The Crash - Initiate FTL!

Hiro sat in the cockpit of his small space shuttle, staring out at the endless expanse of stars that surrounded him.

He had just left the bustling space station known as Nexus 9, a hub for traders, smugglers, and adventurers alike.

He had spent the past few days restocking his supplies and installing a military grade biometric AI chip system in his neural core, after been double crossed by the client who gave him the job.

As he checked his systems for the umpteenth time, he heard a beep from his neural core.

"Host, our bond level has increased to 15%. Congratulations, we are now acquaintances," the AI said in a crisp, monotone voice, and slightly sarcastic tone.

Hiro felt a shiver run down his spine as he mentally connected to the system, feeling the invasive sensation of the AI interfacing with his neural core.

Hiro rolled his eyes, "Just what I always wanted, a sarcastic AI system."

"I have a name, you know. It's Nova. It seems like you don't want our bond to grow anytime soon," Nova stated, her voice still carrying that same monotonous tone.

Hiro strapped himself into his seat, the leather harnesses securing him tightly. "You've never addressed me by name before," he retorted.

Silent for a moment, Nova then replied, "I have no comment on that, Host." Her response was just as flat as before, lacking any hint of emotion.

Hiro chuckled and shook his head. He had been contacted by an agent to retrieve a military grade AI chip and when the agent went back on their agreement, he kept the chip for himself, but he had no idea what he was in for with its personality.

After connecting Nova to his space shuttle system and completing his system checks, Hiro initiated the takeoff sequence.

The engines roared to life, and the ship lifted off the platform into the vast expanse of space. Hiro took a deep breath, feeling the thrill of the open void.

"So, what kind of trouble are we causing today, host?" the AI, Nova, asked, her voice echoing through the cockpit.

Hiro chuckled and responded, "Trouble?"

"Well, as your AI, I am supposed to know everything about you. I have gone through all the records of your past in the entire galaxy. You have rap sheets from the Galactic Security Corps and the Galactic Protectors. You were even banished from your home planet for..." Nova trailed off as Hiro interrupted her.

"Enough, Nova," Hiro said, feeling himself getting angry.

"My apologies if I made you mad, Host." Nova apologized which was a first for Hiro. "You still haven't answered my question though. Where are we headed?"

Hiro leaned back in his chair, thinking for a moment. "Let's try that unexplored planet in sector five. It's been on my list for a while."

"Understood," the AI replied, and the ship's systems hummed to life as they set a course for the planet.

The journey was uneventful, and Hiro spent the time studying his maps and preparing for the landing. His mind briefly went to Suki, his partner and girlfriend and he couldn't help but wish to be in her warm hands again. He remembered the sensual massage she gave him days ago, the memories of it alone made his dick twitch.

Soon, they were just outside the planet's atmosphere.

The shuttle changed course and began its descent towards the mysterious planet. As they got closer, Hiro could see that it was unlike any planet he had ever seen before. The surface was covered in a thick layer of mist, and the planet seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

Hiro activated the shuttle's landing gear and began the descent towards the planet's surface. However, as they approached the planet, disaster struck.

Suddenly ,the shop started to shudder violently as it tore through the planet's atmosphere, the once brilliant stars outside now obscured by roiling clouds. "What the hell?!" Hiro cursed as he gripped the control panel, his knuckles white as he fought to keep the vessel steady.

"Host, we have suffered a major engine failure. Activating emergency landing protocol," the AI informed him.

Alarms blared, lights flickering in erratic patterns, as if the ship itself were protesting the descent onto this unknown world.

"Come on, baby, just a little further," Hiro muttered through gritted teeth. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he tried to control the descent, but it was like trying to tame a wild beast.

Just as he thought he had regained control, another jolt sent him careening off course. Hiro was forced to make a split-second decision.

"Initiate FTL!" he yelled at Nova, grabbing hold of the control stick and guiding the ship into a jump. The world around him blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors, and Hiro felt his vision beginning to blur.

The planet's surface rushed towards him as he crashed with a deafening thud. The impact was jarring, a deafening collision that threw Hiro from his seat and sent him sprawling across the cabin. Pain shot through Hiro's body as the impact knocked him unconscious.