the hard way when there's an easier way to do it?" Ryukishi shrugs his shoulders

"I doubt you'd ever say that for fighting though" Hiroshi said with a snicker.

"Of course. You and I both know that much" Ryukishi says with a giggle.

Just as they were about to have a moment to recollect, Ari appears near the entrance.

"Ryukishi-san, I need to have a few words with you."

Ryukishi walks towards Ari.

"Ah sure. Do you mind if Hiroshi accompanies us? It has been a while since he's last seen the village."

"That is true you know!" Hiroshi shouts to Ari so she can hear him. Ryukishi can't help but smile a bit. He has missed this rowdy kid's presence in the dojo ever since he left for his first patrol across the kingdom.

"Unfortunately, I need to discuss this with Ryukishi-san in private."

"Oh, come on Ari, I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Hiroshi. Listen to her. Stay with the kids. They'll need your guidance as well you know"

"Oh, alright then. Could you at least get me a senbei from the shop nearby. I've been waiting to eat those for ages now."

"Alright then. I will buy you a senbei"

Ryukishi and Ari begin walking down the steps, into the village.

"So Ari, what is so important that you need nobody else but me hearing?"

"Recently, we've gotten a request. A request to do a mission in the stead of Rivia."

"And what might this mission be?"

"An escort mission."

"You seriously called me, to help with an escort mission? I'm sorry I think I'll pas- "

"They're rewarding us 10,000 golds."

That figure is enough to shock Ryukishi. Ari could see it in his face.

"And it's for good reason. It's to the kingdom of Enden. You're going to have to go through Camelot"

"Do we not have boats that we can use to go through Rivia?"

"Rivia tried that, the naval forces in that area have blocked them off. There's no going about it, you have to sneak through the borders near Kanrai"

"Kanrai!?" Ryukishi's eyes lit up. Not with excitement but pure rage. Ari was scared. She hadn't seen this side of Ryukishi in a long time.

"What did I say something?"

"Last I remember that was Rasmus' territory."

"Oh yea… The Devil's Phoenix, they call him, right? Unsurprisingly he's still a large presence in that area. In fact, he even got recruited by the Kingsglaive-"

"I don't care. He was lucky to not die the last time we met. If we're going through Kanrai, I will do whatever it takes to kill that disgusting bitch."

"So does that mean you- "

"Yes. I'll take the job. I must avenge those he killed. Everyday, I think about how I failed to kill him. Now, I'm being given an opportunity to do what I failed to 20 years ago. So many days, I spent feeling guilt, trying to hide it in this façade of a teacher. I still hear some of them in my sleep, they'd call saying 'why? Why couldn't you save us?' "

Ari couldn't believe it. The calm and composed Ryukishi hid this much pain within himself? And for 20 long years. While she was out living her best life, it must've been hell for him. She knew she had to lighten up the atmosphere before it got too awkward.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I've already gotten used to it. Besides, it's time. I will kill Rasmus."

"Hey, remember. That's not your job dummy. Your job is to deliver the escort successfully to Enden. Remember that. If along the way you kill Rasmus, then good. I'll admit, he's always been a thorn on our side but if this personal vendetta of yours compromises the mission in ANY WAY- "

"Yes, I understand."

"No, you don't. This could have massive consequences on the world as we know it. If we succeed, we could bring our kingdom back to prosperity. Not only that, we could also bring down the entire kingdom of Camelot."

Ryukishi was once again shocked to hear this. A bit glad, but overall shocked nonetheless. He had always despised Camelot for what they did to Kaimino and his family during the war so for a chance to not only get back at Rasmus but also Camelot, this was an offer too good to be true.

Yet, it was true.

"So, when shall I begin preparations for the journey?"

"Give us 7 days to prepare all your resources and equipment. You may also add any personal equipment to what we supply you with as well. Here's hoping you can accomplish this mission."

"You don't have to worry about that."

"No seriously, come back safe. You are our greatest warrior during these trying times. I can't imagine how tough it would be if this mission failed and you died."

"It's what comes with the job Ari. I'm not God. I can't live forever. Eventually I will die, but hopefully by the time that happens, someone will be ready."

He can already see Hiroshi in his head. He knows he will eventually take his mantle and aid Kaimino and restoring glory.

"In that case, have a good day. I will see you in 7 days."

"You too Ari."

Ryukishi thought about how he could possibly face Rasmus and stay composed. What he did was unforgivable. He still remembers those scenes like it was yesterday. Like a picture book he couldn't help but go through. He's suffered for so long in quiet. The guilt he felt for not being able to stop him ate away at his soul. At one point he became numb to it, knowing that if he grieved any further, he'd risk losing his will to live. But this is for another day. For now, all he has to do is go back home and prepare for the mission.

Ryukishi was about to head home when he realized he hadn't bought the senbei Hiroshi asked for. The sun was about to set by the time he finished walking through the village so it was only a matter of time before the shops closed.

"Shit, I need to get that senbei."