Remember I was your first, Master...

The space shuttle's hatch had barely sealed shut when Hiro dragged Finn inside. With a sense of finality, he uttered, "Sorry, mate, but I think it's time you go to sleep."

In one swift motion, Hiro landed a perfect punch on Finn's face, rendering him completely unconscious.

As Hiro moved away from Finn's slumped form, Nova's voice chimed in with her trademark sarcasm. "[Was that totally necessary?]"

Hiro, now in the pilot's seat, couldn't help but smile slightly. "Maybe a little. I just don't want him interrupting my peace."

Nova, always ready with a retort, couldn't resist her next comment. "[Have you ever heard of this saying, Hiro?]"

"What saying?" Hiro inquired, reaching the cockpit.

As Hiro settled into the pilot's seat, he scanned the dashboard of the space shuttle. The cockpit was bathed in the soft glow of the control panel.