Is that caring I see in her?

Back at the outpost, the atmosphere was a mix of relief and exhaustion. The rescued captives were settling into a makeshift living area, still processing their newfound freedom.

Hiro, with the guidance of Lirien had managed to secure a few blankets and some rations for them, but it was clear that they needed rest and care.

Kaida watched as Lirien took charge of tending to Mylleen and the others. Lirien had a gentle touch and a reassuring presence that put the rescued captives at ease. She couldn't help but admire her friend's compassion and strength.

"Make sure they get something to eat and a chance to rest," Kaida instructed Lirien softly, not wanting to disturb the fragile peace that had settled over the group.

Lirien nodded and whispered words of comfort to Mylleen before turning her attention to the others. Kaida knew that Lirien would do everything in her power to help them recover from their ordeal.

Alone in the corner of the room, Hiro was reviewing the data Nova had collected during their mission. The holographic screen displayed directly in his eyes, filled with information and data. It was clear that he was deep in thought, analyzing every detail for potential leads on the organization that had held Mylleen captive.

Kaida approached Hiro, her footsteps silent on the cold metallic floor.

"Hiro," she said, her voice calm but firm.

Hiro looked up, adjusting his focus from the holographic screen to the alluring figure before him.

She was pretty, he won't deny it. She was a Tauron, a humanoid species with a distinctive gem on their forehead. She was tall and slender, with long, flowing hair the color of midnight. Her skin was a deep bronze, and her eyes were a piercing green. She was dressed in a skin-tight black leather outfit that accentuated her curves.

"Kaida," he replied, acknowledging her presence.

"We need to talk… Like right now!" She said in a tight voice.

[Ohhhh…] Nova drooled. [Seems someone is in some kind of big trouble] Nova taunted in her usual sarcastic tone.

"Shut up, Nova" Hiro shot back in his mind.


"Meet me in the control room in 10 minutes," She turned to walk away, her hips swaying seductively.

Hiro stared at her backside as she walked away. "I'm sure those ass would make a nice pillow," he said within himself.

[Keep dreaming. You are going to have to do more work to get there.]

"Well, let's go see what she wants then I'll go check up on Mylleen."

[Do you thing, host]

Hiro headed for the control room and saw Kaida staring at the monitors in the room. He cleared his throat as soon as he entered, causing Kaida to turn around.

She took a deep breath before speaking. "I need to know what's going on, Hiro. You headed for that base to save Mylleen, and you didn't think it wise to let us know before going? Like how did you even know where she was held?" She asked, her hand running through her dark hair. She placed the other hand in her hips.

Hiro's sigh carried the weight of the secrets he had kept. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, a gesture of frustration and exhaustion. "I didn't plan for you to be there, Kaida. This was supposed to be a solo mission."

Kaida's raised eyebrow was a testament to her curiosity and concern. "A solo mission to rescue Mylleen? Why didn't you tell me? What if something had gone wrong? What if the rescuer needed rescuing?"

Hiro contemplated her words, knowing she had a point. In the back of his mind, Nova couldn't help but interject with a bit of teasing commentary. [Is that caring I see in her? She's got a point though.]

Hiro mentally shushed Nova. "I have to choose my words carefully."

Nova persisted, [She cares about you. She just does not know about it yet or doesn't want you finding out yet.]

Hiro met Kaida's gaze squarely. "I didn't want to put you or Lirien in danger. Mylleen had already been captured, and I couldn't risk anyone else getting hurt."

Kaida's eyes softened with understanding. "Hiro…" She began before exhaling a heavy sigh. "Please let us know about anything. If we're going to be a team, we should at least try to trust each other."

Hiro was taken aback by her use of the word 'team.'

'Team or what did I just hear her say?'

[Don't ask me, ask her. She's standing right in front of you.]

He asked, clearly surprised, "Team?"

Kaida nodded firmly. "Yeah, you heard right. Lirien told me about your crew, and I saw you prove yourself on the field today. So we got talking on our way. You don't have to say yes, but if you want, you can be a part of us, at least until you can leave the planet."

Hiro couldn't help but stall for a moment. He had his answer already but wanted to savor the suspense. He played along, asking, "Uhmmm… .can I think about this?"

Nova couldn't resist poking fun, [You want to think about it? We both know you have an answer already.] She snickered at Hiro's theatricality.

Hiro chuckled inwardly. "Of course, I have my answer already, but I don't want to jump up and say yes like I was expecting it. I need to create some suspense, build anticipation."

Nova teased, [You're such a drama queen.]

Kaida gave a knowing smile and said, "Sure, take your time. That will be all. Go grab some rest."

Hiro nodded appreciatively. "You too, Kaida."

She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "If you need someone to show you around, I'm always here."

Hiro's smile grew warmer, and he felt the tension in his shoulders ease. "Thank you, Kaida. I appreciate that."

With a sense of contentment, Hiro exited the control room, a subtle smile dancing upon his lips.

Nova's voice echoed in his mind. [That went well.]

"I know," Hiro responded with a smirk, his footsteps carrying him towards Mylleen's room.