"I don't negotiate with terrorists!"

"Hands behind your head," barked the soldier, his voice tinged with a blend of authority and apprehension.

The metallic clinks of guns being cocked echoed through the air, their chilling presence pressing against Hiro's skin, sending shivers down his spine. Suki and Tisha stood beside him, their faces etched with a mixture of defiance and trepidation.

A flicker of mischief danced across Hiro's features, a mischievous flame igniting in his eyes as he wordlessly taunted the soldiers. His lips curled into a sly grin, a subtle act of rebellion against the imminent threat that surrounded them.

The heavy metal door that leads to the cafeteria swung open, a gust of cool air rushing into the room, heralding the arrival of Commander Briggs.

All eyes turned toward him, their gazes shifting from the trio to the approaching figure, his authoritative aura permeating the tense atmosphere. His footsteps resonated against the linoleum floor, each stride carrying the weight of power and command.

"Drop your weapons, men. We're here to talk," Commander Briggs declared, his voice cutting through the tension like a sharp blade.

The soldiers, their fingers still curled around their firearms, hesitated for a moment before gradually lowering their weapons. Yet, the lingering vigilance in their grip betrayed their readiness to spring back into action at any given moment.

Commander Briggs moved closer, his presence radiating both sternness and a glimmer of diplomacy. His eyes, sharp and discerning, scanned the scene before him, analyzing the players in this high-stakes drama. He approached Hiro and the girls, their collective gaze locked on him with a mix of curiosity and guarded anticipation.

"Shall we sit?" Commander Briggs proposed, his voice carrying an air of restraint and measured diplomacy. Closing the remaining distance between them, he extended an unspoken invitation for a discussion that could sway the course of their lives.

Hiro's response was measured, his voice a calm reflection of his calculated composure. "Sure."

In a swift motion, Commander Briggs gestured to his men, who sprang into action. They carried over chairs, their heavy boots thudding against the ground as they moved placing the chairs around a table,

On the elegant table sat a tray of pastries, a symphony of colors and textures. The warm, inviting aroma of fresh-baked goods wafted through the air.

As Hiro lowered himself into the plush seat, his gaze traversed the table until it met the irresistible spectacle before him. A spark ignited within his eyes, twinkling like distant stars in the night sky.

"They actually do have space donuts," Hiro exclaimed, his voice tinged with both surprise and delight. He turned towards Tisha and Suki, his lips curling into a mischievous smile that mirrored the twinkle in his eyes.

But then, with a sudden shift in demeanor, Hiro turned back to the man sitting across from him. His expression became serious, his eyes piercing with intensity.

"You wanted to talk," he said, his voice low and measured, conveying a sense of authority and control. The gravity of the situation was palpable, and everyone in the room felt it.

"Yeah. I'll go straight to the point," the man said, his voice stern and unyielding. Hiro braced himself for the worst. "You are free to leave," the man continued, pausing for effect. "But that'll be without the AI chip, of course." The weight of those words settled over the room like a thick fog, suffocating all hope.

His words hung in the air, charged with an air of finality. The room fell into a momentary silence, each second stretching like a taut wire, awaiting a response. Hiro's gaze remained fixed on Commander Briggs, his eyes unwavering, holding an unspoken challenge.

A spark of realization flickered in Hiro's mind, slowly illuminating his face with a radiant smile. It began as a mere twitch at the corners of his lips, then spread like a wildfire, transforming into an irrepressible grin.

Laughter bubbled up from deep within him, escaping his lips in a burst of unrestrained mirth. The unexpectedness of his reaction caught Commander Briggs off guard, leaving him bewildered, his brow furrowing in confusion.

The sound of Hiro's laughter reverberated through the room, filling every corner with its contagious energy. It was a laughter that carried a hint of defiance, a release of tension built up over time.

As the echoes of his amusement slowly faded, Hiro raised a hand in a gesture of apology, attempting to stifle the remnants of his laughter.

"My apologies," Hiro managed to utter amidst lingering chuckles. "But I don't believe you possess the authority to issue such demands, Officer..." His voice trailed off, uncertainty lingering for a moment.

"Commander Briggs," the commander interjected, offering the missing piece to Hiro's sentence.

Hiro's eyes widened in mock surprise, an expression that danced with feigned innocence. "Oh, Commander," he drawled, savoring the taste of irony that dripped from his words.

Commander Briggs exuded a controlled composure, his face a mask of stoicism, though beneath the surface, a flicker of irritation simmered. His years of experience in negotiations dictated that maintaining a calm demeanor was paramount, regardless of the provocation.

Leaning slightly forward, Commander Briggs rested his weight on the sturdy table, his posture exuding an air of authority. "We have the entire facility surrounded," he stated, his voice carrying a firm resolve. "Our forces are more than sufficient to cover every inch of this planet."

The weight of his words hung in the air, underscoring the gravity of the situation. "My primary objective is to secure the AI chip and ensure the safety of the workers. Your involvement is unnecessary."

Hiro's eyebrows arched in a mix of skepticism and amusement. His voice carried a hint of challenge as he retorted, "So, you want them to have their cake and eat it too?"

The question hung in the air, dripping with a blend of sarcasm and disdain. "If that's the case, Commander, it might be wise to start making reservations in the grave on their behalf."

Commander Briggs began to utter a response, his words hesitant, but Hiro swiftly cut him off, seizing the upper hand before the commander could finish his sentence.

"Here's the deal," Hiro interjected with a confidence that bordered on audacity. "My crew and I will walk out of this facility with the AI chip in our possession. Only then will you have a chance to save the workers."

A self-satisfied grin played upon Hiro's lips as he delivered his proposition, his words laden with a subtle sense of triumph. "Unless, of course, you prefer to collect their remains in scattered fragments," he added, relishing the effect his words had on the room.

"Your audacity knows no bounds," Commander Briggs replied, his voice laced with a tinge of provocation. "I came here to offer you a win-win."

"I thought we were here to negotiate," Hiro asked, feigning surprise at the commander's last response.

Commander Briggs bristled, his jaw clenching in frustration. "I don't negotiate with terrorists," he spat out, his tone laced with contempt.

Hiro's eyes narrowed at the provocative statement, his hand instinctively moving towards the gun holstered at his side.

"What do you mean?" Hiro asked, his voice laced with controlled anger. His raised eyebrow spoke volumes, silently questioning the commander's intentions.

Commander Briggs, however, seemed content to maintain his infuriating demeanor. His voice held a condescending edge, as if he were speaking to a child who was too stupid to understand.

"You know what I mean," he replied, his tone dripping with annoyance, mirroring Hiro's growing frustration.

Hiro's patience snapped like a twig. He had enough of this. His hand instinctively went to his laser gun, feeling the smooth metal against his skin. The weight of the weapon offered a familiar comfort as his grip tightened around it, channeling his determination.

"Now let me show you how a terrorist negotiates," Hiro said, his voice carrying a lethal promise. His words hung in the air, charged with an electric intensity that crackled with anticipation.

Without warning, a sudden and piercing ring reverberated through the room as Hiro applied pressure on the trigger of his laser gun.

The beam erupted from the weapon in the twinkling of an eye, slicing through the air with a searing intensity. It left behind a trail of shimmering green as it found its mark, piercing through Commander Briggs' skull with devastating precision.

Time seemed to slow as the beam tore through flesh and bone, leaving in its wake a smoking hole and a horrified expression etched on the commander's face.

The room went into shock as Commander Briggs fell forward, his body propelled by the force of his sudden demise. With a heavy thud, his head collided with the table, the impact resonating through the room like a mournful final note.

Silence enveloped the space, broken only by the collective gasps of the soldiers, followed by the cocking of guns. The air hung heavy with a mix of terror, disbelief, and a newfound awareness of the peril they now faced.

Hiro stood calmly amidst the turmoil, his eyes scanning the crowd. "Who is the next officer in charge?" he demanded, his voice cold and authoritative.

The room erupted into chaos as people shouted and scrambled to get away. One officer stepped forward hesitantly, his voice trembling. "I am, sir," he said.

Hiro nodded, his laser gun still trained on the fallen commander. "Good," he said. "Now, let's get down to business."