
Chapter 19 Kids

Months had passed since my trip, and life had settled into a familiar routine. I continued to volunteer and explore new interests, but I couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that lingered within me.

One day, I received a call from my daughter. She was worried about me and wanted to come for a visit. It had been too long since we had seen each other, and I was thrilled at the prospect of spending time with her.

A few days later, my daughter arrived with her family. My heart swelled with joy as I hugged my grandchildren and saw the love in my daughter's eyes.

We spent a few days together, talking, laughing, and making new memories. We went on walks, cooked meals together, and played games. It was a simple but beautiful time, and I was grateful for every moment that we shared.

As they prepared to leave, I felt a sense of sadness wash over me. I didn't want them to go, but I also knew that life went on and that we would be together again soon.

I hugged them tightly and watched as they drove away, feeling a mixture of love and longing. It was moments like these that reminded me of the beauty and fragility of life, and how important it was to cherish every moment that we had with the people we loved.