Dripping with fluid of lust [R-18]

"So are you ready for the main dish on the menu?" Hiro asked, pulling his fingers away from her mouth.

Mylleen simply nodded.

"Good, let's get this outta the way then." He said as he tore her wet panties from her body to reveal her wet pussy, her juice glistening on her trimmed pubic hair.

Hiro brushed his fingers along her tightly closed slit, the gooey juice that oozed out from her pussy dripped on his hands and he tasted it. It had a fruity taste, slightly sweet, slightly sour.

"Have you done this before?" Hiro asked as he lifted Mylleen up and turned her around, placing her on all fours and pointing her naked soft ass towards him.

"No, Hiro," Mylleen replied with shaky breath, her body shivering in anticipation. She wanted to know how it would feel with Hiro inside her. Her insides were screaming for his sausage to fill her hole.

Hiro bent down and ran his tongue along her pussy up to her asshole. Mylleen responded accordingly with a moan of pleasure.

"Stop… stop teasing me, Hiro. Just stick it in already." Mylleen begged Hiro, whose hand began to tease her soft ass. Hiro was satisfied by the erotic look, the slutty look on Mylleen's face as she begged for his cock.

"You asked for it," Hiro replied as he took hold of his 9 inches dick, rubbing the tip on her pussy entrance.

'Or should I tease her further? Since this is her first, will she be able to handle the monster?' Hiro thought for a while before pushing the thought to the back of his mind.

He crossed three of his fingers together, the resulting almost as large as most average sized cocks. He placed his left hand on Mylleen's plump ass ready to enter her.

Slowly, his fingers started pressing into her tight hole, gradually going in inch by inch. Mylleen closed her eyes, held her breath as she felt the intrusion. She grabbed the bed sheets as she believed Hiro was pushing his cock into her.

"Yess… that's it Hiro, Deeper… " Mylleen moaned as she lifted her ass to allow Hiro's cock (his fingers, but she doesn't know that) stroke gently across her slimy flesh tunnel.

Waves of pleasure jolted through her body as Hiro explored places in her she never could have imagined.

She moaned softly as she felt the warmth spread through her entire body. The heat spreading through her core, causing her to tremble in pleasure, unable to contain any further.

"Hmmmm… hmmmm."

This feels so good, Mylleen thought as Hiro's finger kept stroking her back and forth.

Gradually, Mylleen began to thrust her hips against his fingers, grinding against his hand, her pussy juice started dripping from her slit, lubricating him as he pumped into her faster and harder.

She tightened her thigh around his fingers, wanting to keep them in, wanting him to continue banging her. She moaned loudly as Hiro's hand rubbed her hard sensitive clitoris with his thumb, drawing out a series of incoherent words from her.

His thumb kept rubbing on her clitoris as his other fingers pounded her. Mylleen gasped as the sensation overwhelmed her senses, sending her into a fit of ecstasy as she reached orgasm. Her body shook, her neck arched backwards. She bit on her lower lips as she tried to keep her voice down.

"Ohhhhhhh… yessss… .!!!"

She came, her whole body shaking as she experienced her first orgasm ever. It was like she was floating in nothing, her mind lost in some blissful oblivion. Even at that, Hiro didn't stop. He kept pounding her insides, driving her insane with desire.

Suddenly, he stopped and pulled out his fingers. He licked them clean, tasting her warm juice in his mouth.

Mylleen panted, taking in deep breaths trying to regain her composure.

"We aren't done yet. Infact we're just getting started." Hiro said with a grin on his face as he plunged his three fingers into her in one swift motion, filling her up all at once

"Ooooohhhhhhh… " Mylleen gasped, panting heavily. A teardrop fell from the side of her eyes as she shut her eyes close, as Hiro's finger continued stroking her tender pussy in a fast rhythm that drove her crazy.

"Come on, my dear… fuck me back." Hiro ordered

Mylleen obeyed instantly, pushing her ass backwards, thrusting her pussy into his hands to meet with his rhythm. Hiro could feel his fingers stretching her inner walls, bringing out a series of moans and gasps from her.

Her breasts bounced as she moved against his fingers, her nipples standing erect. Her pussy was dripping with fluid of lust, her breathing coming in heavier.

Hiro grabbed her ass with his free hand and squeezed them before slapping it hard. Hard enough for it to sting, sending shockwaves through her body followed by a sharp gasp.

More waves of pleasure washed over her, making her arch her back, screaming louder as Hiro smacked her ass once more. It was painful, but she found herself enjoying it. The stinging sent a sensation up her body.

It was like pain, mixed with pleasure and it brought about a whole new rush of arousal. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out of it. Her body shivering as her insides clenched tighter around his fingers.

Hiro kept pumping her in and Mylleen grinded against his fingers, meeting his thrust halfway. Her breaths came out ragged, her shoulder quivered as she felt herself approaching orgasm again.

"Mmmm… .oh yesss… .yess… ahhhhhhhh… ."

Mylleen screamed in joyous delight as a sense of euphoria washed over her. Hiro pulled away and she collapsed on the bed, curling up like a newborn baby. She grabbed the bed sheets as she reached orgasm again.

So this was how it felt. So this is pleasure, she thought within herself as she allowed the sensation wash over her.

Hiro watched as she wriggled on the bed. Then she stopped, her contorted face relaxed as she began taking in deep breaths. Hiro bent down a bit to look at her.

"Mylleen?" He called, touching her softly but no response. "Mylleen," he called again.

"Seriously? Did she just fall asleep?" Hiro asked no one in particular, swinging his hands up in frustration.

"So who's going to take care of this?" He asked, looking down at his still-hard cock pulsating with pleasure.