Busted... (Part 1): We should have killed him...

Hiro's face tightened as soon as he recognized the person displayed on his screen. "Finn... What is he doing on the list?"

Nova's response carried a hint of gravity. "[His position of appointment was changed from the Hyperion Research Facility to this operation as an expert; something about surviving a one-on-one with you and knowing how best to bring you down.]"

Hiro stared at the screen, taking in the image of 2nd Lieutenant Finn, a face he had never expected to see again in any circumstances.

"That bastard. Last I remember, I drilled a hole in his leg. He should know better than to mess with me."

Nova's response came through the neural link, her tone laced with curiosity. "[How did you two meet, if I may ask?]"

Hiro sighed, not in the mood for reminiscing about old grudges. "I'll tell you later, Nova. For now, we need to prepare to leave this place."

Nova persisted, teasingly pleading, "[Pleeeaaasssseee... Just tell me, and I'll be quiet.]"