If only they knew...

Hiro stirred in his sleep, the residual warmth of a dream still clinging to him. He stretched out his arm, expecting to feel the comforting presence of Kaida and Zara beside him, but his hand met empty sheets.

His eyes fluttered open, greeted by the soft ambient lighting of his room on the Sirien outpost. He stretched his limbs, the memories of the previous night gradually flooding back.

Confusion turned to concern as he scanned the room, his heart racing to pierce things together. The room, adorned with a mix of futuristic and rustic decorations, seemed untouched.

"Nova," Hiro called out, his voice laced with worry.

His AI companion, Nova, activated with a soft hum, his head's up display lit up in his eyes. Nova's soothing, feminine voice filled the room.

"[Good morning, Hiro,]" she chimed, her voice calm and composed.

"Morning, Nova," Hiro replied, his voice tinged with worry. "Where are Kaida and Zara? They should be here."