Where are you, Hiro?

"No one knows his real name, but he goes by the Emperor. He owns the AI chip, and if you want to find him, Dhalad is the one to take you to him."

Hiro's eyes narrowed as he considered the revelation, his mind racing with possibilities. He leaned forward, a dangerous gleam in his gaze. "Hmmm… I see. So how do I meet this Dhalad guy? And how am I sure you aren't just spitting nonsense to buy yourself a bit of time?"

Before Finn could respond, Hiro abruptly turned his attention to Nova. "You know what, Nova? Activate Psionic Domination."

[Psionic Domination activated]

Hiro's gaze locked onto Finn's, and suddenly, Finn froze. His eyes widened in shock, his mouth slightly ajar as Hiro brutally invaded his mind. Beads of sweat formed on Finn's forehead as he struggled against the mental intrusion.