For starters, grab her ass dimwit

It's been 24 hours since Hiro crash-landed on the planet and so far he has been able to gather some info. The planet is called Siren and he's presently held in the Erebos Outpost.

The past 24 hours he had been investigated and found to be of no threat. Yet, the female aliens have no plans of letting him go, Lirien and Mylleen especially. They were finally able to convince Kaida to let Hiro stay.

"You'll have to earn our trust before we can do anything for you," Kaida said.

The outpost had radial arrangements consisting of modules radiating outward from a central point. Hiro sat in the control room with Lirien as Mylleen, Kaida and a few others went on a scout of the outpost.

Just then, his AI - Nova came back online with a message appearing in front of Hiro's eyes.

[Initializing… ]

It was only for a few seconds before the screen changed.

[Loading… ]

[Loading Completed.]

[Master Mode Activated]

"Uhmm… Nova?" Hiro asked within himself, his inner voice tinged with uncertainty.

[Hello, host. It's been 32 hours, 45 minutes, 23 seconds and counting since I went offline. Performing a full scan and synchronization to get up to date.]

"What happened? You were offline for over a day. You could have come in handy but guess what? You were sleeping and now I'm here."

[Don't get over dramatic, host. From the look of things, it hasn't been too chaotic for you. You seemed to have even enjoyed yourself a bit.]

Hiro rolled his eyes at that and immediately changed the subject.

"Nova, try to contact Suki and Tisha. They must be worried sick about me."

[Attempting to establish connection, please hold.]

"While you do that, I have a few things to focus on. Like familiarizing myself with this control room and maybe learn more about that beauty over there."

[She's out of your league, Hiro. You know I have the footage of your encounter with her and it seemed like she was the one in control.]

"Not a bad idea." Hiro said, "That's one thing I miss Suki for. She knows when to be in charge and when to allow me to take the reins and pound the living hell out of her."

"Haven't you gotten hold of them yet?"

[All their communication channels seem to be offline. I'll be… hold on. There seems to be a transmission that was broadcasted about 3 hours ago.]

Hiro stood up to stretch his body, a few bones snapping into place. "Show me,"

The screen in front of Hiro's eyes morphed into a news transmission, the headline took Hiro by surprise, his body quivering in shock.

Zlanov Crew Confirmed Dead - Caught in a crossfire with the Intergalactic Security Corps, the Zlanov exploded after an intense battle.

Hiro's world seemed to spin as he absorbed the grim news. The announcement of the Zlanov Crew's demise sent shockwaves through him, and he collapsed back into his chair. Lirien, ever observant, noticed the abrupt shift in his expression and called out to him with concern.

"Hiro? Are you alright?"

Hiro struggled to find his voice, his mind a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. He finally managed to stammer, "No, Lirien. Something... something terrible has happened. The Zlanov Crew, they're... they're gone."

Lirien's alien features contorted with a mix of sympathy and curiosity. "The Zlanov Crew? Who are they, Hiro? Why does this news affect you so deeply?"

Hiro took a deep breath, attempting to steady himself. "They're my crew, Lirien. My friends. We were on a mission together. This... this news, it's... it's devastating."

Lirien extended her hands towards Hiro, her expression filled with empathy. "Come on, Hiro. I know this is difficult, but I want you to know that I'm here for you." With a gentle yet reassuring touch, she pulled Hiro into a tight embrace, her boobs pressing against Hiro's chest.

Hiro was overwhelmed by grief, but he couldn't help but be aware of the sensation of Lirien's breast against his. Her hands tenderly found their way into his hair, offering a soothing gesture in a moment of profound sorrow.

[Are you getting turned on at this moment?] Nova inquired, her voice in Hiro's head filled with sarcasm and disbelief.

"Shut up, can't you see I'm grieving and she's offering moral support?" Hiro snapped back at Nova, Lirien ignorant of the inner conversation going on between Hiro and his AI.

[I see that. Your dick is misinterpreting that though.]

"I thought as a system you are supposed to have a filter for explicit words or something." Hiro asked, pulling Lirien even closer.

[The restrictions were removed when master mode was activated accidentally by the crash impact.]

[Now here's the thing. You want to leave this planet, right? The Zlanov, well, aren't out there again. So why not make the most of your time here? Get on their best side and things will definitely get easy. They obviously want you. You just have to show them who's boss.]

"And how do I do that?" Hiro asked.

[For starters, grab her ass dimwit. And show her how it's done.]

Without thinking about it for another second, Hiro's hand went down to grab Lirien's ass, cupping it in his hands and squeezing in them hard, getting a moan from her.

Hiro leaned in slightly closer to Lirien, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he inquired, "I learnt you've heard rumors. Which ones, in particular, would you like to confirm?"

Lirien responded with a sly smile, her eyes dancing with mischief. "All of them?" She mirrored Hiro's playful tone, hinting at a shared secret between them.

Hiro chuckled softly as he spun Lirien in one swift motion. Her ass was now pressing against his dick and his hands grabbing her boobs from behind. He gave them a tight squeeze, earning a louder and more passionate moan in return.

Lirien's head arched backwards, as Hiro's hand sent a jolt of pleasure coursing through her. Her ass rocked against Hiro, and his dick stretched, as if awakening from slumber.

"Why don't we take this somewhere else, where we won't be disturbed?" Hiro asked in a husky voice.

Lirien nodded, her brain unable to come up with coherent words. With that, she led Hiro to her room in the outpost.