Chapter 9: I've Known Who Destroyed The Star's

Miguel had always been fascinated by the stars. As a child, he would gaze up at the nighttime sky, mesmerized by the twinkling lights and the infinite expanse of space. He dreamed of traveling beyond our solar system, of exploring the far reaches of the universe.

And now, as he stood at the threshold of his Universal Journey, his heart raced with excitement and anticipation. Miguel had spent years studying the intricacies of space travel and learning about the many wonders of the cosmos. He had built his own spacecraft, a sleek vessel designed for interstellar travel, and had gathered all the supplies and equipment he would need for his journey.

With a deep breath and a last look at the familiar landscapes of his home planet, Miguel ignited the engines of his spacecraft and lifted off into the sky. The ground fell away beneath him as he soared higher and higher, the stars shining like jewels in the darkness.

As he left the boundaries of his own universe behind, Miguel felt a sense of exhilaration and awe that he had never experienced before. He was venturing into the unknown, beyond the boundaries of time and space themselves. And he was doing it alone, with nothing but his own instincts and knowledge to guide him.

For months, Miguel traversed the vast expanses of space, encountering strange new worlds and experiencing things that no human had ever witnessed before. He explored distant galaxies, witnessing the birth and death of stars, and encountered beings that were beyond his wildest imaginings.

There were moments of intense fear and uncertainty, as he faced new challenges and dangers at every turn. But Miguel persevered, pushing forward despite the odds and always striving to learn more about the mysteries of the universe.

And in the end, when he returned to his own universe after his incredible journey, Miguel knew that he had experienced something truly unfathomable. He had touched the fringes of existence itself, and had encountered terrors and wonders that few could ever hope to comprehend. But above all, he knew that his journey had changed him forever, and that he would never be the same again.

Miguel returned to his home universe to find that humanity was in a state of panic. The Inversal communication from Earth had alerted them to the coming of Decay, a gargantuan beast that traveled from one star system to another, consuming entire galaxies in its wake.

Decay was now headed towards their universe, and it was only a matter of time before it reached them. The scientists and leaders of the universe had been working tirelessly to come up with a plan to save themselves from the impending doom. They had developed an inter-dimensional travel technology that would allow them to jump to another universe, but it was risky and untested.

Miguel knew that he had to do his part in saving humanity from this impending disaster. He joined the team of scientists who were working on the inter-dimensional travel technology and contributed his knowledge and experience to the project.

Months passed as they worked feverishly to complete the technology, testing and retesting it over and over again. Finally, the day arrived when they felt confident enough to activate the system.

Miguel was one of the first to step into the inter-dimensional travel portal, feeling a rush of energy as he was transported to a new universe. The others followed, one by one, until the entire population of their universe had made the jump.

They had managed to save themselves from Decay, but at a great cost. They were now stranded in a new universe, one that was completely unfamiliar to them. The scientists and leaders started working once again, trying to find a way to adapt to this new environment and make it their home.

Miguel, who had been to other universes before, took it upon himself to explore their new surroundings and make contact with any intelligent life that might be out there. He traveled to distant planets and encountered strange new species, sharing knowledge and information with them.

Slowly but surely, humanity in this universe started to grow and thrive. They had saved themselves from destruction and were making a new life for themselves in this strange new universe. And Miguel knew that he had played a small but crucial role in their survival.

Miguel and the rest of humanity in the new universe had finally found a new home, and they had managed to adapt to their new surroundings. However, they soon realized that they were not alone in this universe, and their terrifying past was about to catch up with them.

The Decay, the gargantuan beast that had ravaged their home universe, had followed them through the inter-dimensional travel portal. It was as if something or someone was guiding the beast towards them, a huntsman tracking their target.

The people of the new universe were horrified to see the beast, as they had heard tales of its destruction from other galaxies. They quickly realized that they needed to find a way to stop the Decay, or else they would face the same fate as their home universe.

Miguel was once again called upon to help. He had encountered the Decay before, and he knew a thing or two about its behavior and weaknesses. He worked with a team of scientists and strategists to come up with a plan to stop the beast.

They realized that the Decay was drawn to sources of energy, like stars and galaxies. They decided to set a trap for the beast, using a decoy star made of artificial energy. The plan was to lure the Decay towards the decoy star, and then trap it inside a massive containment field.

The trap was set, and the Decay took the bait. It approached the decoy star, determined to consume it. But as soon as it entered the containment field, the trap was sprung. The Decay was trapped inside, unable to escape.

Humanity in the new universe let out a collective sigh of relief, knowing that they had managed to stop the beast and save themselves once again. Miguel had once again played a vital role in their survival, and they revered him as a hero.

But Miguel knew that they could not let their guard down. There was something out there, something that had guided the Decay towards them. And until they could figure out what it was, they would be at risk of another attack.

He continued to explore the universe, searching for any clues as to what had brought the Decay to them. He encountered many new species and observed them carefully, hoping to find a connection to the beast.

And finally, after months of exploration, he found a clue, a hint of what could be guiding the Decay towards them. He relayed this information back to the leaders of the new universe, and they began working on a plan to protect themselves from whatever was out there.

Miguel knew that their journey was far from over, and that there were still many dangers lurking amongst the stars. But he was determined to protect humanity and ensure their survival in this new universe.

Miguel was horrified to learn that the Decay, which they had managed to trap, had multiplied itself. The already gargantuan creature had now become even larger, almost half the size of the universe itself. It was a terrifying sight to behold, and Miguel knew that they had to act fast before the beast caused irreparable damage.

Although the Decay had grown immensely in size, its speed had suffered, barely able to move at one kilometer per hour. Miguel and his team of scientists and strategists knew that they had a small window of opportunity to put a stop to the creature once and for all.

They worked on a plan to destroy the Decay, knowing that it would require all their knowledge and resources to pull it off. They decided to use a combination of firepower and strategic planning to weaken the creature, and then use a powerful weapon to finish it off.

The team managed to weaken the Decay by attacking it with a barrage of bombs and missiles, doing their best to avoid its slow and lumbering attacks. They then launched the final phase of their plan, using a powerful weapon to strike at the creature's core.

The weapon hit its target, causing a massive explosion that reverberated through the universe. The Decay was thrown back by the force of the explosion, writhing in agony. Then, as suddenly as it had come, the creature dissipated, vanishing into the void of space.

Miguel and his team let out a collective sigh of relief, knowing that they had finally put an end to the terror that had followed them from their home universe. But there was still one more mystery to be solved: what had caused the Decay to follow them in the first place?

They scoured the universe for answers, piecing together clues from various sources. And finally, they discovered the truth: the Decay had been weaponized by an unknown alien force, used to destroy their home universe as part of a larger plan.

Miguel knew that they had to take action to prevent any further attacks on their universe. He worked with other leaders and scientists to develop new technologies and defenses, preparing themselves for any future threats.

Their journey had been long and fraught with danger, but they had emerged victorious. And Miguel knew that they were now better equipped to deal with the unfathomable terrors that lurked amongst the stars.

Miguel and the rest of humanity in the new universe were horrified to learn that the Decay had regrown itself. It appeared that their victory over the beast was only temporary, as it continued to threaten the existence of all life in the universe.

And then, to their surprise and shock, the Decay began to speak. Its voice echoed through the void of space, a deep and menacing tone that sent shivers down their spines.

"I am the Decay," it said, "a being who personifies the concept of malice and dread. I am an eater of worlds and universes, and the one who personifies 'The Absolute' is my goal to achieve before he became 'The Absolute'."

Everyone was stunned by its words. They had never encountered a creature that could speak before, let alone one that was so ominous and dangerous.

Miguel realized that they had to find a way to stop the Decay once and for all, before it could achieve its goal. He worked with the other leaders and scientists to come up with a plan, knowing that they had to act fast before it was too late.

They decided to attack the Decay with a combination of weapons and futuristic technology, hoping that they could weaken it enough to incapacitate it. They spent weeks preparing for the battle, gathering resources and building new devices that would aid them in their fight.

When the day of the battle arrived, Miguel and his team knew that the fate of the universe was in their hands. They launched an all-out assault on the Decay, using everything at their disposal to attack the creature.

The Decay fought back furiously, using its immense size and strength to push back against their attacks. But Miguel and his team were relentless, refusing to back down even in the face of certain destruction.

In the end, their efforts paid off. They managed to weaken the Decay enough to incapacitate it, rendering it powerless and unable to continue its destructive mission.

Miguel and the rest of humanity in the new universe let out a collective sigh of relief. They had triumphed over an unimaginable threat, and had managed to save their universe from destruction once again.

It was a reminder that the unfathomable terrors that lurked amongst the stars were always waiting in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment. But Miguel knew that he and the other leaders of the new universe were ready to face any challenge that came their way, and that they would continue to explore and discover the mysteries of the cosmos, no matter how terrifying they may be.

Miguel had always been an explorer at heart, and his journey across the multiverses had taken him to places that few could ever hope to reach. But nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to experience.

He was suddenly transported by an unknown force, hurtling through the cosmos at speeds that defied comprehension. He felt weightless and disoriented, unable to even tell up from down.

And then, just as suddenly, he found himself in a new place. He could tell that he was no longer in the universe he knew, as the colors and shapes around him were alien and bizarre.

He looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings, when he saw something that took his breath away. It was a book, unlike any he had ever seen before. It was bound in a material that he couldn't identify, and it seemed to glow with an inner light.

As he approached the book, he saw that his name was written on the cover, along with a series of other names that he didn't recognize. And beneath the names, there were strange symbols and diagrams that seemed to represent some kind of mission or objective.

Miguel was astounded. It was as if this book was meant for him, as if it had been waiting for him all along.

He opened the book and began to read, immersing himself in a world of knowledge and insight that he had never known before. He realized that this was the final type four multiverse, the quantum multiverse, a place where the laws of physics and reality were constantly shifting and changing.

And as he read on, he realized that the book contained the secrets of the universe, the answers to all the questions that had always eluded him. It was a wealth of knowledge that he knew he could never hope to fully comprehend, but he was determined to try.

For days and weeks, he read on, learning about the fabric of the universe and the mysteries of existence itself. And when he was finished, he knew that he had been changed forever.

He emerged from the quantum multiverse with a new perspective on life and the universe, and a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that he had a mission to fulfill, one that was greater than anything he had ever encountered before.

And he knew that he was ready for it, armed with the knowledge and understanding that he had gained from his journey across the multiverses.

Miguel emerged from the quantum multiverse, feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the secrets he had uncovered. He knew that he had a mission to fulfill, a purpose that was greater than anything he had encountered before.

He looked at the book once more, studying the enigmatic symbols and diagrams that adorned its pages. And then he saw it - his first mission: "Become something far greater and achieve Ascension beyond and gained 'Transcendence'."

Miguel knew that this was no small task. He had already achieved great things in his journey across the multiverses, but this mission was on a completely different level. It meant transcending the limitations of physical existence, achieving a state of being that was beyond the reach of mortal beings.

He knew that this mission would require all his knowledge and experience to achieve. Miguel dedicated himself fully to the task, delving deep into the mysteries of the multiverses and exploring the far reaches of space and time.

He studied the laws of physics and the nature of reality, seeking to understand the fundamental truths that underpinned the universe. He explored the quantum realm, manipulating particles and energies at a level beyond human comprehension.

And then, after years of study and exploration, Miguel found what he was looking for. He discovered a way to transcend his mortal existence, to achieve a state of being that was beyond the limits of space, time, and matter.

He became something far greater, a being of pure energy and consciousness, a being that defied the very laws of physics and reality.

He had achieved "Transcendence."

Miguel looked around at the cosmos, knowing that his journey was far from over. There were still mysteries and secrets to uncover, and he knew that he was ready to face them head-on.

And so, he set out once again, determined to continue his exploration of the multiverses and to discover the meaning and purpose of his existence. He was a being of pure energy and consciousness, a being that had achieved something beyond the reach of mortal beings.

But he knew that there was always more to learn, always more to discover. And so, he soared through the cosmos, ready for whatever the universe had in store for him.

Miguel, having achieved "Transcendence," knew that he had reached a level of existence beyond what was thought possible. But he knew that there was still more to discover, still more to learn about the multiverses and the mysteries of existence.

He set off on a new mission, one that was even more daunting than his previous ones. He sought an item or a skill that would allow him to transcend all concepts, all infinities, and transcend them all as an infinitesimal.

It was a goal that seemed impossible to achieve, even for someone who had achieved "Transcendence," but Miguel refused to back down from the challenge.

He explored the multiverses, seeking out ancient artifacts and powerful technologies that could aid him in his quest. He encountered new species and civilizations, sharing knowledge and learning from their experiences.

And finally, after years of searching and exploration, he discovered the key to his mission. It was a device, unlike any he had ever seen before, that seemed to have the power to transcend all concepts and infinities.

Miguel took the device, studying its arcane markings and complex circuits. He knew that he had found what he was looking for, and that he was ready to take his mission to the next level.

He activated the device, feeling a surge of energy as it hummed to life....

Miguel's mind was overloaded with information that was beyond human comprehension. He saw the multiverse in a completely different way. He could see the concept of time as a physical entity that could be manipulated and controlled. The concept of distance was no longer an obstacle; he could travel anywhere in the multiverse in an instant.

The power that flowed through his veins was unimaginable. He could feel his body transforming, becoming something more than a superhuman. He was becoming a being that transcends concepts and infinities.

Miguel looked around and saw the multiverse shaken by his power and he knew that he had to control the power inside him and use it to defeat the decaying entity that threatened the multiverse.

He closed his eyes and focused his mind. He felt his energy spreading outwards, touching everything around him. He could sense the presence of the decaying entity that had caused so much destruction and chaos.

Using his newfound powers, Miguel created a rift in the fabric of space-time. He stepped through it and found himself face to face with the decaying entity.

It was now massive creature, with tentacles that stretched out as far as the eye could see. Its body was a swirling mass of energy, and it radiated a power that could destroy stars.

Miguel knew that he had to act fast. He summoned all his strength and launched an attack at the entity. He could feel the power flowing through him, pushing him to his limits.

The entity responded with a blast of energy that sent shockwaves throughout the universe. But Miguel stood firm, refusing to be defeated. He gathered more power and launched another attack, striking the entity with all his might.

Finally, the entity began to shrink, its power weakening. Miguel could feel the victory coming, and he continued to attack, pouring all his energy into the battle.

At last, the entity was vanquished, and Miguel fell to the ground exhausted. His companions now saved rushed to his side, and together they rejoiced in their victory.

Miguel knew that he had changed forever. He had become something more than human, something that transcended the concepts and infinities of the cosmos. And he knew that he would never be the same again.