"Make me yours, master." [R-18]

"Sure… but why don't we allow Kaida to try out also?" Hiro asked, making Lirien climb off his legs. 

"I can?" Kaida asked shyly, the heat rising to her face.

"Of course, now get over here." Hiro said, getting up from the bed.

He placed Kaida on all fours, her soft ass looking up to him. Lirien slid over to the top of the bed so she could watch .

Hiro placed his dick in Kaida's entrance, teasing her by rubbing his tip up and down her pussy fold.

Kaida was turned on already and she moaned softly as Hiro's tip played at her entrance.

"Get ready, Kaida. He's quite huge, but don't worry… you'll love it." Lirien said with a mischievous smile on her face.

Slowly, Hiro pushed the tip of his dick into her tight pussy, making Kaida gasp in shock. She took in quick deep breaths as she felt Hiro penetrate her from behind.