Do I look like I care?

Hiro, together with Suki, expertly disarmed Finn, making sure to remove any potential threat. Finn and Amy's hands were then tightly restrained and bound behind them, as if they were dangerous animals to be caged.

The cold barrel of Hiro's gun pressed firmly against Finn's back as he ushered him, the guards in the closet and Amy to the fire assembly point. The air was thick with tension, a suffocating feeling that weighed heavily on everyone's chest.

"Keep an eye on this one," Hiro said to Tisha, his voice low and dangerous as he pointed at Finn. "He's prone to cause trouble." Tisha's eyes narrowed, sizing up Finn as if he were a puzzle she was determined to solve.

As Hiro led Amy towards the vault, the sound of their footsteps echoed ominously in the empty hallways. The facility was silent except for the occasional beep of the security system, like a heartbeat in a coma patient. Hiro's eyes darted around, scanning for any potential danger, his gun at the ready.

The vault door was a massive structure, made of reinforced steel and towering above them. Hiro inserted a Master access card, and a soft beep sounded, followed by a prompt for his fingerprint and eye scan.

Hiro then motioned Amy to place her hand on the scanner, after which her eye was scanned and the screen flashed green.

As her fingerprint and eye scan were accepted, there was a soft click, and the heavy door hissed open, as if it were an ancient serpent revealing its hidden lair.

Hiro turned his gaze towards Amy, a mix of determination and anticipation in his eyes. He knew exactly where they needed to go next - to the heart of the vault, where the prototype AI resided.

"Lead me to the prototype AI," Hiro commanded, his voice steady but tinged with an undeniable eagerness.

Amy hesitated, her brow furrowing with concern. She understood the potential consequences of handing over such a formidable creation to someone who might misuse it.

The AI held unimaginable capabilities, still shrouded in mystery even to its creators. It was a double-edged sword, a force that could shape the world for better or for worse.

"Please," Amy pleaded, her voice carrying a mix of caution and desperation.

"We are still in the process of comprehending its full potential. We know it possesses immense power, but we have yet to fully grasp the extent of its capabilities. It is a dangerous entity, especially if it falls into the wrong hands."

Hiro's gaze remained fixed on Amy, his eyes searching for answers within her own. He pondered her words, realizing the weight of their creation and the inherent risks it carried.

A flicker of doubt briefly crossed his face before he posed a piercing question, his voice laced with curiosity and a hint of reproach.

"Why create it then?" Hiro inquired, his tone revealing a mix of fascination and challenge. It was a question that cut to the core of their purpose, forcing them to confront their own intentions and decisions.

Amy took a deep breath, her mind racing to find the right response. She knew they had embarked on a path that pushed the boundaries of human ingenuity, but the consequences had become more complex and uncertain than they had ever anticipated.

"We created it with the belief that it could revolutionize the world, that its potential for good outweighed the risks," Amy explained, her voice tinged with a hint of remorse. "But we are still unraveling its nature."

Amy took a deep breath, her voice filled with a mix of urgency and resolve. "Listen, you can't do this, please. You must consider the consequences, the risks involved—" she began, her voice trailing off as Hiro abruptly interrupted her.

"Do I look like I care?" Hiro's face hardened, his eyes narrowing as he interrupted her with a cold retort. His words cut through the air like a sharp blade, revealing his singular focus and determination to get this over with.

Before Amy could respond, Hiro took hold of her hand with an iron grip, guiding it forcefully towards the scanner embedded in the table. The surface hummed with an undercurrent of hidden power, waiting for the touch of a selected individual.

Reluctantly, Amy's trembling hand made contact with the cool surface of the scanner. She could feel the faint vibrations of the machinery beneath her fingertips, as if it held a secret language of its own.

As her fingerprint and palm were recognized, a hidden compartment slowly emerged from the table, revealing a concealed storage slot.

With a soft hiss, the slot emerged, revealing a tiny chip glimmering under the subdued lighting. It was a mere sliver of technology, yet it held the potential to shape the course of history.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Hiro's eyes fixated on the precious object now within their grasp.

"That wasn't hard, or was it?" Hiro's voice carried a hint of triumph as he held the precious chip between his fingertips.

The chip, though small and unassuming, shimmered with a lustrous beauty that belied its true significance. Its surface was etched with intricate patterns, a delicate tapestry of technological marvels.

Amy watched as Hiro's gaze fixated on the chip, his eyes filled with a mixture of fascination and reverence. It was as if he had stumbled upon a rare gem, one that held the potential to reshape their world.

The chip glinted under the subdued lighting, its sleek contours reflecting the depth of its complexity. Amy couldn't help but be captivated by its allure. She could almost sense the latent power coursing through its circuitry, a tangible energy waiting to be unleashed.

Just then, Suki's voice crackled through Hiro's earpiece, jolting him from the momentary reverie that had enveloped him and Amy.

"Hiro?" She called, paused before continuing. "Whatever you're doing in there, be fast. Their reinforcements just arrived," Suki's urgent words echoed in Hiro's ears, injecting a sense of urgency into the air.