Better late than never

Without hesitation, Hiro followed Suki as they made their way through the sleek and high-tech facility, avoiding the Helix Security Corps at every turn.

Their footsteps were muffled by the anti-gravity flooring, and the air was filled with the hum of advanced machinery. Their breathing was labored from the adrenaline pumping through their veins.

Inorder to avoid waste of time, Suki activated her neural implant allowing her to seamlessly hack into the security systems, giving them the upper hand as they made their way through the complex, avoiding laser sensors and security drones with expert precision.

But their luck ran out as they reached a room that leads to the hangar bay, where a group of heavily armed Helix Security Corps soldiers blocked their path.

The soldiers wore sleek black armor, equipped with state-of-the-art laser rifles that crackled with deadly energy. Hiro's heart raced as he scanned the area, assessing the situation in a split second.

"That door is our way out!" Suki said to Hiro, her eyes focused on her interface as she worked to disable the security systems.

Hiro nodded, his cybernetic enhancements enhancing his reflexes as he charged forward. He unleashed a barrage of laser fire, expertly dodging incoming shots with his enhanced agility. The air was filled with the glow of lasers as the battle erupted in a dazzling display of futuristic combat.

Hiro's movements were a blur of speed as he closed in on the first wave of soldiers. He unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, his cybernetic-enhanced strength allowing him to overpower them with ease.

He also utilized his neural implant interface, allowing him to analyze the soldiers' tactics and counter their moves with calculated precision.

Suki, on the other hand, was a master of technology. Her fingers flew over her interface, hacking into the security systems and disabling the soldiers' weaponry. She also deployed her own arsenal of gadgets, some electro-magnetic pulse grenades that disabled their armor.

The battle was intense, with laser fire streaking through the air, explosions rocking the room, and the soldiers putting up a formidable fight. Hiro and Suki moved in perfect sync, their years of training and partnership evident in their seamless coordination.

But just as they thought they had the upper hand, a group of soldiers flanked them from behind, cutting off their escape route. Hiro's heart pounded as he spun around and took on the new threat, his laser rifle blazing with deadly accuracy.

The tension was palpable, and Hiro could feel the heat of the lasers whizzing by, the acrid smell of burnt metal filling the air; the sweat pouring down his forehead as he fought for survival. His breaths came in ragged gasps as he dodged incoming fire, his cybernetic enhancements barely keeping up with the chaos.

Suki's brilliant mind was in overdrive as she hacked into the soldiers' armor and weapons, creating temporary malfunctions that allowed Hiro to take them down one by one. Her concentration was unwavering, her eyes glowing with the green hue of her neural interface as she worked her technological wizardry.

Finally, after a fierce and breathtaking battle, Hiro and Suki emerged victorious. The soldiers laid on the ground, defeated.

The door to the hangar bay opened, revealing some more guards on the floor, Tisha reclined on the spaceship with her arms crossed waiting for them. From the look of things, she had had her own share of some action.

Tisha had a petite frame that boasted subtle curves, with a slim build and short, pink, boyish hair that had a tiny trace of blue. Her sharp blue eyes gleamed with intelligence, and she moved with a fluid grace.

"Finally decided to show up, did you?" Tisha said with a smirk as Hiro and Suki approached.

Hiro grinned, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Better late than never, Tisha. Let's get out of here before more reinforcements arrive."

Tisha nodded, and they all scrambled into the spaceship. Without wasting time, they all headed for the bridge and settled into their various seats.

Tisha sat comfortable in the pilot seat, wore her headphones and with practiced ease, she fired up the spacecraft's engines and lifted off, skillfully maneuvering through the hangar bay doors and into the vastness of space.